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My eyes flickered open when the sun rays fall straight on my face. The pain in my body was overwhelming. My whole body screamed for me to rest and not get up from the bed but being a dumb person I did what my heart told me not to do, "Careful," Taehyung stood beside me and helped me sit straight up

Putting some kind of medicine inside my mouth he gave me the glass of water indicating me to drink it. I took a few sips. I avoided his eyes at all cost. Remind me why in the world was I embarrassed?

He took the pillow from the bed and put it behind my back carefully. I caught a glimpse of his face which screamed pure anger. Shit, that's not good. I know he looks fine as hell whenever he is like this- Not the time. Not the time

He suddenly got up from the bed ready to leave the room but I tugged his arm softly. He glanced at me. Intimidating. That's the word which I would use after seeing that expression on his pretty face, "Does it hurt?" Does he have to ask this? Now I am going to tear up. No one ever cared for me so much. At least not the opposite sex

"Do you need something? Are you hungry?" He bombard me with questions. I shook my head for each one, "Then what?" I pulled him down and pecked his lips, "Thank you Taehyung"

"Was that it?" His deep voice was filled with irritation, "I mean... Yes. Oh and calm down. You should not let your anger-" His hand glided themselves to my neck as he spoke again cutting me off, "Now listen carefully. You are my responsibility. If someone touches you, I'm not going to sit here and watch it like a fucking movie. Taeyong would pay for whatever he has done. Got it. No more questions right?" I shook my head, "Good,"

My eyes went to the place he was looking at. Shit. The blood-soaked the whole bandage which was covering my leg. A small whimper left my mouth as it was painful to watch, "Let me fix this. Look away" I was stunned about how he knows me being afraid of blood and all


He was taking care of me 24/7. I don't say a word but he exactly knows what I need and when I need it, "Aren't you tired of taking care of me like this. Was nursing your part-time job?"

He blinked in surprise but answered, "As someone whose uncle is a doctor by profession, I did learn some things from him and see it was worth it," I was taken aback, "Woah. You can multitask"

"I can multitask at many things," I smiled and asked, "Like" My smile disappeared after those words left my mouth, "No no no. I don't want to-" his finger rested on my lips shushing me, "You do want to know," I covered my eyes with my hands. He chuckled and removed them

"Don't worry I won't do anything," I licked my lips trying not to blush hard, "Yet" I pushed him away and fanned my face to get rid of the red face. Sucks to be me, how come I blush whenever he is with me?

His face turned serious all of a sudden, "Do you remember anything from yesterday?" I nodded which made me remember the awful situation I was in yesterday. Halfway through the story, his phone started ringing which alarmed both of us

He picked it up. I heard someone talking from the other side, "And who are you?" I bit my nails when he asked this question to the person on the call, "Asshole," He dialled another number which confused me. Did the other person end the call himself?

"Jimin. Go to my office and check if something happened there," Curiosity got the best of me as I eagerly waited for him to tell me after he ended the call, "What happened?"

"Someone is trying to break into my office," My mouth formed a big 'O', "You should check then," I suggested him but he was lost in his thoughts, "I'm not leaving you alone"

"But-" He interrupted me. What's up with him interrupting me always? "I've already sent Jimin" I nodded unsurely

"So..." He started as I looked into his brown orbs. They indeed are deep and beautiful, "You love dogs" I pointed out to the picture of a cute dog which was hanging on the wall, "I love many things" He honestly replied. The way his eyes lighten up made me realise that no one asked him about it except me. I found it amusing and surprising. He also never told me about him. This was my time to ask

"Like," I put my hands on my face concentrating only on him, "Like I love you"

Was it necessary? No, but he did it

"Don't kid with me. I'll choke you," I distanced myself away from him, "Smooth Kim Jisoo. When someone confesses their love for you. You just go around and threaten to kill them" I love him ok!? Yeah but it's hard to tell him

"See many people have confessed their love for me," he suddenly chuckled, "Are you flexing here?"

"What!? No way. I'm telling you this. Why would I flex? It's not a big deal. I don't get why people use those words. It sounds ridiculous to m-" he put his lips on top of mine, "I'm not saying you to return these feelings. You have your own choice whether to be with me or..."


"Or be with me," I give him a funny expression, "Wow I thought that you were going to give me some choice"

"I don't know what to say to you. Bear with me. After all these years the guys I've met only created a mess into my life, "He beckoned me to come closer to him. I did as he said, "Trust me Taeyong's chapter is going to close pretty soon"

"I'm not a murderer but if he tries to harm you one more time. I'll not let him go without killing him with my bare hands" His phone pinged up again. I took it from the nightstand faster than him

"There's nothing here in your office you moron. You freaking dimwit. I hate you for waking me up early in the morning"

I read it out loud for him to hear too. He smirked, "See I told you there was no one" I gave him his phone back, "You are lucky that you have such an awesome friend. I'd slit your throat if you wake me up from my deep slumber"

"Okay, do you think that it was Taeyong who planned all this?" He simply answered, "Of course it was him. That's why I didn't leave you here alone"

"You could have called Jimin here," He shook his head, "I don't trust anyone with you other than me and also Jimin is my best friend. I don't want him to suffer in any way. He has done a lot of things for me already"

"Aww cute bromance"

We suddenly heard a loud crash downstairs which scared the wits out of me, "Wh-What?" It was a surprise how my mouth formed that one word. I remained frozen on my spot. He put both his hands on my cheeks before saying, "Stay here. Don't go anywhere. Got it" I shook my head and wrapped my fingers around his arm

"No way. It's dangerous. You are not going anywhere. Stay here with me" He glared at me for nothing, "Hell no"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY 'HELL NO' TAEHYUNG COME BACK," he locked me inside without hearing me out. God. What if something happens to him? Wait lemme think of an idea to get out from here


That's the only place from where I can go downstairs and I guess the safe area too. My body was not cooperating with me at all. I was broken from each angle, "Just this once God. I'd never ask for something else. This Kim Taehyung- Ackkkk" I landed straight on my butt and a loud piercing scream left my lips, "Can't even curse him now"

I got up from the ground and entered the house from inside the back door. Taking small footsteps I looked around to find no one. Where did Taehyung go?

"Boo," I jumped two feet apart, "Damn Babe? Scared aren't we?" I would puke if I see his face for one more second, "I'm not scared. I pity you Taeyong. Look at you. What you were and what you've become"

"Shut up. I came here to kill that Kim Taehyung. I didn't know you were here. Wow. Aren't I lucky?"

"I'll run from here. Don't come near me," He ignored me and chased me like a freaking leopard. Only I know how I managed to get away from him. Should have listened to Taehyung but where did he go?

"Stop Jisoo or I'll shoot," Should I stop? No. This a thing would let me nowhere. If I stop running then he'll catch me and if I don't stop he'll shoot me. Either way, I'm going to die. My heartbeat escalated when I heard the trigger being pulled

Wait who is that!?

I look closely to find Taehyung ahead of me, "I fucking told you not to come outside" I hugged him without any worry, "Thank you Taehyung for everything"

The bullet hit me like a brick. The pain enveloped all my senses. My mind felt heavier than what it usually was. Did it hurt? Yes but less than the thought of Taehyung getting hurt




[1 chapter left. Thenks for all the loveโค๏ธ]
