๐’ ๐ž ๐ฏ ๐ž ๐ง ๐ญ ๐ž ๐ž ๐ง

[What's your opinion on this story till now?!! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿป]


"But I still need you"

Isn't this called flirting?

He let go of me and started coming closer. I stepped back until my back hit the table. He was too close and when I say too close that means our bodies was glued with each other

I closed my eyes when he moved closer to my face. For a few seconds I stayed like this, then getting no response I opened my eyes to see what he was doing. My emotions became wild for those few minutes when I saw him looking at me intently. I peeked behind to see him with his phone. Oh, so he wanted his phone

He could have just asked me to step aside

I got startled when he showed me something on his phone. My eyes fall on his messaging inbox which was floating in front of my eyes, "You are going to get yourself killed for coming between me and Jisoo" I read it out loud and gasped. Taeyong?

"How? What-?" I was speechless all along

"You do know that your ex-boyfriend is a psycho and a killer. Right?" That was it, "KILLER? H-He can't be..."

"He killed a guy who didn't give him his money back" I put my hand on my mouth. This new information was too much for my brain. Was I living inside a shell all the time? How come I don't know this?

"P-Police??" I stuttered out the words, "He was in jail for only one year after committing this crime"

"By any chance do you know how many years back?"

"3 years" I was trying to gulp down the previous words but after hearing this my mind was numb, "That was the time when we broke up"

"He was never like this. When we were in a relationship he was all sweet and caring but after he cheated-" I abruptly blocked myself from spitting the words. He raised his eyes indicating me to continue

"How do you know all this?"

"You keep forgetting that I'm The Kim Taehyung. I can get all the information in a snap of a finger" His audacity to call himself 'The'

"After he cheated?" Oh, so we are still on that topic, "I don't think I should tell you this"

"Let's make a deal," He said, "What kind of deal?" I squinted my eyes a little

"You would help me to catch Lee Taeyong and in return, I'd free you from this job" I fake laughed at his offer, "Wait Wait Wait. It is my choice and right to leave this job. This deal isn't giving me benefit in any way"

"You would get rid of your ex-boyfriend who keeps on messing with you" Isn't Taeyong a mad guy? He would probably come back to irritate me but this offer is good. I'd get away from both this job and him

"Okay but in one condition..." I placed my words with a lot of courage, "What condition?"

"I want to do this job for only 8 hours. Not more than that"

His jaw clenched at my words but agreed, "Okay, but you would do all the things I would tell you to do"

This guy is not going to let me go easily, "Alright" I agreed to his words because it isn't like I have any choice or something

I should not ask this but it would eat me alive if I don't ask him

Jisoo. No, don't. No no no

"I thought you like Taeyong" I added promptly, "I'm not homophobic or anything but him...To be honest I'd be happy for you if you'd choose any other guy..." I carefully said. He came closer with a dreading look, "or not..."

"Should I show you if I'm into guys or not?"

His minty breath was above my lips when he whispered that sentence. Just one light step and I'd kiss him right away straight on his lips. Should I back away? Yes

I leaned away as far as I could not caring about my back anymore. He came more closer. If this goes on, I'll do that wheel pose from which my bones would break eventually

His hands came in contact with my waist. Pulling me up he said, "You want to try that exorcist pose?" I shook my head. What in the world was I trying to do?

"What are you planning to do with Taeyong?" I asked once he removed his hands which I was thankful for. I mean it was not bad... The fuck is wrong with me today...

"You'll see" His smirk send chills down my spine. I shivered while thinking about what he can do


I was free from the babysitting but not free from Kim Taehyung

This guy has officially made his mind to get proofs against Taeyong. Anyways, it was a good thing that I'd get few miles away from that psychopath

Taeyong was a guy with a sharp mind. If he sees something weird or unusual he'd definitely get alert. Now that I know him more, he'd kill the person who will get into his path

I shouldn't have agreed to go to the party with Taehyung. All hell will break loose when Taeyong would see me with him. I knew this was his plan to trigger him but I can't help and feel a little scared about doing this

He hates when I get close to any other guy. He was the protective kind of person, it was all okay to an extent but he crossed this when I became his obsession. A deadly obsession

The honking of the car made me realise that Taehyung is here to pick me up. I hurriedly took everything which I need to protect myself from that killer

"Where are you going?" Mom asked me while looking at me suspiciously, "To a party"

"Who is picking you up?" I stayed silent not daring to say a word back to my dad, "Does it matter? You guys don't tell me anything and I think I should do the same"

Before they could yell at me, I fled away as fast as I could

"You wasted my two minutes," I opened my mouth to speak but he beat me by saying, "Try to value my time. It is precious" You thought. I'm the most precious in the whole world

"Why are you..." He stopped mid-sentence. I gave him a confused look but then I saw him eyeing my dress. I felt hot all of a sudden. His gaze was hard which could snap me into two. I fanned my face with my hand

"Aren't we getting late now?" I said with a savage tone, "Of course we are" He replied not taking his eyes off me. Why am I so bothered with him looking at me?

"L-let's go" I weirdly waved my hand in front of his face. Calm down Jisoo it's just Kim Taehyung


"Do you think he'd come?" I questioned him, "He would. My friend is organizing that party and he invited him and his father too" I nodded, understanding

"How are we going to catch him?"

"You'll see" This. This is the reason why I don't believe this man. He reveals his plans at the last moment and wants me to act like I know everything from the start

While I stand there all clueless not knowing why I exist in this cruel world

When we reached there, I walked beside him but stopped still when the camera flashes almost made me blind. How is this guy not blinking? I always knew he was from the parallel dimension

I flinched all of a sudden when a swarm of news reporters came and started asking me weird questions, "Are you Mr Kim Taehyung's girlfriend" "Are you guys secretly dating?" "How did you become his P.A?" "How is it to become his Personal Assistant?"

The last question triggered me. The news reporter was giving me those weird eyes with a smirk on his face. What do they think of me?

"Don't you think that question is offending? What do you mean by 'Personal'? I don't think reporting people is bad but the way you are doing this is wrong. I work for him because I'm qualified enough to do that. If I was not good then I would have been at your place asking these rude questions to people but there is a difference between me and you. That's why you are a minor reporter while I'm the P.A of the biggest company in Korea" My words were not filtered. I don't even care if they look guilty

"But you-" The reporter immediately stopped when he saw Taehyung in front of me, "Shut up if you don't want to get kicked out of your job" His voice was threatening and cold

I moved my head to see everyone but regretted it when my eyes made contact with a red Taeyong. He was clenching and unclenching his jaw. Rip to those teeth

I was finding this whole situation hilarious but if only I have known what was going to come up next. I'd have never smiled

[What is coming up next? ๐Ÿฅฑ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป]
