JFT's as haikyuu characters

i love haikyuu ok, so i (rin) made this uhuh

tanaka and nishinoya- that duo is most definitely jng and katie πŸ˜”πŸ™πŸ½

they both radiate the same energy and i can see it with my two eyes

oikawa would be mE because i'm childish and no one likes me but i'm not flat ok πŸ˜”


shinji watari iS mimi. both gentle and supportive of their team/friend group,, but i also feel like she'd be kuroo too,, very playful and teasing her peers

honestly this is hard because they all radiate nishinoya and tanaka wtf

most of the characters are serious and like πŸ˜” we are not that

yUNIE ISΒ  KAMASAKI,, can see that no one can tell me otherwise

woo would be koganegawa

honestly don't even remember who he is i'm looking at wiki for all the characters of haikyuu

miso is yaku don't @ me

and yeonie is last,, sorry yeonie

anyways she's like um,, she's asahi and hinata

hinata because i can just see it

asahi bc why not

the end,, i love haikyuu bye
