Part 10 (shit!)

The next morning poguesΒ  gathered for matters related to gold. Kiara approached Sarah.

Kiara to her: well, how did it go?
Sarah: Later...

The whole day pogues went on business.
In the evening Sarah and Kie were walking by the shore near the chateau...

Kiara: Soo...
Sarah: I talked to him.
Kiara: And what? Why does he behave like that?
Sarah: Kie you should talk to him yourself immediately.

Kiara looked at her.

Kiara: Sarah...What did he say???
Sarah: That loves you.

Kiara lowered her eyes.

Sarah: Kiara I don't know what happened between us then. Yeah...he said about this too. Like you refused him....
Kiara: No, I did not! Shit!
Sarah: Kie! Anyway,talk to him. You both need to figure this out. I do not like his current state myself...Be easy with him, it's so hard for him...

Sarah went to the chateau...

Kiara's pov:
*In her minds:

Shit! Who said it's easy for me??! I'm so confused now! I know that JJ liked me but I don't even have a clue that everything is so serious... Maybe I was too rude towards him then...(about "locked door") Shit! I have no idea what to do... Anyway I have to talk to him... But how....

