π—π—πˆπˆ. NO MERCY


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After the match passed, it was horrible. Well, mostly for me. I had to spend the next full week making up all of the work I had decided not to do because of the match. I didn't do it alone, though. Sometimes Noah and I met in the library and he helped me with everything.

I could tell Noah had been happier ever since I agreed to be his girlfriend. Yet, my feelings just began to go downhill after I said yes. I liked him - a lot - before I answered, and then once I committed to it, I've realized my feelings for him have been going, if not gone already, away.

Another bad side to all of this is that this whole thing with Noah has made Draco and I grow apart. He hates Noah with a passion, so now he barely talks to me, and it sucks. And since we're distant, I no longer have feelings for him, either. I don't like either of them like that anymore. And that puts me in a bit of a predicament.

Hagrid has also been gone all week because he had to go to the Ministry for a hearing for Buckbeak the Hippogriff. Draco's father had sued or something. Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I decided to go visit Hagrid since he just got back.

It was currently mid-afternoon on Sunday and I was exhausted. I had just finished the last of the work I had been assigned from this week and last week. But it was worth it, I used it for quidditch. I hated Sunday's, I've always thought that they are worse than Monday's.

I shoved the last textbook in my back, threw on a Slytherin sweatshirt over my clothes, and headed out of the girl's dormitory.

I walked right into a crowd in the common room. Curious, I walked over to the group. I pushed my way past the excited first and second years, accidentally elbowing a short eleven year old in the face.Β 

I stopped moving, but she turned to her friend excitedly and squealed, "Giovanna Potter's elbow just touched my face!"

So I smirked to myself and kept walking.

I made my way so that I was standing in between Eli and Blaise. My eyes widened when I saw Pansy and Draco standing in the middle of the crowd.

"What's going on here?" I ask the two boys next to me.

"Friendly game of truth or dare gone wrong." Eli shook his head. I rolled my eyes and turned to Blaise, expecting a better answer.

"Well, we were playing truth or dare, and then bloody Crabbe thought it would be a brilliant idea to dare Pansy and Malfoy to kiss." Blaise explained. My eyes widened.

"What?!" I exclaimed loudly. A lot of heads turned my way, and I lowered my voice cautiously. "Has either of them had their first kiss?"

"Nope." Blaise shook his head.

Like I said, I don't have feelings for Draco, but the idea of him having his first kiss with Pansy just felt wrong. I quickly turned my attention back to the two in the center.

Pansy was leaning in, a smug look on her face. I saw Draco, looking extremely uncomfortable. But he was a stubborn Slytherin and I knew he wouldn't back out no matter how much he wanted to.

"Gio, in a second smoke's gonna come from your ears if you don't calm down." Eli mumbled in my ear. I realized that I was literally fuming.

Pansy was leaning in closer, and Draco looked like he would rather be kissing my brother than her. And that's saying something.

"I'm going in." I mutter back to Eli, and walk forward. I shove Pansy away from Draco.

"What, Potter? Are you jealous, you can't bear seeing Malfoy, your lover, kiss someone else?" Pansy smirked.Β 

"What?" I exclaimed. "I'm dating Noah!"

"Right, Noah, that foul mudblood. And you're just a blood traitor for even being near him." Pansy smirked again. Draco stepped forward, but I beat him to it. I walked right in front of her and smacked her face so hard it hushed everyone in the room.

"Insult one of my friends or I like that again and you'll get a lot more than a smack to the face." I growl, Pansy's smirk gone, replaced with pain-filled tears. "And as for Draco, he's just stubborn and wouldn't back away. He was clearly uncomfortable and doesn't want to kiss you. Ever. When's he's ready for his first kiss, he'll do it with the right girl, not with you because of a dare. Got that?" I raise my eyebrows.

Pansy stayed silent. I was fed up. I whip out my wand and point it at her. "Levicorpus!" I yell, making Pansy float into the air. "Flipendo!" She flips backwards and lands on the ground. I stand above her and mutter, "Furnunculus," making boils appear all over her face.

Everyone laughs. "I said, got that?" I ask again. Pansy nods, scared. I step away, and she and her posse run into the girls dormitory.

My eyes widen when I realize what I just did. Everyone was silent, some looking at me with fear, others in awe. It's not like I cast evil spells, but they were harmful. And I felt no mercy while doing it. I turn slowly and look at Draco. His expression was unreadable. Was he grateful? Scared? Unnerved? Awed?

"Giovanna-" He says, stepping forward to me. I didn't want to hear it. I didn't want to be here anymore. I pushed past him, pushed through the crowd, and exited the common room, without looking behind me.

As I walked through the halls to meet up with the Gryffindor trio, one thought was on repeat in my head: What is happening to me?
