Episode 1-Forgotten Birthday

The kingdom of Lomando should be known as the richest country ever known to the world. It's been said that absolutely nobody is poor or struggling there. This, may be a myth but then again, look at the royal family's castle.Β 

Every wing is ginormous and especially designed to each highnesses needs. Oh, wait! What's going on in Yukan's wing?...






Yukan's POV

"Alright, move the banner a little bit to the right." I calmly say to one of my servants. It's my best friend, Yamiu's birthday party! How can I NOT be excited and/or throw him an extravagant party?! Afterwards, I promised him we'd go to our favorite club. Don't worry, we don't drink anything there. I can just barely hold my excitement in. I was wearing my favorite jinbei for the occasion.

I start helping my servants with the table, moving the cutlery with telekinesis.What can I say? Using my powers is fun! I also use my magic to remove any harmful bacteria from the table. Yamiu wouldn't eat otherwise, he's a bit of a germaphobe. I don't care, he's still my friend otherwise. I don't believe I can smile any wider.

The room is set like this: it's the exact size of a boxing arena. There are chairs for an audience to sit too. Stage lights are set up for the moment when Yamiu arrives. Here's the funny thing:

The boxing ring is the cake! You're not supposed to box in it.Β 

Don't worry, there's a real boxing ring is underneath the cake one. I'll go easy on him, I swear! Β Β Β I believe that his family, girlfriend, and fans are invited. I asked him about the fans by the way. He said he was okay with it. The room can be switched around into a sports-themed dining room so that we can eat actual food instead of just junk. I can also transform this place into a dance floor just in case we stay here too late and miss the club's closing time.

Only theΒ bestΒ  for my best, and only Β friend in the world!~

I see his girlfriend and someone else come in. I know that his girlfriend's name is J-ker. Not sure about the other one. I see J-ker saying something to her before looking at me.Β I wave to them with a smile, and only one of them waves back. I'm a little concerned, but really nothing Β can get my mood down. I continue to set up the party in bliss.

J-ker's POV

I'm excited for two reasons.Β 

1: It's my rich bf's birthday,

And 2: My bff is finally getting out of the house!

Hey, I'm NOT a gold digger! I swear I love that dork for who he is but can't a mention his money or status once in a while?!

Anyways, my bff Akai is feeling really...depressed lately. I don't wanna tell anyone why, as it would be a betrayal of friendship. Not even if Yamiu's friend, ONE OF THE PRINCES, begs me to. I'm just really happy she's coming with me and not sulking in her room. Besides, she needs to try something new and get a mood uplift. I'll try and get her to try the food and the cake. I've heard that the cake was made by that CURSED PRINCE, oBII kUbII, so I won't even get near it. Yes, I hate him. We have a long history of rivalry and I'm NOT going to get into it! UGH!

Back on topic, I walk in with Akai basically hiding behind me. I tell her: "Aren't you at least a little excited?" Then I see Yukan. He waves at us with an overly happy smile. Β  Β I wave back to him, but Akai doesn't. Then he goes back to setting up Yamiu's b-day party. I must say, he did a great job planning this out. The BOXING RING is probably the cake. Okay, I'm sitting in the nosebleeds. Oh wait yeah, the party. This place is crazy. Not bad, cursed prince's brother. He might not be that bad.

Then I think to myself, isn't Yamiu his only friend? Can't he get more? He's a prince, I'd be really easy.Β 

Yukan's POV

I'm almost done!~ I just gotta...there! I'm ready to call Yamiu in.

I've been distracting him by telling him to train really hard because some "macho man" wanted to fight him on his birthday, the day he'd least expect.Β Okay okay, I haven't planned that one out that well, I admit it.Β 

I grab my phone out of my pocket and dial Yamiu's number. I wait about five seconds before he picks up.

"Is this "macho man" ready?" Yamiu says, seemingly out of breath.Β 

"Yes, you should come over to my place. He's here. He beat all the guards into submission and he won't leave until he fights you." I reply, trying to contain my laughter.

"Alright, let's see how tough this man actually is." He says before hanging up.

I go to sit down and take a break, but then I see it...

I see the girl who walked in, but in the back row. She's hugging her knees and she...OH MY DAD!

I instantly teleport over there and look at her face, worried. I hope she's okay...

She looks up at me, and looks into my eyes for a split second. I feel...something resonate in me. It's a warm feeling as if I reached true happiness. Then she gets up and starts running away. I start chasing after her. "HEY! ARE YOU OKAY?!" I try to keep my voice down.

"Why are you crying?!" I ask in a more worried tone than I expected. She looks back at me for a second, and then starts running towards the balcony.Β 


I can't let it happen.

I run as quick as I possibly can and block the balcony door. "I need to talk to you please..." I mutter, slightly out of breath. I'm basically trembling as I wait for her reply. I feel something trickle from my eyes, down my cheeks, and then seemingly on the floor. She stops, then looks towards the floor. "o-okay..." she quietly utters. Her voice is gentle and soft, like butterflies dancing in a garden breeze. All the other noises in the room make room for it. I feel some warmth in my cheeks, then I try to speak. "You know what? I'll try to cheer you up. How about I treat you the best I can today?" I smile at her, trying not to scare her, even though I don't have my sharp teeth yet. She nods, as if she's reluctantly agreeing.

Let's make this the best day ever.

Yamiu's POV

I got the message from Yukan, but I already know that he's throwing a birthday party for me. Seriously? A mAcHo man wanting to fight me on my birthday? Who came up with that one? Anyways, I walk into the arena, seeing everyone jump out and wish me a happy birthday. But...wait...where's Yukan?Β 

I look over to the side of the room, and see him talking to a girl. I can see that she's J-ker's friend, as I've seen her before. I think her name is Akai. She doesn't talk much. Howcome he didn't see me walk in? Or wish me a happy birthday? Is it because of that girl? Questions of worry float around my mind like rain clouds ready to burst and rain on my parade.Β 

Surely. He won't be doing this the entire time. He's just preparing something else.

I try to reassure myself that he wasn't ignoring me, and I sat down in one of the chairs, staring at Yukan and Akai. Mostly Akai. What was so special about her anyways?! Her body? Her hair? Her personality? I start to grow more and more angry. They start walking towards the cake, and I feel a tap on my shoulder.Β 

"Yo Yamiu!" J-ker sits right next to me while speaking. "I see that Akai's met Yukan..." She tries to communicate. I interrupt, "But they'll stop, I'm sure of it." J-ker sees the anger in my eyes and realizes what he's done. "Surely he won't be ignoring you for the ENTIRE party, besides, he promised you that he'd take you to your favorite club." She says while hugging me from behind.

"Yeah, I hope so...."

Yukan's POV

I walk over to the cake and bring out the remote control. She stands behind, as if she wants to run away. I knew that I wouldn't let her. I press a button on the remote control and float the cake in the air so that it doesn't get ruined. The room transforms into a dance floor as planned, and I start playing a song that came to mind.

I'll add the crazy song details later, but I'll skip time for now...

We're now on the balcony. The sun's setting beautifully as always. I look to her, and see that she's still not happy. I've tried everything...aw man...

Wait, no! I haven't! There's always...TOMORROW! Then the day after that! Then the day after that! I'll try my hardest every day, as long as she doesn't do anything crazy to herself. I'll give her a room in my wing and I'll take her underneath my wing. It'll be pretty easy, and I have the rest of my life to make it happen! I won't stop until I see her smile!


"Hey, what's your name anyways?"


She looks at me, then at the floor.

"Hey, It's okay..." I grab her hands and bring them to my chest. "I promise I'll be there for you." Her facial expression slightly changes. "Even if it means I have to spend every day trying to help you." I give a smile that almost broke my cheeks, even though I have no real bones.

She starts inspecting my smile. "Uh, how long do you spend on those?" she asks me. "Um, five minutes? Sometimes six?" She chuckles, but doesn't smile. "I spend two." I slightly giggle too. "I could ask some people to make a room for you." She looks at me in shock.Β 

"What? I said I'd always be there for you, and how am I supposed to do that if you're way out in the city, where I'm NOT there?"

She sighs. "I should get Tamoru's approval..."

"Okay, but I'll walk you to my main hall so that I know that you're fine." I signal her to follow me, and I led her to my dining hall so we could have dinner. Β I also send a mind-message to *DATA EXPUNGED* so they can set up a room for Akai.

Yamiu's POV

He...ignored me throughout the song and kept clinging onto the girl. I tried everything I could to get his attention but whenever even glanced at me. What the HELL? And now he's just gonna walk out on me?! What about his promise?!

I've known him for about five years now.

I know everything ghostly possible about him.

So why the HELL is he ignoring me on the day I was born?!






well, duh Yamiuichi...it's because that damn girl...

I start to walk away from my supposed-to-be-party room, and flip the bird to anyone trying to follow me. I teleport away once I'm out of view. I teleported to Yukan's main hall, where I saw a new room being set up, presumably for that girl, since the room had the same color scheme as her clothing. I realize that it's being set up pretty quickly, and by *REDACTED*.Β 

I hide, and start stalking the progress. Every second makes me even more angry...

Small time skip...

They finally finish the room, and teleport away. My stomach is growling...I'm so hungry.Β 

i slowly walk towards the room...


i start to run.

a bat forms in my hands as I run into the room.

SMASH! there goes the vanity.

BOOM! bed's totaled.

I could think of nothing but vengeance. Hatred starts coursing through my veins and I lose all free thought.

I start to rip apart stuffed animals, break expensive art, and just destroy everything in sight.

When I was done, the bat disappeared from my hands just as quickly as it spawned there.Β 

I left the room, still gritting my teeth. I should get some food.

Yukan's POV

Alright, that was pretty awkward! I tried to get her past the guards and to sit down, but she didn't wanna sit down for some reason. The guards were staring at her very intensely.Β 

"You two are dismissed." I say.

They leave the room, supposedly gossiping. I ignore that. I ask her to sit down again, and she complies, slowly pulling back the fancy chair. Only then I start to notice her features.

Small head, heart-shaped jawline, Short straight hair, soft eyes, some eyeliner...

WOW she's cute. I wouldn't say it aloud though, as I can tell that if I were to do something as much as reach over the table to grab the salt, she would make a beeline towards the door.Β 

I notice that I'm staring, and making the situation more awkward then it should be. I start to speak, "So, are you liking m- um...this place?" I say, shrugging my shoulders to alert her that I'm no danger.Β 

"Uh, it's actually really nice. I could see myself living here." Her voice sends a gentle, soft chill down my spine. I start to stare at my food, then look back up. She giggles. "Well, you are a ghost prince and all..." She begins to open up. It's a little weird seeing someone laugh without a smile. "Well, yeah." I mutter.

"Your napkin is on the floor." She says. "I-" I begin, picking up my napkin. "If anyone else were here, they wouldn't even allow my shoes to touch this napkin." I'm usually fine with my life, but I joke about it this one time. "If I were you, I would hate that too." She replies.

Her food is already done, and mine isn't even halfway done. I decide to leave it that. I get up from my seat and signal her to come with me to her new room. She gets up and starts to follow me through the long hallways. I get excited to show her the new room...


I see a room ruined. Everything there seems ripped and broken. I see Akai wince in fear, as if she can tell that someone was here. I know that this was sabotaged, but by who? I tell Akai not to worry, and then I call Yamiu to get on the case.Β 

"Hey Yamiu?"


"Get the *Redacted* over here in Akai's wrecked room."

"Of course, I will."

Then he hung up.

I snap up a new room based off what I could see in the old one, then tell Akai good night. As in the moment, I'm a little mad. I just wanna know who did it. I hope I don't sound scary though.Β 

Yamiu's POV

"Of course I will." I say, then hang up theΒ phone in alarm.

Β What did I just do?... I haven't heard his voice that serious in years. I'm petrified. Wonder if I should run away. Yeah, I should start packing. Better get an early start running before Yukan finds out what I did.Β 

Wait, what am I saying?! Yukan would never hurt anyone! Even if he did find out he'd just slap me on the wrist and move on! There's nothing to worry about...













After (almost) everyone is asleep, Akai's POV


What did I get myself into?! I'm not exactly ready for any of this! I left the house for just one day! JUST ONE DAY!Β 

I walk up to J-ker on the balcony, she teleported there after I texted her about my predicament.Β 

"Yo, Akai! I got your message. Now, what's wrong?" She says first.

"This is all my fault, I shouldn't have went to that party. If I didn't, then I wouldn't have met one of the LITERAL GHOST PRINCES, and he wouldn't have taken me underneath his wing! By Pieyama I'm scared, and I don't know what's gonna happen next, and this is just...SO NEW TO ME!" I reply.

She and I sit down, and she starts to braid my hair. I begin to calm down.

"If it were me, I wouldn't be complaining," She voices.


"Honestly, being here is a blessing of some sort. You get to get away from your old life, have fun for once, and if you ordered it, I'm sure that you would be left alone." She cheerily speaks.

I start to think about today, and about how hard Yukan tried to cheer me up. I even saw a tear drip down his face when I ran to the balcony to fly off. He was trembling, really unlikely of any kind of prince to do. He doesn't even give me any bad signs when I'm near him, as if he's really just a fun, goofy, adorable guy.

I look back up at her, and say: "Thank you O-J. You always know how to cheer me up." She smiles back at me. I get up, then hug her. "No problem A-I."Β 

Then, as quickly as she teleported here, she waved goodbye and teleported away.Β 

I began to walk back to my room, then I feel a dark presence behind me.

I immediately look back, and see a male witch grinning at me.

He spoke in an evil, crooked voice, "Ah, you'll do."

I'm too scared to even speak. I freeze in the moment and stare at him, horrified.

"I'm SO close to finishing my spell...I just need you to come with me, hot cakes." He speaks again.

I can't scream, I can't run...

"Ah, you're a shy one aren't you?"

I manage to speak just a little bit, "W-w-who are you?!"Β 

"I'll wait a little while..." He teleports up to me and caresses my chin.

"Then you will be MINE."Β 

He then disappears into some black crows, and I start to cry.Β 

If he were to kidnap me during my sleep...GAH, I'm not even safe in the Royal Palace...

Witches aren't even allowed here in Lomando...how did he teleport here? Also, WHAT SPELL?! Is everyone I know in danger?! Is everyone gonna be safe?!

I keep asking myself these questions...




Episode 1: END.Β 
