11 | tracker





Tiana was in the studio listening to some beats, but her girl Treasure came rushing in. "Girl, you won't believe what I just saw!"


"Star and Alex in the conference room!"

That wasn't surprising. "Okay? They're always in there."

"Exactly! And when they're in there, it means they're writing a song!"

Tiana dissed Star. "And it's unfortunately not gonna flop because Alex and Simone can sing. That Star though..."

Treasure agreed. "Right! So I got curious and asked them what they were writing, and they told me it's a surprise for you!"

"For me?"

"Yeah! They're clapping back apparently!"

The fuck? "Clapping back for what?! I ain't do shit to them!"

"You're beefing with Star."

"Yeah, Star! Not Alex! So it's none of her business!"

And now Tiana was angry because Star was really tryna build an army against her?! That proved she was a weak bitch because Tiana didn't ever need anyone to help her handle Star!

But clearly Star needed help! And the fact that Alex agreed to help her has Tiana even angrier because she actually thought Alex was dope! So she was thankful Treasure told her this because now she had some questioning to do.

Tiana stormed right upstairs to the conference room and yup, those bitches were in there giggling. They saw Treasure and Tiana walking in and they quickly hushed up like scary bitches do.

Tiana spoke plainly. "Well well well, if it isn't the little Star."

"And can you explain that to me? Why is your name Star because you're nothing but lackluster," Treasure dissed.

Star dissed Treasure right back. "Bitch, why is your name Treasure when you're worthless?!"

Treasure defended herself. "Oh really? Because my entire outfit is worth more than you!"

"Seriously? You two really came in here to argue about money?" Alex said in an annoyed tone.

Tiana corrected her. "No. I came in here to argue about that little song you two are writing!"

Star teased her. "Awww. Did Treasure run and snitch to you like she always does?"

"You're one to talk about running to people when you ran to Alex for help! You can't handle Tiana on your own?!" Treasure fired back.

Tiana snorted. "Oh you know she can't. She never could."

Alex huffed. "Okay, can you two just go back to where you came from? Because this drama is not it."

Tiana snapped at her. "There wouldn't be any drama if you weren't trying to jump into someone else's beef! And now I feel stupid for giving you so much praise all the time!"

Alex stood up now. "Look, Star's my girl. I'mma always have her back just like how Treasure has yours. And what we're writing isn't even a major diss to you. It's just something to remind you that you can easily be dethroned."

Treasure laughed hard. "BY WHO?! Definitely not you bitches!"

Alex just chuckled. "I guess we'll see. Let's go, Star."

"Yes please. And don't worry Tiana, I'mma prove I don't need to be carried," Star told Tiana.

She'll be waiting for it.


Cookie was at Angelo's house, sitting on the couch with him. He had his arm around her and they were talking about Lucious. "So how have things been with the Devil being back?"

The mention of Lucious gave Cookie chills. "That man truly scares me, Angelo. He scares everyone. Even the damn security at Empire don't wanna handle him!"

"He hasn't threatened you, has he?"

"Child no. That man is still in love with me and he promised he'd never hurt me and I believe him. But I still want him the hell away from me!"

"So make it happen. Get a restraining order," Angelo suggested.

It's not that simple. "I would, but that's just gonna make him angry and the last thing I wanna do is get on his bad side. Because he might not hurt me, but he WILL hurt my kids."

"I'm glad you said your kids and not his kids because that man is not their dad. He isn't even a man. He's just a monster."

Cookie nodded her head and changed the topic. "Anyway, how's Diana? She still wants you to leave me?"

"Every single day, but I'm not going anywhere Cookie. Especially not in dark times like these. You need me."

Cookie gave him a faint smile. "I appreciate your support, but I really don't want you to get hurt. So just promise to stay out of Lucious' way okay?"

"I promise."

And it's like Lucious knew she was talking about him because he was calling her now. Cookie really didn't wanna talk to that monster, especially with Angelo around, so she ignored him. But he won't quit calling!

Angelo wanted her to answer. "Just answer. He won't stop until you do."

Cookie refused. "No. I can't afford for him to find out about us."

"And that's why I'll be in the other room until you're finished." Then Angelo kissed her head and left the room.

So Cookie answered the phone with an attitude. "Why are you callling me, Lucious?!"

"Hey baby. Guess where I just came from?"

"First of all, I'mma need you to stop calling me baby! We ain't together!" Cookie hissed.

Lucious straight up ignored her. "Whatever you say baby. Anyway, I just stopped by our old house and did you know there's a nice white family living there now? It actually made me a little angry."

Cookie's heart dropped. "Leave those people alone, Lucious! They did nothing to you!"

"They're living in the house where we made all of our memories! Hell yeah they did something!"

"Leave them alone!"

Lucious laughed like shit was funny. "Oh calm down. I told you I won't kill unless absolutely necessary. They ain't even worth my energy."

Cookie was about to reply, but Angelo just had to come in and open his damn mouth. "Are you done-"

He quickly realized she was still on the phone and his eyes widened. Cookie just facepalmed because Lucious definitely heard that.

Lucious' tone completely changed. "Uh, who was that?"

"Nobody!" Cookie quickly lied. "That was the tv!"

"Oh. So you're home?"

"I am...not."

"So where are you?"

Cookie said the first thing that came to mind. "Empire!"

Lucious knows she's lying. "Oh really? Because that's not what my phone is telling me. Apparently you're at this address."

Lucious told her the address. Angelo's address. Cookie quickly stood up in horror. "You're tracking my location?!"

"Yeah and I'm right outside, so open the door."

Was he serious?! "I'm not opening anything! You need to leave, Lucious!"

Lucious spoke grimly. "Either you're gonna open the door, or I'mma bust it down. What's it gonna be?"

Meanwhile, Angelo's walking to the door angrily which made Cookie scream, "DON'T!"

But he opened it.

Lucious looked Angelo up and down with nothing but fury in his eyes. "Who the hell are you and why are you with my woman?!"

Angelo spoke with no fear whatsoever. "That's where I'm gonna have to correct you. I'm

"BUSINESS PARTNER!" Cookie yelled as she ran to the door. "Lucious, this is Angelo, my business partner! And we were talking about...business!"

Lucious looked at her suspiciously. "At his house? You couldn't have talked over the phone?"

"No we couldn't, Lucious! Some things are better said in person. But I was just leaving!"

"Yeah it's time for us to go home. But it was nice to meet you, Angelo. And since you're Cookie's business partner, I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other."

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm gonna start being around Empire again," Lucious announced.

Cookie snapped her head onto him. "Uh, says who?!"

"Says me. I'm out of jail so I'm ready to get back to work. I'm ready to run our company again. Unless that's a problem?"

That was a major ass problem.
