a/n i think???

Alright i don't even know what a/n means but okay-

(if you ask, I AM saying that nekoshow is the one dancing lol)

lmao i am not ready for this.

i need like-

rough drafts and crap for this.

i've had this in my head for like three years now and now that I have the resources to make this, I'm very excited.Β 

Things are VERY well thought-through. Including Episode one and two.

Anyways, a short explanation of my au.

Yukan, Nechimi, Yuri, and Obii are siblings.

They all excel in one art.Β 

Yukan's singing, as his voice is heavenly. (I also headcannon that humans can't hear him because it's too good for human ears to hear)

Nechi is art, Yuri' is writing, and Obii is cooking. (These come from a friend's headcannons)

All the brothers were born from Pieyama God and Gallery Master (Whom I sometimes call Gallema)Β 

And since Pieyama and Gallema are really really important and powerful characters, they're royal. (VERY IMPORTANT AAAAAAAAAA)

Akai and J-ker are childhood bffs, and they know all of each other's secrets. They're inseperable.

Yamiu is Yukan's personal bodyguard and best friend.

Yukan and Yamiu are 15, Akai and J-ker are 14. (yes they'll age up)

As for personalities, Yukan is a cinnamon roll who think's nothing'll go wrong, Yamiu is chill and ready to sacrifice, Akai is depressing but adorable, and J-ker is sassy, talkative and kinda stupid.

This story mostly revolves around those four. I call them the "Infernal Shells". Β (AHAH INFERNAL SHELLS CAME FROM SOMEONE ELSEEEEE, AND NOT MEEEEE)

But again, this is a love story for Yukan and Akai. aka YUKAI or Akai no Shonen.

and yes, there is a fanmade villain.

anyways imma try and come up with a first draft here.

