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It was no secret that over the next few weeks, Defense Against the Dark Arts became everyone's favorite class if it wasn't already. No one really cared how shabby Lupin looked, he was almost everyone's favorite professor as well. Only Draco and his goons found something to say about him, but I always quickly shut them down.

The story of the boggart assuming Snape's shape, and the way that Neville had dressed it in his grandmother's clothes, had traveled through the school like wildfire. The Potions Master didn't seem to find it funny. His eyes flashed menacingly at the very mention of Professor Lupin's name, and he was bullying Neville worse than ever.

Harry and I were growing to dread the hours we spent in Professor Trelawney's stifling tower room, deciphering lopsided shapes and symbols, trying to ignore the way Professor Trelawney's enormous eyes filled with tears every time she looked at either of us. We couldn't pretend to like her even if we tried.

Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown had taken to haunting Professor Trelawney's tower room at lunch times, and always returned with annoyingly superior looks on their faces, as though they knew things the others didn't. They had also started using hushed voices whenever they spoke to Harry or I, as though we were on our deathbeds.

Nobody really liked Care of Magical Creatures anymore, which, after the action-packed first class, had become extremely dull. Hagrid seemed to have lost his confidence. We were now spending lesson after lesson learning how to look after flobberworms, which had to be some of the most boring creatures in existence.

At the start of October, however, Harry and I had something else to occupy the two of us, something so enjoyable it more than made up for our unsatisfactory classes. The Quidditch season was approaching, and my captain, Marcus Flint, called a meeting in the Common Room on Thursday evening to discuss tactics for the new season.

"Before you even begin talking," I started right away, "Is the two seeker rule still applying? Because I really don't think Draco's skills are up to par compared to mine."

The blonde rolled his eyes and I smirked.

"We were just planning on alternating. One game Malfoy plays, the next it's you." Flint explains.

"Okay, but I don't want to be against Hufflepuff. Those are easy wins. I want a challenge, so Draco will go against them." I cross my arms, and Eli grins.

"Actually, that's perfect that you mention that," Flint smirks. "This year, Hufflepuff gained a new captain, Cedric Diggory, and we have no idea what we're up against. Also, Wood is going to work harder than ever to win the Cup."

"So basically," I started,

"We have two opposing teams with unknown tactics?" Eli finished for me.

"Yes." Flint confirms. "And seeing as our seeker that goes first is injured-"

"How injured are we speaking?" Eli rolls his eyes and I smirk.

"Injured enough so that I won't be able to play Gryffindor." Draco scowled.

"I can fill in!" I quickly exclaim, eager to play against my brother. And just play in general.

"No, you're missing the point." Flint rolls his eyes.

"Okay, don't take an attitude and just tell me." I glare at the older boy.

"If we can't play against Gryffindor..." Flint trails off when he sees my eyes widen with realization.

"Hufflepuff will fill in. And then we can figure out both of their strategies at the same game. Killing two birds with one stone." Draco explains, earning nods from the rest of the team.

"That's brilliant, Snake Boy!" I exclaimed, beaming at Draco, who grinned.

"Now we're all on the same terms, perfect. Now, you can all go. First practice is Sunday, at noon. Don't be late." Flint dismissed us.

Full of determination, our team started training sessions, two evenings a week. The weather was getting colder and wetter, the nights darker, but no amount of mud, wind, or rain could tarnish my wonderful vision of finally winning the huge, silver Quidditch Cup.

We returned to the Slytherin common room one evening after training, cold and stiff but pleased with the way practice had gone, to find the room buzzing excitedly.

I walk over to Pansy and Blaise, still in my dripping uniform. "What's going on? Why's everyone in the common room?"

"They put up an announcement for the first Hogsmeade weekend." Pansy explained, pointing at the bulletin board. "End of October. Halloween."

"It's about time. Waited two years for this." I grinned. First and second years weren't allowed to go to Hogsmeade, but third years were.

The next day, Ron and Hermione hardly spoke to each other, apparently due to Hermione's cat almost killing Ron's rat. Harry was anxious all day, due to the fact that he was the only third year not going to Hogsmeade.

He had decided to ask Professor McGonagall to grant him permission when the day came that we were all going. I hoped he was allowed, I wouldn't want him to miss it. He needed a parent or guardian to sign his permission slip, but the Dursleys obviously didn't do that.ย 

I was lucky that I lived with the Weasleys.
