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The air was tense, Shota's heard a lot of horrors in his career, but he had never heard something in the way she described it. It was terrible, yet fascinating. Y/N seems to take no accountability for her crime, a crime she knew and openly admits that she committed. It was clear to Shota why her file labeled her with unclear motives.

Shota eyes glance over Y/N's file to see the next victim, "Mr. Midoriya. Can you tell how you killed for me?"

"Midoryia?" Her eyes widen slightly in surprise. "I don't recall killing a Midoryia."

Shota tilts his head in confusion, looking over the name to ensure he said it correctly. "But, here in your file it says you murdered Mr. Izuku Midoryia. You plead guilty for that charge."

The woman's (e/c)-colored eye lit up in realization, she seemed very impressed with herself for remembering. Y/N takes one last drag, of her dying cigarette, giddily. Shota furrows his eyebrows, he was again confused, yet intrigued by her behavior.

"I met Izuku Young from Salt Lake City about four years ago," She started. "And he told me he was single. And we hit it off right away. So, we started living together."

"You say that you met Mr. Midoriya only four years ago. How come you didn't remember his name?" Shota inquired, leaning forward slightly the table.

"Oh uh, I just never really called him by his name. I called him-" She giggled.

"What would you call him instead?" He interrupted.

"Deku." She smirked, leaning close enough for Shota to see her flawless (s/c)-colored skin, it seemed to be glistening, even in such terrible lighting. "You know Shota, it's bad manners to cut someone off mid-sentence."

"Apologies Miss L/N," Shota tensed and leaned back, something about her tone made the hairs on his neck stand on end. "Please proceed."

She waved her hands around in big gestures. "He'd go to work, he'd come home. I'd fix him a drink, we'd have dinner. And then I found out" She paused. "'Single' he told me."

"Single?" She nodded.

"Single, my ass!" She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Not only was he married. Oh no, he had six wives."

"Was Mr. Midoriya Mormon?" Shota asked, raising an eyebrow.

She shook her head and brought a new cigarette to her lips, along with a lighter. "Deku wasn't. He was one of those All Might cultists, you know." She puffed out the new smoke. "So that night when he came home from work."

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"Deku dear, I made you a drink." Y/N smiled, so sweetly. "Just the way you like it, naturally."

Deku walked into the kitchen, his dress shoes clicking against the black and white tile. He ran his fingers through his, recently long and unruly, green hair. His smile was always charming, anyone's insides would've melted.

Y/N's heart was perfectly solid, frozen even.

"Thanks, honey! Your drinks always ease me after a long day of work." He took the glass from her hand, placing a sweet chaste kiss on her cheek. He gulps the drink down, her eyes gleamed as she watched his adam's apple bob; he swallowed every last drop.

"Ya like it, hun?"ย Y/Nย coyed, batting her eyelashes.

"Of course!" He takes her hand, spinning her around into his chest. He started placing small kisses down her neck. She giggled cutely, his hands moving down toย Y/N'sย hips, caressing her curves with a smirk on his freckled face. "That might've been your best one yet."

Y/Nย hummed in contentment, releasing herself from his grip as she headed to the kitchen counter. She opened the wooden drawer getting out a carving knife and fork.ย Y/Nย teasingly pointed the knife at him. "You work hard as a copper, you deserve only the best."

Y/Nย turned back to her bourbon-glazed ham, cutting it slowly. She imagined the arsenic flowing through Deku's system, wreaking havoc on whatever cell it touched. She placed the thickly cut slice on his plate, along with a spoon full of potato salad.ย Y/Nย wondered what Deku's last thoughts would be about before his last breath. Would it be her? Or the other six?

Doesn't matter as long as he's dead, dead, dead.

Y/Nย swayed her hips as she carried his plate and hers to their dining room table. Deku was already sitting in his usual chair with a fork and knife in hand.

They were eating, laughing, making idle chatter. Then suddenly, Deku got quiet. His face contorted in discomfort, followed by him hunching over with his hands on his stomach. His cheeks puff out, filled with vomit, Y/N assumed. Perfect.

Deku abruptly stood up, the chair scratchingย Y/N'ย poor hardwood floor. He rushed off towards the bathroom, white-knuckling the side of the porcelain toilet bowl. He spewed out his stomach violently, it had a horrid smell. But that didn'tย at allย diminishย Y/N'sย delight. She hovered over to his side, comfortingly.

"You're right on time ya know. I almost thought you were going to last longer." Y/Nย pouted slightly, he heaved again, only this time red splattered the toilet.

"what?" Deku asked weakly as he greedily tried to suck air into his lungs.

"Well, I put a little something extra in your drink today," Y/N smirked, a chuckle bubbling from my throat.ย 

Deku's green eyes widened with horror, "you p-poisoned me? why y/n?" Tears started to prick his eyes, from pain, sadness, a broken heart, maybe. "you love me, i love you. right?"

Y/N's eyes darken, a shadow cast over her face. Her expression was wicked, Deku knew he was going to die at that moment, she could tell by the way her hand felt his body trembling. "I stopped loving you the moment I found out that you loved Hatsume, Toga, Melissa, Camie, Toru, and Eri too."

She gripped his curly locks lifting his head, so he met her eyes. "You frankly disgust me Deku, so perish." Her eyebrows relaxed, a bright smile crossing her feature, making it look as if she didn't hate him at all, that she didn't just poison him. She giggled cutely, just as she did earlier, teasing him with the final words he'd ever hear. "In the name of All Might."


Y/N once again was awoken from her daze by the snapping of Shota's fingers. "Miss L/N, you spaced out again. Please continue."ย 

Y/N's smile was tense and toothy, almost as if she was baring her teeth like an animal. Shota decided to ignore her behavior, for now, thinking she was just annoyed by the constant questions.ย 

"I fixed him his drink as usual" Her strained smile turned into a grin, her eyes darkening with a sadistic glint.

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