- Chapter four

1822 words

meaning: a hiding place; a place of safety and comfort
Lydia's POV;

Once I made it to the place I wanted, out of breath and still sobbing I threw my bike to the ground and climbed up the rope. Richie and I made a treehouse when we were eight, by me and Richie I mean basically my dad did everything as Rich and I watched. This place was always what I called my latibule, my dad and Richie knew that. I made it to the top and let out another sob as I looked around the treehouse and memories began pouring in.

"Lyds!?" A nine year old Richie called out, I held my breath as he began climbing down the treehouse "Lydia is that you?" He continued, slowly walking around the treehouse trying to find the source of the noise he had heard. He came to the tree I was hiding behind, panting out of fear. I jumped out and screamed slightly, laughing as he then fell to the floor and held his heart. "Lydia oh my god you scared me" he panted out "hey, mommy said that's a bad word remember?" I commented, walking over to the treehouse so we could play our game.


Thirteen year old me ran into the treehouse, sobbing and gasping for breath. The moment of the policemen knocking on my door and breaking the news replaying through my mind nonstop. I looked around at the treehouse and felt the anger rising, before I knew it I was throwing the pillows and other stuff around "it's all your fault!"Β  I screamed to myself over and over.

Someone's arms wrapped around mine and held my them by my side, I instantly knew it was Richie, he had been at my house when the police came by and he knew I came here when I got upset. "Richie I did this! I'm horrible! I made him go out, for me! For me!" I sobbed out "Lyds, you didn't do this okay? You couldn't have known. We will find him" Richie spoke as he picked up the pillows I had threw around and stuffed them in a corner so I could sit comfortably "he's gone. I won't ever see him again. I'm alone." I whispered.

Richie sat beside me and pulled me into a hug "Lydia. He's only missing at the moment and you know that me and the losers club will always be here for you anyway, always" Richie spoke confidently as he wiped my tears and hugged me once again.


My chin rested on my knees as I stared out at the sky, my throat aching from my sobs and my eyes stinging as more tears slowly poured out, I thought it had only been a few minutes but quickly realised it had been hours as the sky became a dark, almost black, blue and the stars came out.

A rustling came from beside me and my head snapped up, Richie was standing there, he looked like he had been crying too but I didn't think anything of it "hey" he said softly, I gave him a small smile and turned my head away slightly embarrassed, of course he's seen me cry but it doesn't make it less embarrassing.

I felt him come sit beside me, he seemed fidgety or nervous so I looked back towards him "what's wrong?" I questioned, my voice raspy from my crying "you shouldn't be asking me that, look at you you're a mess" he replied, I laughed lightly "wow, thank you Rich. I'm only asking because you seem nervous, so again, what's wrong?" I asked, turning my whole body to face him

"Lydia, you trust me right?" Richie spoke seriously, I gave him a confused look and wiped my tears to see him better "Rich, what the hell are you talking about? Yes I do."Β 

"Okay, so the bruises. The scratches. The secret of where your house is, what's the real reason?" Rich questioned, tears coming to his eyes, I froze for a minute and stared at him, where was this coming from? I nervously laughed and looked down "Rich I tell you every time. You know I'm clumsy and my mom doesn't want boys by the house." I spoke, trying my best to sound confident. Rich turned around and pulled something from behind his back, my book.

I climbed over towards my bag and repeatedly open and closed it, as if it were going to magically appear.Β  "Lyds, stop. It's your book, you dropped it when you left Ben's house in a rush. Why didn't you tell me about your mom?" Rich spoke, he sounded hurt.

I didn't turn to look at him and stared at my empty bag "I'm sorry.." I mumbled, I heard Richie scoff and pull me into a hug "it's not your fault, I'm hurt you didn't tell me obviously and that someone could do such a horrible thing to an amazing person but I get you were too scared to tell me." He replied

"I wanted to Rich, I swear I really, really did but I was so scared. She doesn't even know I'm friends with Stan, Eddie or Bill because she gives me so much crap for just being friends with you, that's why I never let you tell the guys where I live, I was terrified they would show up one day and she would go crazy. I did this though! She-she was a kind, loving, amazing mom before I killed my dad Rich, I did all of this! If I had of just let my dad stay home he would still be here and- and my mom she would be nice and happy! This is all my fault can't you see that? I'm a horrible person. Everyone around me gets hurt somehow okay? I don't want you hurt too.." I sobbed out.

Richie sat in front of me, now crying himself too "Lydia, you need to stop blaming yourself for what happened to your dad. He was an amazing guy and would have went out anyway, no matter what you said. He wouldn't want to see you like this, he would want to see you happy and enjoying your life. I get it's hard with your mom now but I can help now Lyds, there's no way in hell im letting you back into that house when she's there. I don't care how much crap she says about me, I'm not leaving. Never have and I never will, you know that. You didn't do this to your mom, she was always like this and it just became more obvious after your dad left and that's not your fault! I don't care if I get hurt hanging around with you. If it means I'm still your friend, I can deal with it." Richie spoke with a shrug at the end.

I wiped my tears and smiled at him "Richie Tozier? Being serious? Since when?" I joked, he rolled his eyes jokingly and wiped his tears too before pointing a finger at me "you tell anyone you saw me cry your dead, got it?" He joked, I put my hands up defensively and laughed, as my laughing calmed down I looked back at Richie seriously "thank you Richie. For everything, ever. Your an amazing friend and I know I can trust you." He looked back up and smiled "always Lyds.Β  Always"Β  "always" I repeated, smiling.

Me and Rich lay in the treehouse talking about anything and everything, mostly it consisted of Richie trying to pronounce the words I had wrote in my book and me laughing at his failed attempts.

We currently were just laying on our backs watching the sky in silence until Richie spoke up "Lyds, can I tell you a secret?" I continued looking at the sky "of course, you can trust me" he began playing with his hands "I... like... Eddie" he spoke quietly, so quietly I barely heard him, I continued looking at the sky for a moment before looking up at him and smiling "okay" he looked at me shocked and confused "Β  'okay', what do you mean 'okay' that could mean a lot, why is that all you said? I- I mean, I thought you'd have a lot to say" He rambled, I laughed lightly and looked back at the sky

"Rich, as if I'm going to judge you for who you like. You're still my best friend. You're still an amazing guy.Β  You still are basically my brother and who you like doesn't change that, sooo... okay" I spoke. Richie smiled and looked down "plus I already knew" I mumbled.

Richie's head shot up and I laughed "calm down, I've known you since I was two. I'm not stupid and I just had a feeling, I don't think anyone else knows I just was just able to pick up on the signs. I'm just saying though, if you two get together I'm not third wheeling!" I joked as I sat up and gathered my things "you would never third wheel cause you'll be with Stannnn" Richie teased causing me to roll my eyes and scoff lightly.

Richie began getting ready to leave too "why do you guys always talk about me and Stan? I never said I liked him" I spoke as I climbed down the ladder and jumped the last step to the ground "well do you?" Richie questioned, he rose one of his eyebrows and stood in front of me to look me in my eyes "I don't know" I mumbled as I walked past him "what do you mean I don't know? You both clearly like each other! Everyone knows it and is waiting for you two to finally realise it and get together" Richie rambled on, we reached where our bikes where and began to get on "oh you guys 'know' we like each other huh? I've never shown any hint that I have and neither has Stan! If you asked him I bet he would tell you the same" I spoke. Richie rolled his eyes and dropped the conversation as we began cycling to my house, Richie told his mom he was staying at my house so he could stay with me tonight, he knew my mom wouldn't be home for a few days.

I was thankful for him, I knew for sure I would probably have him my whole life, he was like my brother and I loved him dearly for everything he does, no one knows how amazing he really is.

Sorry if you don't like that Richie said he liked Eddie, I just thought it'd be cute seeing Richie so serious and showing how close he really is with Lydia.
