To My Friends

I just want you to know, I appreciate you

Every kind word and act that you do

Lives in my mind forever

I'll be with you, even in rough weather

Because that's what friends are for

When I'm crying and sad

You tell me, 'It's okay to feel bad,'

I'd like to tell you something in response right now

When worry clouds your brow

It's alright if you need to lean on me

I'll try my best to be

A great friend for you

When we're in bright weather

And we're standing together

It's like heaven has come down to the ground

Everything is bright whenever you're around

I know we won't be friends for my whole life

But I hope the time we have together is not filled with strife

If we're all kind to one another and live our lives with respect

And we all accept

Each other's differences and beliefs

Then we can truly be the best of friends
