
Rick arrived to Hilltop, finding my dad and I there. At first, he was confused to see my dad and I, but after explaining he understood. He revealed he's found whereabouts on more guns, thanks to Tara.

She said she had kept a promise to these new people, but unfortunately it had to be broke. They had guns that we needed terribly.

We were going to a place called 'Oceanside.'

A lot of Alexandrians and people from Hilltop came, including Jesus and Enid. I met back up with Carl too.

We travelled by boat, by Tara's guidance, and on marshland to reach the outer edge of the forest that lined up against the coast. Rick held a map. Everyone had a large rifle or shotgun in their hands. We were also using the explosives we recovered on our way home a few days prior. We were going to trigger them outside the camp, to force them into the woods where they would meet our forces. Hopefully nobody gets hurt.

I walked with Carl and Enid until we got into our positions, Tara infiltrated the community, and everything started.

The first bomb went off. I almost jumped when I saw the flames and spoke dissipate into the sky. Gripping my rifle, Carl, Enid and I met up with a small group of Alexandrians who met up with fleeing Oceanside residents running into the forest.

"Everyone get down and put your hands on your head!" I yelled.

"Everybody stay calm." Carl called. "We don't want anyone to get hurt. Stay down and listen to what we say."

"We want this to go as simply and as peacefully as possible." Gabriel added. "All of you can make it that way."

Whilst looking around at the people I was stunned to realise that they were all women. Every single one of them. No men in sight. Rick, Jesus and my dad returned with two more women and Rick shouldered his gun. "Now, we made a lot of noise. We want to wrap this up quick, you can send people to redirect anything coming this way. Tara said your forests are relatively clear, so we won't take any chances. No one needs to get hurt. This is just about what you have, what we need."

"Nobody's taking anything!" A woman's voice snapped.

I turned to see a woman pushing Tara forwards, a gun held to her head. I raised my gun. "Let her go!"

"You need to let everyone go and leave right now." The woman demanded. "Just walk away or this one dies."

"Yeah, we'll leave you alone." Rick said. "But we're taking your weapons with us. That's not gonna change. It's Natania, right? Put the gun down, and let's talk about what we can change."

I looked around from person to person, Michonne was somewhere up in the trees with a sniper rifle. But like Rick said: No one needed to get hurt.Β 

From Tara's position, with a gun at the back of her head, she didn't look scared or angry. Not one bit.

"No. Leave. Right now." Natania ordered sharply. "We just wanna be left alone."

"Yeah, we'll leave you alone." Rick said. "Just let go of her, now. Or we'll kill you. None of us want that."

How thoughtful.

"They want us to fight the Saviours." A girl behind Natania said to her people, she must be Cyndia from Tara's description.

A few whispers started surrounding the group of women.

"We tried that. We lost." Natania growled. "Too much. We're not gonna lose anymore. Not our guns, not out safety, not after everything we've done to get here."

"We're gonna win!" Tara shouted. "With your guns, with or without your help. You kill me and you die, and my people take the guns and nothing changes."

Rick looked down at the Oceansiders with an analytical look, and I followed his gaze.

"Maybe we should try." A women said softly who had an unexpected amount of hope in her expression.

"Grandma stop!" Cyndie whispered. "It's over. Just talk to them, okay?"

"It's not over!" Natania yelled. "They've all forgotten. You've all forgotten. Some of you actually want to fight them. After everything? We can lose our guns, but us leaving this place to fight? After everything, I have to remind you! Yes, I am gonna do this, and then I'm gonna die, but it's that important. This is your life, all of you. Remember what it looks like. Remember what they did to us! You need to see this. Open your eyes!"

Somewhere deep down, I found myself almost sympathizing with what Natania was fighting for. It was clear a lot was taken from her: supplies, their home, the men of their community. It was sensible to deny, and I didn't blame them for that.

"Rick!" Michonne's voice interrupted loudly. "Walkers!"

Cyndie smacked her gun across Natania's head, and the women fell to the ground with a grunt.

"Everybody up!" Rick roared. "Get the children behind us! They're coming!"

"First shift, join 'em on the line!" Shouted one of the wine in the group. "Knives out. Dead only. Dead only!"

"Everyone, shots within ten feet of the line." Rick yelled. "That's it"

None of us had time to dwell on this. I turned and held up my rifle, and saw a giant fleet of walkers coming from the greenery. No doubt drawn by the sound of explosions.

These walkers were different though. Instead of just rotting, there was flaps of wet flesh and bone being held together by barnacles that had grown inside of their bones. Seaweed hung from their skin and waterlogged mouths which made gargling sounds instead of growling. I found it rather disgusting so I started firing, refusing to miss a shot.

The gunfire eventually ceased and everyone lowered their weapons. "We did it."

"No." Natania said and started to walk off. "We're not fighting them with you, so take your damn guns and go."

We began loading up the guns given to us, filling the trucks with more weapons that we really needed. I carried a couple in a basket and Carl carried some too.

Soon enough, we all travelled back to Alexandria. It was almost dark when we got back and Rosita was the one who opened the gates.

She looked worse for wear, but I could easily breath knowing she was okay after her sudden disappearance with Sasha. But speaking of Sasha, the absence of her lingered. My heart sank and the previous sense of relief was quickly scratched out.

Rosita looked at Rick. "There's someone here."

She led the way to the house that had been renovated to make a jail, inside held a cell that Morgan previously made after we had first attacked the Saviours. She opened the door and to my surprise, Dwight of all people was sitting there. Even the sight of him boiled my blood and caused anger to overfill.

There was no mistaking him for another Saviour, his noticeable burn scars that melted the side of his face into twisted rods of flesh was more proof than enough. It just made me want to do it to the other side and finish the job.

My dad shouted and launched himself forward without warning, forcing Rick to grab him and hold him back. I shot past everyone and stormed right up to Dwight. I reacted without thinking and punched him straight in the jaw which knocked him to the side. Watching Dwight double over and spit out a mouthful of blood was a better sight to see.

"Lilia!" Rick exclaimed, holding my shoulders back carefully. "Stop!"

"He says he wants to help us." Rosita said.

"Help? Bullshit." I asked incredulously. "He's Negan's guinea pig, let's just kill him now." I tried to jolt forward but Rick continued to hold me back. "That true you wanna help?"

"I do." Dwight replied.

"Okay." Rick said and let go of me to pull his gun out at Dwight. "Get on your knees."

"I want it stopped." Dwight spoke up. "I want Negan dead."

"So why don't you kill him." Rick asked.

"'Cuz he's his little bitch." I commented.

"Can't just be me." Dwight said. "They're all Negan."

"That girl you murdered." Tara began, crouching down in front of Dwight. "She had a name. Her name was Denise and she was a doctor, and she helped people."

"I wasn't aiming for her." Dwight said.

Dad shoved past everyone and grabbed Dwight by the collar with one hand and pinned him up against the wall with his knife directly pointed at Dwight's eye.

"Do it." Tara said. "Do it."

"Fucking do it!" I yelled and Rick held me back again.

"You wanna end it this way, you go ahead." Dwight breathed quickly. "I'm sorry. I am. I know you want to."

"Sorry don't change nothin'." I spat.

"And killing me does?" He asked.

"Hell yeah it does."

"Don't look at her, don't even speak to her." Dad grunted.

"He could just be here to see if Daryl were here." Rick thought.

"We can't trust him." Michonne agreed.

"Put an arrow through his skull." I threatened.

"I second that." Tara said at me.

"He owned me." Dwight said to my dad. "But not anymore. What I did, I was doing for someone else. She just got away. So now I'm here. So are you because of her."

"Do it!" Tara demanded loudly.

"There's another choice." Dwight said.

"Daryl." Tara said. "Daryl, you knew her. He took you away from Lilia!"

"He trusts me." Dwight said. "We work together, we can stop him. You knew me then, and you know me now. You know I'm not lying. I'm not."

"Put a sock in it man." I scoffed.

"Do it." Tara continued. "Do it!"

My dad's breathing was shallow as he lowered his knife but still held Dwight against the wall.

"We do this, we end Negan, and then he's all yours." Rick said.

"They have Sasha." Rosita mentioned. "If she's even alive."

"Why didn't you say something?" Jesus asked. "He could be our only chance to get her back."

"Because I don't trust him." Rosita replied. "But I trust Daryl."

"Negan is coming soon." Dwight explained. "Tomorrow. Three trucks, probably. Twenty Saviours and him. I can slow them down, bring some trees down in the road, buy a little time for you guys to get ready. If you can take them out, that's where we start. You kill them. I'll radio back to the Sanctuary. "

"The Sanctuary?" Rick asked.

"Negan's little cottage." I answered bitterly. "That's the name of where they all live."

They continued to discuss the plan, and we let Dwight go after talking about it. I stood with my dad and Rick as we watched him get into his truck and leave.

"If he's lyin', I'm gonna kill him real slow." Dad replied. "When this is done, I don't give a damn if he's sorry. I will kill that son of a bitch."

"I'm getting some rest." I huffed and went back to the house. I couldn't believe we were trusting him. But if Dwight really meant what he said..then he gets to live another day.

"Hey." I saw Carl joining me upstairs. "You okay?"

"Just wanna get through tomorrow as quick as possible." I nodded. "Can't believe we're trusting that asshole."

"Same here. But we'll get through it." He said confidently. "How was Hilltop?"

"It was alright. Sitting in a storm cellar wasn't what I had planned." I chuckled.

"A storm cellar huh? That's new." He commented, he noticed I was quiet. "Anything else?"

"I..visited Glenn and Abraham." I picked at my hands. "Said goodbye, at least I don't have to worry about that anymore."

"When everything goes to plan I'm sure we can go back there soon. TogetherΒ this time." He said.

"Together. Just gotta hope these trash people turn up first." I mentioned.

"We're gonna win tomorrow. With or without the trash people." He smiled.

"Can't wait." I placed my head on his shoulder and hugged him. I closed my eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too." He whispered. "I always will."

He moved his face down towards mine, until his lips brushed mine. His lips trailed over them, softly and delicately, just long enough so he could intake my slow and steady breath. The feeling of the warmth of his skin lingered after he had pulled apart with a smile.

He brought me closer, hands feeling around my waist to pull me in until our bodies were touching. I stood up straighter to lean up to kiss him again. Smiling while doing so.

His fingers trailed my cheek, down to my neck and then to my collar. Fiddling with my top button, I then understood what he was hinting at and I chuckled.

"Do..do you-" He began and pulled back breathlessly.

"Yes." I agreed and pulled to kiss him again. Undoing his flannel and much more.

The night happened all so slow. In each others arms all night.

But the next day happened all so fast.

Too fast.

One minute we had the advantage.

The next minute, they did..

The Scavengers turned around and raised their guns at us. Jadis pointed her gun at Rick, two men held their guns at Carl and I

A gun was pointed to the back of my neck, I bit down hard on my lower lip and almost tasted blood. We were betrayed. By Eugene, the Scavengers and who knows by now many others. It made my bloody lip curl with disgust, but there was nothing I could do but stay still and listen to the demon's voice echo.

"So, you don't like Eugene anymore." Negan said down below the walls, standing on the bed of a loading truck beside a tall-standing coffin. Bat in hand like always, he made my chest tighten just but looking at him. "You guys gotta like Sasha. I do too."

Besides me, also a gun against him, Carl was tense but not with fear. Hatred. He started down Negan and his truck.

Negan tapped Lucille against the coffin. "Got her right here, packaged for your convenience, alive and well." He gestured out with his free hand, as if he had done us all a favor. "Now, I brought her here so I wouldn't have to kill all of you, and not killing all of you could get complicated. See, I know there's a lot of firepower left in there, Rick. So I'm gonna make this simple."

He pointed at the walls with his bat. "I want all the guns you've managed to scrape up. Yep, I know about those too. I want every last grain of lemonade you got left. I want a person of your own choosing for Lucille."

"And the little Dixon! Yup, when one goes I might as well grab up the other one." His eyes fell on me.

I let my eyes stare him down, refusing to breath hard, or allow my hand to shake. I balled everything up in my chest.

He waved in a manner as if this was just a casual conversation, fake friendliness covered his face. "Come on. Just because I brought Sasha in a casket doesn't mean she has to leave in it!"

"You know what?" Negan was suddenly annoyed, and pulled his mouth into a bitter face which radiated pure anger and bitterness. "You suck ass, Rick. You really do! I don't want to have to kill her, but that's exactly what you're gonna make me do."

Rick stepped forward and pointed to the coffin, ignoring the gun pointed to him by Jadis. "Let me see her."

"Oh." Negan chuckled, looking suddenly happier. "Alright. Just give me a second. Might have to get her up to speed. You can't hear shit inside this thing."

He turned to the casket, opening it.

It all happened so fast.

Sasha emerged from the coffin, but she wasn't living. She was part of the dead, and she attacked Negan. He fell backwards for the truck with a yell.

Her teeth bared, eyes white and blind, her face already rotting away. She growled at Negan hideously.

I was back in my body as quickly as I disappeared from it, the death of Sasha was so sudden but it was time to act. Get rid of the Saviours for those who have died, including Sasha who was aggressively trying to eat Negan.

Carl and I moved our hands to grab our weapons and spin around to shoot the Scavengers behind us.

Their bodies dropped to the floor, bullet wound in chest. A surprised look coated my face but then wiped it off like it was nothing. No trace or guilt or remorse stayed on my face. We fired at the other attackers with valor. Chaos and hell broke loose, causing bullets to fly from every direction.

Scavengers were dying, Saviours were dying and even Alexandrians were dying. Blood was already falling down the streets.

My brain moved faster than my body could process, but getting wrestled down by a Saviour disrupted my thinking. Ears ringing from loud shouts and gunshots, yelling in my ear to get me to keep still.

I was dragged towards the centre, forced onto my knees. I was placed in front of Carl. Jadis pushed Rick down next to Carl.

"If I had a kid it'd want them to be just like your kid. Or hell, even like little Dixon here." He patted my shoulder but I shoved him off. "See? Which is why I'm takin her with me, but first. She's watchin' this."

"You're not gonna win." Carl stated.

"Carl..." Negan replied and bent down closer to him. "It is over. Why don't you point your one ball up the street there and take it all in?"

A scream came from up the street, the building where Michonne was. My eyes widened in horror as I glanced at Rick and then Carl. I gasped and tried to fight back the tears.

Negan chuckled. "Oh! Wow. You just lost somebody important to you right now, like just now. Jesus. This is timing. We'll, Rick, you chose this. I truly don't know what more I could have done to warn you. And this isn't a warning. This is punishment. I'm gonna kill Carl now. I'm gonna make it one nice, hard swing. Try to do it in one, because I like him and I wouldn't wanna scare little Dixon too much." My heart dropped and I couldn't hold back a gasp.

"Don't worry about him kid, I'll find you someone better back home." He winked at me and turned back to Rick after giving me another grin. "I'm gonna kill Carl and then Lucille here, she's gonna take your hands. Now, don't worry about little Dixon here. She'll come with me. She'll be treated better than her daddy that's for sure, but she has killed a few of my men in the past, so I have other things to dwell on too. "

Rick and I glared at Negan. "You can do it right in front of me. You can take my hands. I told you already: I'm gonna kill you. All of you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but nothin' is gonna change that. Nothing." Rick threatened and lowered his voice. "You're all already dead."

Negan started to laugh. "Damn. Wow, Rick. Okay."

He stood up and moved behind Carl, removed his hat and tossed it in front of me. "NO!" I let out a yell.

I was pulled back by my hair. "You said I could do it." Negan said, getting ready to swing Lucille.

I heard a roar behind me, I turned around to see Shiva jump onto a Savior that was pulling my hair back, taking him down and tearing him apart.

"End these Saviours and their accomplices." Ezekiel roared. "Alexandria will not fall! Not on this day!"

There was Morgan and Carol, fighting for Alexandria.. for each other.

Rick grabbed his rifle, I turned around on got up to my feet with Carl. We took a rifle from fallen Saviours and got ready. I saw Maggie approaching, followed by people from Hilltop.

"Phalanx out, third group, now!" She yelled.

"Move up, now!" My dad shouted. "We got your backs!"

I raised my gun and aimed it at Saviours, all falling down one by one. I saw Negan trying to escape.

I aimed and fired in hopes to at least graze him. It shot past the side of his leg and he buckled.

"Ah!" He yelled in slight pain. "Fucking kids!"

My dad ran up besides me. "Come on, get to cover!" He yelled and he pulled me to run.

We covered behind some houses, chasing some Saviours back up the street the way they came in the process. A flare shot up and the street filled with smoke, blinding us and giving time for Scavengers and Saviours to flee.

"Where are the others?" I yelled over the gunfire.

I headed up the street with my dad and met with Maggie, Rick, Carl and the others. They were looking for Negan. He was gone.

I gritted my teeth at the sound of his truck driving away. I shot the truck in anger and it sped off.

"I still shot him." I slung my gun over my shoulder in annoyance and turned to face the others. "You came!" I said to Maggie.

"Refused to miss this." Maggie said with a nod.

"What now, he got away?" I shrugged.

"This isn't over." Rick spoke up. "This is just the beginning."


*inserts dramatic music*

*roll credits to s8*


