Y/n's POV

"Look it's your walking sex toy!" River says making me put my head up quickly. River and Ava burst into a fit of laughter making me glare at the couple.
"Fuck you." I mumble at River. I knew she was referring to Sophia who was nowhere in sight.

"When are you going to actually settle down? It's nice being in a committed relationship. Plus, I'm pretty sure you're over Jasmine. That ended hella long ago." Ava states as she intertwined her hand with River's. "Well one, I don't want to be in a committed relationship, and two, I'm not trying to be whipped and a simp like you two. You literally are like leeches on each other. Lastly, shut up. Jasmine isn't even a thought anymore so don't bring her up."

"Hey don't rain on our parade because we're enjoying our life together. You're just mad that your sex toy has other sex toys and she's tired of riding your pony."
"Shut up, Ava. And I'm not a pony, I'm a stallion you hoe. Sophia only rides me." I say confidently before throwing a carrot stick at her face.
"Hey don't be violent, settle down."

"Where's Hailey and Noah?" I questioned noticing their absence from our table. "Probably off somewhere getting it on." Ava slaps River's arm making her rub her arm in pain.

"Okay well I'm leaving you two lovebirds and going to O'Hara's before she gives me detention."
"Aww Y/n/n, you're being a good student." Ava smiles.
"Shut up, my mom is just on my back lately."
"How's your hot dad?" River smirks. "I hate you and you're gay, leave my dad alone creep." I reply before leaving the table.

As I'm walking to class I bump into Sophia.
"Oh hey, I was just about to text you. I know we were supposed to meet up-"
I shut Sophia up by placing my lips on hers and pulling her into the janitors closet.

"Woah- what was that for?" She smiles. "I just missed you a bit."
"I'm sorry to cut this short but I have a test and I can't be late, but after practice, come over."
Sophia smiles and winks before pecking my lips and leaving the janitors closet.

I step out and sigh before I rush to class noticing the time.
"Late, no surprise there." Kelley says as I proceed to sit down. "I think you just like detention, Sloan. Stay after class for your detention slip."

Gosh I hate her sometimes. She's a real bitch. She must not be getting any. I tuned out the rest of the class and snuck on my phone. I really don't need this class. I just got put in it to fill my schedule due to some new rule.

As soon as the bell rang, I tried to make my way out of class before Ms. O'Hara could hand me my detention slip.
"Dude seriously? I was like 2 minutes late." I complain as she stops me at the door. "You were still late and you were late all last week. If you don't care to be here, then why bother showing up? You'll probably fail anyway."
"Whatever's." I mumbled taking the slip from her hand. "And I saw you on your phone so enjoy the week, in detention."

Only upside of this is, I have detention with the new hot principal. This can't be too bad. Maybe she can switch me out of this assholes class.

. . .

I let the day go on and on and after school I texted Sophia letting her know we more than likely couldn't have sex today. Total bummer. I walked into the office and knocked on Principal Morgan's door.

"Come in." She rasps out. Have I mentioned how hot her voice is? Am I the only one who thinks that?
"Detention?" She asks as she puts her head up from looking down at her papers on her desk. I couldn't help but to smile at her as my eyes connect with her blue ones.
"Yeah, I'm starting to think Ms. O'Hara doesn't like me but then again, I don't care."

Alex's POV

Y/n sat in my office and did homework for the first 30 minutes. It was quiet for the most part until she spoke up again.
"So, I'm finished. Am I supposed to just sit here in silence?"
"It's detention." I say as I cut my eyes to her.

I try not to stare too long because, due to my lack of intimacy at home, Y/n slightly turns me on. She's really attractive.

"Yeah but, can you give me something to do? I don't want to sit here and do nothing."
"You got yourself here. I have work to do though, so quiet please."

Y/n fidgets in her seat and sighs. She then gets up and walks around my office looking at my pictures on the wall and somehow ends up behind me.
I jump a bit when she leans down behind me and whispers in my ear.
"Can I help you?"
I clear my throat and try to say something but nothing comes out. It's been a while since someone's stood so close to me like this.

"No." I squeak out.
"Why?" She poked. "Y/n, can't you just sit down?!"
"Sheesh." She puts her arms up in defense. I stand up out of my chair and she's still directly behind me. With our faces inches apart, my breath hitches.

My eyes quickly flicker to her lips. I stuttered out a jumble of nonsense quietly.
"Do I make you nervous?" Y/n whispers in my ear. I could just about here the smirk through her voice. I couldn't tell if she was joking but at the same time, I couldn't form any words. I've been longing for someone to just touch me. She had a smirk on her lips like I thought and I honestly didn't know if I wanted this to continue.

Kelley hasn't been giving me what I want but at the same time, this is wrong on so many levels. But I just- I need her. I need something.
Seeing as I didn't move an inch, Y/n connects her lips with mine and I couldn't bring myself to pull away. There's no denying she is attractive and I couldn't help the intensity between my legs.

Y/n pulls me closer and taps the back of my thighs for me to wrap my legs around her waist.
"Wait- the door. Lock it." I breathe out. She sits me on my desk and quickly locks the door before returning to me. Her hands roamed my body before finding their way up my skirt.

Y/n began sucking on my neck making me let out a moan but I lightly push her away so she doesn't leave a mark. She proceeds to take my shirt off throwing it across my office before taking hers off. Wow. Okay as if I wasn't already turned on.

I could feel the tension in her pants as she brought me closer to the edge of my desk.

"Wait- I can't do this." I say pulling away from her. "Are you sure? At this point you've-"
Fuck it. I start to unbutton her pants and I couldn't help but to notice her size. I slid my skirt off and let her have me whatever way she wanted.

. . .

I fixed myself as Y/n exited my office. Detention was supposed to end an hour ago. I grab my phone seeing a missed call from Allie, a few texts from my sisters and a call from-

Holy shit, I just cheated on Kelley.

A/n: So, sexy time in the office. Alex rode the stallion πŸ‘€ should she tell Kelley πŸ‘€ what did y'all think
