Mira's Poem Gift | Unrelenting Nature

The flowers are blooming once again
As the sound of the zither is heard
Cascading waterfalls crash and blood is spilt
But the flowers bloom despite that
The hand plucking the zither has tears upon it
A woman has lost her husband in the war
His blood spread upon a blossomless land
His soul flying away into the stars

Violently, the zither questions nature
'Why are you this way? My love has died,
My soul is gone, collapsed,
So why do you remain so beautiful?'

A gentle voice on the wind replied
So softly it brought tears to her eyes
'Nature cares not for the lives of humans
Will flowers not bloom in spring
If blood falls like rain upon the ground?
No, they will continue blooming
Even if they must compete with the blood
To be seen and perceived.'

The violent zither stopped in its playing
And the woman's eyes no longer cried
For nature had revealed their lack of care
And so why should she care if she died?

For years she had languished alone
Paralyzed by her own sadness
But that night, among the blooming camellias
She took a dagger to her heart
Drizzling blood upon the flowers

Nature sang to her as her body died
But its song was cruel and discordant
It had no respect for the woman
Slaying herself to provide flowers a garment

The flower covered in blood still blooms
Animals that are injured join together to heal
Humans, which are animals, do neither
Nature is, by far, more perfect than us.
