Part 11 ( please leave)

The next morning Kiara hesitated about onΒ  how to start the conversation with JJ.

Kiara's pov:
Damn... I don't know what to do. Well what will I say to him?!...I don't want to hurt him any way...I hope that everything will go successfully...

She went to find JJ. He sat on the pier smoking... She went there. When approached him.

Kiara: Hey. J,we need to talk...Let's calmly discuss everything okay?
JJ(looked at her): Fine.(calmly)

She sat next to him.

Kiara: I know that it's not easy for you but please,listen to me completely...

He looked at her.

Kiara: I now that you talked with Sarah. I know about all... First of all ,I'm so sorry for that(about "locked door") I shouldn't have been rude to you then...It was just a difficult period for me because I had to go to kook academy...And I had no idea what was waiting for me there,you know....I'm so sorry if I hurt you....I didn't want to...Secondly, why did you think that you annoy me,dude. Yeah there are times when you are restless because of your plans what makes me a little angry. That's because I'm worried about you,dude.But it doesn't mean that you annoy me.(hugged his shoulder) You're my best friend. And I am so happy that I have such person as you. I love spending time with you. You are very cool boy, really. I'm so lucky to have you...Don't even doubt it okay?(calmly)
JJ: What sense does that make now if that's not enough for me...

He looked at her almost cried but tried to hide it.
JJ: You're not just a friend for me. And you know it,Kie.(calmly)

Kiara(looking at him worriedly) :J...
JJ: I know Kie(smoking). Pogue rule and etc... (leaned his head against the railing)
If that's all then leave... please...(calmly and looked down)
Kiara: J...
JJ: No Kie! Stop it,please.... You have no idea how hard it is for me to see you every day...And in general .... All these years... And when you were with Pope...(almost cried smoking)...

Kiara didn't know what to say...she just was looking at him worriedly.

JJ: Shit! Please leave...(calmly)

She looked at him almost cried and went .
He closed his eyes and his tears flowed...

