
Bokuto Kลtarล [ๆœจๅ…Ž ๅ…‰ๅคช้ƒŽ]

He smiled as he walked out of his house. He felt excited for the first day of his school as a second-year student. And he would be able to play volleyball with his friends again in their court.ย 

He could say the school's gym is his third home already, after his current home in Tokyo and his grandparents' home in Akita. And he couldn't wait to play again, despite some of his seniors graduated already. And that was okay for him, so much better.

He put on his headphones as he walked on the bus terminal near his home and continued smiling as his playlist started booming through his ears. He smiled along the way, not minding how early he was, which is unusual for him. He just really felt good today.ย 

As he went down on his stop, he decided to grab some breakfast first on the nearest fast-food chain since he forgot to eat earlier due to his happiness. And he is already expecting his mother to scold him later.ย 

He hummed on his favorite song as he walked in the school gates with a breakfast burger on his hand until something unusual caught his eye. No, it wasn't unusual but something bizarre by the cherry blossoms some meters away from him.

He saw an unfamiliar guy looking up the sky with eyes closed and a smile on his face as the petals fall. He didn't realize he was staring too long as he was enthralled by the view. He never saw someone as ethereal and calm as the guy.ย 

He felt as if the view was made for him to gaze at and that the time has stopped - like how he felt with the first spike he made when he was younger. And he took note of how the petals complement the guy - like the petals are made to be with the guy as he was born.ย 

'Pretty,' was the first thing he wants to say and was about to approach the guy until he felt a smack on his back and heard a loud laugh beside him.

"You look stupid, Bokuto! Like that is something new." Bokuto looked beside him and squinted his eyes as he saw Konoha and Komi laughing. "What are you gawking at? You've been standing too long there and staring like a lovestruck teenager watching by the cherry blossoms."ย 

He looked at the cherry blossoms again but to his dismay, the guy was gone and he was unable to approach him. He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "At least I'm not like a drama queen you are, Komi." He muttered and started walking. His two friends followed and they started catching up with his mind clouded by the cherry blossom boy.ย 

'I hope it's not just some hallucination or something and I'll see him again.'ย 


Classes went by and he released a happy sigh when his last class for the day dismissed them. He's been waiting to practice volleyball with his teammates and the awaited announcement of their coach about their new teammate.ย 

He went inside the gym with his friends and greeted his upperclassmen teammates. "Have you seen the new first-year member?" He heard from one of the third-years which caught his attention. The current captain of the team shook his head. "But I know his name. It's--"ย 

A whistle was heard that signaled them their coach's presence and all of them stopped talking and went to greet their coach.

"Yukippe, is the new member here?" Bokuto asked Yukie, one of their team managers and his classmate, and saw Yukie shrugged with a smile. "Why? Afraid your ace position would be taken away?" Yukie teased that made him groan. Kaori, one of the team managers, appeared beside Yukie, and laughed lightly. "I guess Bokuto-kun will be replaced then," Kaori added which made the two girls laugh.ย ย 

"Ooooh, so the new member is an ace then." Konoha appeared beside him with a teasing smile that made him groan again. "I don't mind if he's an ace." He muttered. "Even if he is better than you, ace-sama?" Sarukui added that made the other four students laugh. Bokuto didn't mind them as it is in their nature to annoy him in times like this. He doesn't even feel threatened because he's too excited to meet the newest member and he doesn't know why.ย ย 

"It's good to see you all in good condition, I suppose you have not stopped working out on your break. But anyway, as I have said two months ago, the volleyball team had recruited a first-year student who will be joining us this year. I am not sure if you have seen him play but I know he has the potential to bring our team in Nationals and a pillar to our team ace."ย 

All eyes looked at Bokuto with a grin and he widened his eyes. 'Could it be a new....setter?' He asked himself which made him more excited.ย 

The coach turned to his back and called their new teammate. And the team was beyond surprised when they heard him shout.ย ย 

"Cherry Blossom Boy?!" He said rather loudly.ย 

Saru and Komi tried to stifle their laughs as they saw the new teammate's face fluster from Bokuto's unexpected greeting. Konoha couldn't contain his laugh and started wheezing beside him. "Damn, what a first impression to make Bokuto!"ย 

The coach, the captain, and the team managers facepalmed at how he acted but he didn't mind, the boy earlier was real. "I was kind of expecting something like this would happen," Kaori muttered and Yukie couldn't agree less, knowing how their friend acts.ย 

"Uhm, I would prefer if people call me by my name, Bokuto-san," the cherry blossom boy said after coughing and he became more thrilled when he heard the boy knew him.

"I am Akaashi Keiji, from Class 1-6. My current position is a setter and I am looking forward to playing with you all. " Akaashi bow at them politely and their other teammates greeted Akaashi with a smile and hello's but Bokuto didn't stop from his unexpected greeting earlier.ย 

"HEY HEY HEY AGHASHIIII! SET FOR ME!" He shouted that made their coach shook his head while his friends laughed as they shook their heads. But he didn't mind. He was too delighted to have a new setter for the team and that the cherry blossom boy was real.ย 

"Yah! Don't get too excited Bokuto! We need to warm-up first." The captain scolded but smiled lightly when he saw their ace in this state, especially after what happened last school year.ย 

He doesn't want the team to experience the same "hell" under his care.ย 

The rest of the team laughed with Bokuto's antics and Akaashi was then again flustered from his excitement but gave him a polite smile. "After the warm-up, Bokuto-san. I would gladly set for you. And again, it's Akaashi, not Aghaashe."ย 

Bokuto felt something churning in his stomach but grinned to Akaashi as he heard the boy's words. It was a good day, indeed.ย 


a/n:ย credits to the used media above: BelleDeesseย 

i might update slower this month due to school works and 4 research papers i have this termย 
im sorry but ill try my best to update every after 2-3 daysย 
and might post a one-shot (?) fic from my draftsย 
