- Chapter one

2518 words

meaning: Nonsense
Lydia POV:
(the POV does change to third person halfway through, apologies!)

I continued playing with my pen, glancing up at the clock every few seconds. It was currently the last day of school and so I was sitting in class waiting for the last bell to go off.

I pulled out my personal notebook and began writing whatever was on my mind, I did this quite often, mostly it was posh sounding words that I used to make myself sound smarter, it started as a way to prove my mother wrong but it's become a habit.

Some of my friends, basically Richie, hate when I do this as they don't understand me. I try using a new one every day so I scanned down the page looking for a new word when my eyes stopped on a certain one, Piffle, meaning nonsense. I laughed quietly to myself, I will DEFINITELY be able to use this word today I mean, I am friends with Richie after all.

I flicked over a few pages where I had a different type of writing. My secrets. Sorta like a diary but I only write on the days I have something happen that I can't tell the guys about, like if I find someone cute I could never tell the guys. Knowing them they would tease me forever, I guess that's a downside of only having guy friends, don't get me wrong I do love my friends and tell them almost everything but some things, like my mothers abuse since my father's mysterious disappearance are kept a secret.

On these pages I write how my mom makes me feel and other things no one in the club knows about, not even Richie and he's known me since I was two. Of course he's met my mother but she always has a fake act on and I guess I'm good at hiding bruises. I could feel tears come to the edge of my eyes as I read through old pages when suddenly the bell rang, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I quickly wiped my eyes and threw my school books in my bag but held my personal book in my arms, I know the losers club too well and know they will be out at the bins any minute now emptying their bags. I rushed out of my class to see Bill, Eddie and Richie talking in the middle of the hall so I ran up to them and stood between Eddie and Bill, Bill looked over at me and gave me a small smile as a hello because Eddie was in the middle of talking some nonsense as per usual

"They slice the tip of his dick off" Eddie said while throwing his arms around slightly, I looked over at him confused, "I'm sorry, what the heck are we talking about?" I asked, laughing slightly. "What's supposed to happen at Stans bar mitzvah" Richie replied.

I laughed more as Stan ran up to the group and stood beside me "hey guys, hey Lyds, what are you's talking about?" He asked as he looked at everyone, I laughed and looked up at him "you don't even wanna know Stan, it's absolute piffle" I replied. Richie looked at me extremely confused "what the fuck does-" he went to ask but I cut him off with a sigh "it means it's nonsense Rich, which by the way it totally is! That's not what happens, ask Stan" I said, pointing at a slightly confused Stan.

"Okay, Stan, what happens at the mitzvah anyways? Ed says they slice the tip of your d-d-d-dick off." Bill answered, Stan looked down at me with a slightly disgusted face, I just giggled and shrugged. " Yeah, Rabbi's gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd and say: where's the beef?" Rich continued, laughing lightly at his joke. I just rolled my eyes at his stupid jokes. Stan ignored his comment and answered Bills question "At the bar mitzvah, I read from the Torah.... and then I make a speech, and suddenly I become a man."Β 

I could tell just how much Stan hates the Torah, we are pretty close so I often help him practise his reading and stuff.Β 

"I can think of more funner ways to become a man, huh Lyds?" Rich replied, looking at me and wiggling his eyebrows.Β  Although I felt a bit of heat rise to my cheeks I rolled my eyes "beep beep Richie" I mumbled " also, it's more fun ways Richie not more funner" Stan replied, out of the corner of my eyes I could see his cheeks red, mine were probably the same.

I looked back over to my side to see Henry Bowers and his gang watching us walk by, when Henry looked at me he smirked and winked while grabbing his crotch area, I groaned in disgust and looked down at the groundΒ  "Think they'll sign my yearbook? Dear Richie, sorry for taking a hot, steaming dump in your backpack last March. Have a good summer" Richie spoke as we passed them.

Suddenly I felt someone harshly push past me, I gasped a little and looked back to see Greta stomping of towards the bathroom, I began rubbing my shoulder while still looking towards Greta when someone put there hand above mine, making me stop rubbing it. I looked up to see Stan looking at me worriedly "you okay?" Stan asked quietly, I smiled lightly and nodded "just Greta, as usual" I replied.

I then realised Stanley didn't let go of my hand and I began blushing lightly, we stood looking at each other for a second until Richie, of course spoke up "okay jeez lovebirds! Can we get out of this shithole now?!" Stan quickly let go of my hand and looked at the floor while walking away, I felt myself get even more red and followed the others out.

As predicted, we were standing outside dumping the remains of our bags into the garbage bins. "Best. Feeling. Ever" Stan said, smiling wide and dumping the last of his books out, I smiled at him and began zipping my now empty bag (except of course my special notebook). "Oh yeah?" Richie began, I sighed to myself... here we go "try tickling your pickle for the first time" he continued. Called it.

Everyone's used to Richie now so his comment was completely ignored and Eddie spoke up "hey, what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" He asked, looking at each of us. "I start my training" Richie said as he pulled up his glasses a tiny bit. I looked at Stan confused, he shrugged as he began putting on his backpack "Wait, what training?" Eddie asked, asking what was on all our minds "street fighter" Richie replied as if it was the obvious, "seriously? I mean, is that how you wanna spend your summer? Inside of an arcade?" Eddie asked, Richie took a deep breath before answering "Beats spending it inside of your mother. Ohhh!" He put up his hand for Stan to high five but Stan grabbed his wrist and pulled his arm down, causing me to laugh.

Stan looked over at me and smiled, I felt myself beginning to blush again so I looked down at the ground still smiling.

"What if we go to the quarry?" Stan asked, I looked up excitedly "guys we have the b-b-b-barrens" Bill replied, I dropped my excited smile for a sympathetic one and looked towards the entrance, only to see Betty Ripsoms mom, I stopped smiling completely and mumbled "Betty Ripsoms mom" making everyone turn to where I was looking, she looked like she hadn't slept in weeks, she had a few cops and a squad car behind her as she scanned through the crowds for her missing daughter.

"Is she really expecting to see her come out of that school?" Stan said quietly "I don't know, as if Betty Ripsom's been hiding in Home Ec for the last few weeks" Eddie replied, he honestly sounded terrified even though he was somewhat making a joke. "Sure, In a ditch. All decomposed,covered in worms and maggots, smelling like Eddie's mom's underwear" Richie spoke, earning a glare from everyone and a slight pinch in the arm from me "she's not dead, she's m-missing" Bill said, he sounded quite confident.

Of course this was probably hard on him because of his brother and everyone saying she's dead when Georgie has been missing longer. Everyone gave Bill sympathetic looks as he began walking away. "Good going, idiot" I whispered to Richie as I walked over to stand behind Stan while everyone began walking away, Richie sighed before changing topic "You know the Barrens aren't that bad. Who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water?" right as Richie finished his sentence I looked up to reply but instead saw Richie being pushed back by Henry, causing Stanley to fall back and then me.

I yelped a bit in shock and pain but sat up so I could make sure the others were okay, Patrick was kneeling in front of Stanley holding his Kippah, "nice frisbee flamer" Patrick said before throwing his Kippah into a passing bus. I looked between Stanley and the losers before hurriedly jumping up and chasing after the bus. I knew Stan's dad would kill him if he went home without a Kippah again and I don't want him getting more stressed so, may as well.

Once I got the Kippah and ran back to where the boys were previously Bowers and his gang were getting into their car so I walked up to the club, VERY out of breath. I stood beside them with my hands on my knees, attempting to catch my breath. "I wish he'd go missing" Richie said as he watched the gang leave, "he's.. probably the one doing it" I replied, I was still very much so out of breath from running that much, it doesn't help with how unfit I am.

The boys turned to look at me "why did you ditch us?" Richie questioned, sounding annoyed. I lifted the kippah out from behind my back and smiled widely "I went to get Stan this, duh. I didn't ditch you idiot." I said as I handed Stan the Kippah. I could see the others look at each other and smirk slightly as Stanley smiled and mumbled a 'thank you' before taking the Kippah. We all talked for a little bitΒ  before going our separate ways to our houses, after planning going to the barrens of course.Β 

~ skip bike ride home~

I stood outside my house, staring at my door trying to prepare myself for what I was going to walk into. I knew I was late because of being held up by Bowers and being tired from a long day.Β  At any normal household that would be fine but mine? not so fine.... After a few seconds I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door handle, praying that my mom was passed out drunk on the sofa like she usually would be or maybe in a bar or even too busy sleeping with a new guy to see me coming in.

When I walked into the sitting room I was met with silence, thank god. I smiled ever so slightly and began walking upstairs, but of course about halfway up a drunken voice stopped me, "look who it is *hiccup* where were you huh?". Great. mom. I turned around to face her, she was leaning on the bottom of the stairs with a almost empty bottle of alcohol in her hand, she looked like she could barely keep her eyes open.

" I- I'm so sorry mom... I got stopped by a teacher who wanted to wish me a happy summer and couldn't get away in time." I lied, I obviously could never tell her the truth, I mean what? Tell the women who gives me crap for having (from what she thinks) one guy friend that I actually have three others and we get bullied? yeah right.

she scoffed and slowly walked a few steps closer to me " sure you did, what did you sleep with him like you probably have with that Rick kid, slut?" She spoke "mom, his name is Richie and I've never slept with him, I didn't do it with a teacher either." I replied, I really just wanted to go to my bed and sleep but before I knew it my cheek was stinging from a slap and my mom was grabbing my wrists and pulling me downstairs to the kitchen, tears I tried my hardest to keep in were now pouring out my eyes and my wrists were already forming bruises from my moms grip.

"mom! please stop!" I cried out, I, obviously, was ignored. She dragged me into the kitchen in front of the sink where many beer bottles, plates and other things my mom left out were sitting, "do something good with yourself and clean everything here!" my mom shouted in my face, I stepped back slightly in fear and began to cry harder "mom please. I didn't mean to correct you!" I tried, I watched as my mom picked up one of her many empty beer bottles and threw it on the floor and I felt a stinging pain near my ankle, I cried out in pain and looked down to see blood pouring out from where a shard of glass caught my leg, I looked back up at my mom in hopes she'd help but instead, saw her leaving the room, not before telling me I had to clean up the now broken glass too. I sighed and got to work, trying my hardest to forget about the cut.

After a few hours of cleaning the house and then myself I finally got up to my room, I slid my back against the door and covered my mouth as I began to cry.

Its times like these I wish I could just call one of the guys and tell them everything but I'm terrified, none of them know a thing. They don't even know where I live because I'm scared they could show up one day and my mom would go crazy at my for it, Richie knows where I live but promised not to tell anyone after I begged, he thinks the reason is because my mom is too afraid so he goes along with it.

I looked down at my now bandaged leg and bruised arms and sighed, how long will this go on? I grabbed my notebook and wrote everything that happened and what I felt on it before climbing into my bed and falling asleep.

What I didn't fall asleep knowing was how crazy of a summer I was about to have.


well, that was a long ass chapter but I didn't know where else to stop it. So as you can tell I have decided to make this a Stanley fanfic. hope you enjoy! Merry Christmas :)
