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"I understand, it's your job and all. But, can we hurry this up, Shota." Y/N groans, before resting her head on the metal table, childishly pouting. "I've run out of cigarettes."

Shota sighs, tossing her a single stick. "Here."

"Naughty, naughty, inspector~" Her eyes light up like a kid on Christmas. She raises an eyebrow at Shota, giving him a Cheshire-like grin as she teases the tired man. "Good boys don't smoke, Shota. At least, that's what's been told, hmm."

"Mr. Kirishima, what about him?" Shota doesn't acknowledge her, trying to keep her focus from wandering anymore. "And, Ms. Ashido."

"Don't fucking mention that cow," Y/N spits like the words coming from her were pure venom. "Fuckin' stank."

"Mina Ashido?"

"Yeah, you can tell she's a slut just from her name." She brings her cigarette towards Shota, nudging her chained foot at his leg.

He got the message, rolling his eyes as he lights her cigarette. "What happened that night you killed them?"

"Kinda a blur." She shrugs, taking a drag from her favorite poison.

"Tell me what you know?"

"Why should I?" Y/N retorts with a disgusted scowl. "I don't want to taint my pretty mouth with the lives of whores."

"I'll give you another cigarette."

Y/N bubbles up in laughter at the man across from her. "What a dirty cop, but good bribe, Shota."

"I'll ask again. Please describe the night you killed both victims." Shota demands lightly, twirling Y/N's bribe between his calloused fingers.

"My best friend, Mina, and I had this double act." Y/N starts, already looking done with the story. Shota noted her tone was entirely from all her other confessions. "And my husband, Eijiro traveled around with us. Now, for the last number in our act, we did these twenty acrobatic tricks in a row."

"One, two, three, four, five, splits, spread eagles, Backflips, flip flops One right after the other," Y/N explains while making her gestures almost imitate the movements she was listing. "So this one night before the show we are down at the Hotel Cicero. The three of us, boozin', havin' a few laughs. And we ran out of ice."

"Where were the two after you left to get some ice?"

"Oh, I'll get to that Shota~" She reassures smoothly, though her attitude made Shota feel anything but. "So I go out to get ice, and I come back, open the door...and there's Mina and Eijiro. Doing number seventeen 'The spread eagle'."

|ร—ร—ร—ร—ร—ร—ร—ร—ร—ร—|โ˜ |ร—ร—ร—ร—ร—ร—ร—ร—ร—ร—|

Y/N was walking down the carpeted hallway of the Vegas hotel. Mina's, Eijiro's, and her's performance were phenomenal, the sold-out crowd went crazy for their gravity-defying tricks. And the three of them decided to celebrate their success with some drinks. Y/N was tasked with getting the ice.

"Fuck...Mina~" Y/N could hear moans as she pulled her ear to her room's door.

She bottled up pure rage, letting it burrow under her skin, in order to compose herself enough to listen more. "Shhh! You don't want Y/N to hear us, do you?"

Y/N knew her beloved husband, Eijiro, inside and out. "B-But, you feel so good." And she knew just how vocal he could be.

"Does she, Ei?" The two turned towards her wide-eyed, caught in the act. "Does her slut legs spreading make you feel good?"

"Y/N! Y-Y/N, this is not what it-" He quickly pulled out of his wife's best friend, trying to do anything to convince his wife this wasn't happening.

Oh, but it was. And Eijiro couldn't escape the reality he created.

"Looks like?" Y/N cut off his pathetic blabbing with a laugh "Haha, well, you must've mistaken me for a blind man then, dear."

"Y/N, I didn't want this-I mean!" Mina interjected, trying to explain her mistakes and shame away.

"Is that some sort of joke, Mina?!" Y/N full-bellied laughed before dropping her expression, making her face and tone emotionless. "Because if so, it's a good one. I've never wanted to laugh so hard in my life."

"Babe, just calm down."

"Y/N! You're scaring me." Mina shrieked, her hands trembling as they clutch a blanket over her like some sort of armor.

Y/N couldn't stop the sadistic amusement from bubbling out of her.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, I'm scaring you. Scaring? Me scaring you? This isn't scary." Y/N giggled darkly before inching her way closer to Eijiro, who was petrified. Frozen in fear. Who was this terrifying woman that replaced her sweet, perfect wife, Y/N?!



Y/N raised a pair of serratedย tongs, which she grabbed from the hotel's ice bucket, above her head before plungingย the tool into her husband's (to be ex-husband's) torso.ย 

"This...now, this is scary!"ย His chest cavity burst with red ichor, Y/N paid no attention to her best friend's screams or attempts at opening a locked door.

The warm color filled her vision. The blood, oh the blood! She was bathing in it, swimmingย in it. Her body was covered in the substance that made up her paradise and all her wildest fantasies. It consumed her, and she allowed it. She let blood coat her skin deliciously, relishing its texture as droplets rolled down her person. She let its stench burn her and let its fumes grip her throat, squeezing until she was breathless. She prayed to anyone who'd listen to never let this feeling end.

But, it did-

As she watched the once wet blood rinse off her skin, and merrily watched the water change its color as it went down the drain. She moved away from the red-stained sink to find theย fruits of her labor, sprawled on her hotel room's tile. She looked into the lifeless body of her backstabbing best friend, letting out a sigh. People always had to ruin things, didn't they?

"Red is the prettiest color, isn't it? Right, Mina?" She stepped away from Mina's body and kneeled down, caressing her dear husband's cold cheek.

"Aren't I right? Eijiro~"




"How did you kill them?" Shota insisted, still not satisfied with only part of the picture.

Y/N simply rests her head in her hand, utterly indifferent. "Well, I was in such a state of shock. I completely blacked out, I can't remember a thing."

Her indifference turned into an evil smirk, sending an eerie chill down the man's spine.

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