Hi so- it's been a good minute since I wrote-

I didn't rlly know a good way of ending this, especially since I didn't think this fic would get the attention it did-

But unfortunately I've lost interest in Haikyuu ;; I've been trying to get motivation for a long time to at least give y'all a proper ending and not discontinue it, but I really couldn't -

But I mean for tying up lose ends and not leaving you all in the dark on where I wanted it to go:

The dinner M/n was gonna have with the Kageyama's was just a long way of Mrs. Kageyama to get to know the two teens on their romantic relationship and she basically gives full approval seeing that her son his happy where he is.

Then it was going to be a bunch of flashforwards for of season 4 and nationals

Then the time skip where M/n goes into a business with advertising, and helps advertise for Japan's National Team.

Goes into a whole thing of Kageyama fumbling to propose to them time and time again, eventually everyone else gets tired of seeing him fail and get a plan together to make it work this time. (I won't go into specifics so y'all can let your mind run wild with that)

Then when the plan finally succeeds and M/n and Kageyama are finally alone together, M/n begins to speak and recall all they have been through together, a loving daze in their eyes. Then they get down on their knee and pop the question, completely catching Tobio by surprise. (Because obv Hitoka made this plan so that it would come out with M/n asking first without anyone else knowing)

Then they get married! :D long live the gays!

Again I apologize for not giving you all a proper ending (especially the one who've been waiting for a long time for it πŸ’€) but I hope this can help, as you can imagine for where it was going.

Thank you so much for reading! :) and going through all my spelling/grammatical errors-
