67 | alex vs royalty






Noah's conversation with Star made him do a lot of thinking. He was going to stay with Tiana because he couldn't find a reason to break up with her. Star made up with Hakeem, so he had nothing to worry about. He can't lose his girl to someone who's taken.

So he called Tiana and told her to come over. Of course she was arguing with him because he kicked her out last time, but she eventually gave in. Now she's there and she still had an attitude. "What do you want, Noah? I thought you needed space?"

"I don't need any more space. I just need you to listen to something."


"You made a song for me, now I made a song for you."

Tiana rolled her eyes. "I'm really not in the mood to be dissed."

"It's not a diss. Just listen, okay?"

Tiana crossed her arms as Noah started playing the song for her. He focused on her the entire time to see her reaction.


Do you ever get the feeling something's wrong?
When all around, you see the way thing's are going on?
But if you save your love for me, I will set you free
Oh I will set you free

Tiana glanced over at him with an emotionless face. He can't tell what she's thinking yet.


Oh, but if you save your love
I'mma give you all my love
Oh, but if you save your love
I'mma give you all my love

Now that made Tiana break out into a small smile. The second verse is playing now.


She told me that she noticed something different about me
And I know you feel the rhythm of the wave, it's hard to speak
Look, I wanna give my all to you
Come on, let's make this a legendary love
Legendary love!

Noah started singing along now because this was his favorite part. He held Tiana's hand and sung with power.


Baby it's like, oooo, I wanna be your shooting star from super far
Ooo, I wanna give you every piece of me and my heart!

Then he sung the chorus to Tiana, hitting crazy high notes and everything. She's impressed, he can tell. Now it's time for the outro.


Ain't been giving our best, but we gotta give life our blessings
Let me take away your stress, bring you happiness
I'll make you see
Shall give you this ring

Tiana gasped like crazy. "Wait, you got a ring for me?!"

"Well no...not yet. But I can always get one! It's no problem!" Noah told her. "I just need to know if you're gonna save your love for me or not."

Of course she was. "Noah, I meant it when I told you that I don't like Hakeem. I only love you."

"Aight. I'll let it go then." Because he was trusting Tiana. He hoped she didn't make him regret it.


Alex must be out of her mind if she thinks she can threaten Royalty's life and get away with it! So Royalty asked Simone where Alex lives because that bitch needs to get confronted.

Simone wanted to tag along, but Royalty advised against it. The last thing she needed was her girlfriend witnessing how badly she was about to fuck Alex up. She didn't want Simone becoming scared of her. But Alex will.

Royalty banged on Alex's door ferociously. "Open the door, Alexandra Crane!"

Alex did open the door because of the unnecessary banging. She was not pleased to see Royalty. "What the hell? Royalty? You here to fight?"

"What gave you that idea?"

Alex pointed at her outfit. "You're dressed in sweats and your hair is tied up. Seems like fight attire to me."

"Well it's your fault. Maybe if you weren't making threatening songs, I wouldn't be here right now!"

"Well if that's the case, let me go upstairs and get changed."

"Or you can stay right here and answer a few questions," Royalty countered.

"I don't have to answer to you. I said everything I had to say in the song."

"Yeah, you were threatening to shoot me which is crazy to me. Did you forget who my dad is?"

No Alex didn't forget. How could she? "What does the devil have to do with this?"

"Because he'll actually shoot you."

That made Alex look around in both directions. "Well where is he? I don't see him."

Her little tough act made Royalty laugh. "It's funny how you're acting tough because when he first got released, you were damn near ready to quit because you didn't feel safe."

"You're right. Maybe El Diablo does scare me, but you damn sure don't. So you and your fight attire can get the fuck on somewhere."

"Or I can do this." Then Royalty punched her in the face one good time, which caught Alex off guard. Alex snapped out of her shock as Royalty backed up while smirking. She was backing up because she wanted Alex to come outside so they can fight. And she sure did.

Alex rushed at her in the blink of an eye and punched her. Royalty punched her back and now they're brawling in front of her house. Bystanders were walking by in shock.

Royalty might've underestimated Alex a little bit because she was getting a good couple of hits in, but she's no match for the devil's daughter. That's why Derek had to come save her because Royalty was really about to end her.

"Yo! Chill out!" Derek came running and pulled them apart. "What the hell is going on?! Y'all are really out here fighting?!"

"That's what happens when you talk shit! You get hit!" Royalty said.

Derek scowled at her. "You're that worked up over a song?!"

"Boy, don't talk to me like you know me! You're not even in this!"

"You're right. I don't know you, but what I do know is that you're crazy like your father!" Derek spat.

Royalty was proud of it too. "Yep! I'm the devil's daughter, so don't fuck with me again Alex or I'm gonna have you meet your maker."

And she meant that shit.
