very twisted version of the untamed

Plot: Yeonie died 16 years ago. Mimi and Yeonie are dating, but Kun has a crush on Mimi.

WARNING ;; This is not meant to be taken seriously. Literally we were just having fun. There are slightly mentioned spoilers but it's literally about stuff in the first episode so you're fine.

Song to play while reading this: Wu Ji (The Untamed OST) by Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan


"Yeoner, come back. Look at my beautiful present. It's the most beautiful thing ever," Mimi sighs.

"She's not coming back," Kun says. She looks at her friend with sad eyes. "I think it's time to accept her death. Mimi, it's been 16 years," Kun states.

"Just like Hanguang Jun, I have searched for her for 13 of those years. Not because she's my soulmate, but because she's our babie."

"Mimi, it hurts me to see you go through such grief. Mimi, open your eyes," Kun pleads. Mimi shakes her head.

"We gotta search for her, she can't be dead," Mimi retorted.

"She wouldn't want you to grieve," Kun says.

"B-but. No she's not dead," Mimi stutters.

"Mimi, you killed her," Kun says looking Mini straight in her eyes.

"No, I don't believe that. I didn't," Mimi says in disbelief. Why would her best friend accuse her of something so cruel? She would never kill the love of her life.

"Mimi it's time to accept the fact that she's gone," Kun insists.

"Never!" Mimi shouts.

"MIMI," Kun raises her voice.

"I didn't kill her." Mimi is close to tears at this point. Why is Kun being like this?

Kun snapped, "I'm putting my foot down."

"No," Mimi starts to cry. "We haven't even found her body. She must be out there. It's been 16 years."

"You ate her," Kun says sternly.

"What? No, I'm not a cannibal," Mimi defends herself.

"Mimi, I'm so sorry," Kun apologizes.

"Did you kill her?" Mimi asks.

"Mimi you're in denial," Kun says trying to reason with her.

"Who is right? Who is wrong? What is white? What is black?" Mimi asks raising her voice with each word.

"Mimi, calm DOWN," Kun yells back. "Deep breaths, PLEASE."



"Even if I have to wait another 16 years, I'll wait," Mimi admits.

"Mimi..." Kun starts, "I ate her."

"YOU DIDN'T. HOW DARE YOU?!" screams Mimi.

"Mimi, it was an accident," Kun says trying to reason with her.

"There are no accidents. How do you 'accidentally' kill someone?" Mimi grits out.

"I wasn't myself that day," Kun whispers.

"You're lying. You're a MONSTER," Mimi yells balling her up hands. "I can't believe you've done this."

"I'm no monster," Kun gasps.

"You ate her! Our babie. How could you do this?" Mimi says gripping Kun's collar.

"I know, and I can never forgive myself. But it was for the better good. These... demons were after us. It was the only way," Kun struggles against Mimi's grip.

"What do you mean 'better good'," Mimi demanded.

"We both mutually agreed that it'd be best," Kun confesses looking at the ground.

"WE COULD'VE FACED THE DEMONS TOGETHER," Mimi yells before throwing the elder on the floor. "Why, why, why," she mumbles.

"I didn't want to, Mimi. Please trust me. She... she told me not to tell you." Kun gets up.

"And you tell me this now? After sixteen years. For SIXTEEN YEARS you LIED to me."

"But the guilt has been eating at me and-" she gets cut off.


"That was half of the truth."

"What do you mean HALF OF THE TRUTH. You killed Yeonie!"

"Mimi let me explain"

"No, I don't need your explanation. I think you've said enough."


"What?" Mimi glares.

"I'm... I'm sorry, I know you'll never forgive me, but just know I'm sorry," Kun apologizes.

"Tsk, you're only sorry because you're guilty."

"I never meant to hurt you like this."

"But you did. You even lied to me for 16 years. I thought we could find her body and bring her back, but you ATE HER!"

"And sixteen years I was living with the guilt! I can't look at you right now. Leave. LEAVE! Leave me alone I'm done."

"HOW DARE YOU TELL ME TO LEAVE! YOU LEAVE. I can't stand you anymore,"

"The feelings mutual," Kun rolls her eyes.

Β  Β Β  Kun starts to walk away before Mimi takes her sword and stabs herself. "Mimi, no!" Kun shouts. But it's too late.


So um yeah that's that. Basically so Kun, Yeonie and I (Mimi) were talking one night but Yeonie left. To try and get her to come back I sent a beautiful edit (that she hates) and well.. it turned into this. Kun and I started... roleplaying? I really don't know what to call this. But we turned it into a mini imagine. If you can't tell we're addicted to The Untamed so it turned into pure crackhead energy. If someone has finished the series (like me, sigh Yeonie and Kun better hurry up) and noticed the reference to that heart breaking scene (plus a vine reference lol) then please become my best friend.
