Chapter 86


"leTs GOOO!" I yelled.
"We'll be back." I say, grabbing Lexies hand.
"We definitely can't forget this." I say, grabbing the camera.
"BAI!" I yelled.
We run to the car, and Lexie sets up the camera.
"halo.." I say.
"HALO!" Lexie yelled.
"Welcome back..ToOoOo Lexie and Jadens.."
"DAY!" I yelled.
"You guys said you missed Jexie vlogs." She said.
"Yes mam." I say.
"Okay we're going too.."
"Target." She says.
"Target, for the kids..because we're going to ha wi wi tomorrow." I say.


"We HeRe!" I yelled.
I grab the camera, and Lexies hand.
Lexie walks in front of me.
"Beautiful girl." I say.
"Shut up."
"No!" I laugh.
"NO!" She yelled.
"Please..." I say.
"No Jaden." She says, grabbing a cart.
I frown.
"come on." She says.
I run up to her.
"Doesn't Jessica need one?" She asked, running her hand threw her hair.
"I think so, we should ask her." I say, pulling out my phone.
I dial her number, and quickly answered.
"Hello..?" She says.
"Hi, what kind of bathing suit do you want?" I ask.
"Something blue." She says.
"K thank you, bye..I love you."
"Love you too.."

"K bye."
I hung up.
"She wants blue." I say.
"Aww..Luna can get a two piece."
"A HUH?!" I yelled.
"Aw hell naw." I say.
Lexie holds up and pink one.
"No m'am, my daughters not wearing that." I say.
She puts it in the cart.
"Uhm excuse me, I'm not paying for that." I say.
"I know, I am." She says.
I groan.
"She's 3 months old!" I yelled.
"She's growing up!"
I roll my eyes.
"She's just like you." I say.
She smiles.
"What about this one for Jessica?" She asked, holding up and blue two piece.
"How old is she again?" I ask.
"15." She says.
"Oh okay just checking.."
"So..she can wear a two piece." She says.
"Okay but like..Charli isn't my daughter." I say.
She laughed, and put it in the cart.
"Wow, you really gonna do me like that."
She smirked.
"I'm the mother."
"I'm the father.." I whine.
She smiled.
"Come on." She says.
We start to walk around more.
"One for Luke..Lily..Juliana..and Cameron." she says, grabbing them all and putting them in the cart.
"BAM!" I yelled.
"And now for Ziah.."
I scoff.
"She's picky as hell." I say.
"She's probably gonna want white.." she says, grabbing one.
"Yes mam." I say with a smile.
We start walking around more.
"What?" She said.
I gulp.
"No I'm talking about you sorry." I say, running my hand threw my hair.
"Jaden..shut up." She says.
"MAKE ME!" I yelled.
She smiled.
"Okay, were done." She says.
"What about you?" I ask.
"What about me?"
"You don't want anything?" I ask.
She shakes her head.
"Not even a mini brand.."
she stops walking.
"No." She says.
My eyes widened.
"This girl just said she doesn't want a mini brand.."ย  I say to the camera.
"Okay..then." I say.


We quickly got back home, and I carried all the bags inside like a good boy. Tehe.
We all inside, everybody was in the always.
"LUNA!" I yelled.
She laughed historically.
I put the bags down.
"Say hi to dada." Griffin said.
She reached for me.
"Hi.." I say.
"Please say dada." I say.
"She's already said mama." Lexie says.
"What..?" I whisper.
"I'm kidding." She says.
"Say dada.."
She smiles.
"Say dada.."
"YESSS!!!!!!" I yelled.
"DADA!!" I yelled.
I kiss her cheek.
She laughed again.
"Mama.." Lexie said.
"Wanna go check on sissy?" I ask.
She flapped her arms.
(She a penguin or a bird)
"Are you a bird?" Griffin asked.
"The girl about to fly.."
"Okay let's go see SISSY!" I yelled.
I walk upstairs with her, Jessicas door was closed.
"Sorry Chloe, I would go if I could."
(Chloe..she sounds like a slut a lip bit. No offense to any chloes out there)
"I'm going to Hawaii this weekend." Jessica said.
I looked at Luna, she looked back at me.
"Why are you always with your tiktok group anyway?"
"They're nothing to you."
"Yes they are." She says.
"Then what are they?" He friend asked.
Jessica didn't say anything.
"Exactly, you never have time for us anymore. Stop sing those stupid tiktok boys for clout. That's the only reason your popular in school."
I open Jessica's door a little bit.
"How could you say that!" She yelled.
"I'm just going to Hawaii this weekend! What do you want me to do!"
"Just forget it Jessica, bye."
She sighed, as I knocked on her door.
"Come in." She said.
I opened the door.
"Hi Luna.." she said.
She reached for her, and she took her out my arms.
"Are you ready for this weekend?" I ask.
"Yeah I'm excited." She said.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
She sighed.
"My friends don't know your my dad..and mom is my mom.." she says.
"They just think I hang out with you guys."
"Why don't you just tell them?" I ask.
She shrugged.
"I don't wanna..make it a big deal." She says.
"I mean you guys are famous? When people find out I'm Jaden Hosslers daughter..?"
"Oh.." I say.
She passed Luna back to me, and stands up.
"And Anthony reeves is my uncle?"
"And my friends talk about you a lot.." she says.
"They know I stay with you."
"But when they know your my father? That's a whole other story." She says.
"Are you embarrassed?" I asked.
She laughed.
"Definitely not." She says.
"It'll just be kinda weird..I guess." She continued.
"I think you should tell them." I say.
She shrugged.
"What if they only like me because of it?"
I sigh.
"Then there not your real friends.."
"You'll find your right friend group..I promise."ย  I say.
She smiles.
"Thanks dad." She says.
"Dada.." Luna says.
"Yes?" I say.
She smiles.
"I love you!" I yelled, holding her tightly.
She laughed.
"Okay your swimsuit is downstairs." I say.
We started to walk downstairs.
"I didn't know you could..BAKE!"
"BAKING!" I yelled.
"Who's baking? Cake, brownies, cupcakes?! I want some! Me me me!" I yelled.
I pass Luna to Anthony.
"I made brownIeS!" Ziah yelled.
"ME I WANT ONE!" I yelled.
"Just take one." She says.
"Thank you!" I yelled.
"I wanna make something else.." she whispered.
"Lexie can you pass me my laptop?"
"What's the magic word?" She asked.

Everybody gasped.
I put my head down.
"Yes, 911 we have a homicide.." Bryce says.
"Yes..yes..a homicide.."
"Excuse me?" Lexie said.
Ziah gulped.
"How about I just go get it..myself.." she says, quickly running upstairs.
I sit up.
"Ziah did you see your suit?" I ask.
"It's a two piece.."
"Oh thank god!" She yelled, taking it our.
"Thank you! I'll put it in my suitcase." She says, running upstairs.

Knock knock..
