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Y/n's POV

"So she wants the wedding to happen on December 31st?"

"Yes." I say as I respond to River. "I don't have a problem with it, I just thought she would want it to be some time next year, maybe. But she said she wants to go into the new year married to me and with the people that matter the most to us around. So, there will be cider and alcohol." I stood in my living room rocking Charlie back to sleep.

Chandler is already asleep thanks to Ava but, Charlie was fighting it. Alex was out with my mom, Meredith, Addison, Allie, and Megan. She wanted to go to brunch with them. I like Alex and my mom being really cool with each other, it's refreshing, and I know Alex appreciates it ever since her mom basically cut her off and acts like she doesn't exist.

"Finally." I whispered as I put Charlie in her swing next to Chandler. My arms hurt. I sat on the couch before sitting up and staring at my two best friends. This is about as good of a time to ask. "Hey, doofus 1 and doofus 2, I wanted to ask you two something."

Ava and River just stared at me waiting for me to continue. "Well, since this whole wedding thing is moving along faster than I expected and, Alex already has her bridesmaids, and we're going for something somewhat small, I wanted to ask, since you two are my best friends if-" River was already looking like a clown with that big smile plastered on her face. "What?"

"Continue, please!" River smiles. "Well, I was wondering if you two would be my best women?"

"BITCH DUH!" River exclaimed, making me shush her so the twins wouldn't wake up. "Why is that even a question?! Of course." Ava replies. The two got up giving me a hug. "So, when do we get to go shopping for tuxes?"

"Who said we're wearing tuxes?" I asked River. Ava and River looked at each other before looking back at me. "Bitch, you know damn well you will not be in a dress." I laughed nodding. She's right, I'm not wearing a dress. I'm leaving that to Alex and her friends. "Well, we could start looking around now. Jackson said he'd pay for our tuxes which means, grab something expensive because Jackson Avery is rich as hell." I smiled. Gotta take advantage right?

. . .


Alex's POV

I stood in the room at the rented beach house. I wanted a beach wedding and, well, we all know, winter in California doesn't exactly exist so, the weather is nice outside and I'm fully nervous. Today is the day that Y/n and I would be tying the knot. Y/n is everything I have ever wanted. She's my love. The love of my life. My soulmate. I don't think I have ever fell so hard and so fast for someone in my life. Now look at us, getting married. I want to see her so bad, but, I know its bad luck so I'll just have to deal.

I had just gotten my make up done and Allie and Megan came in. I wasn't sure if my mom was coming. My dad was coming, my sisters, but, I don't know about my mom. "So, the twins are dressed, and fed, they're with Addison and Arizona. Why aren't you dressed?" Allie asks as she looked at me. "I- when people say seeing your fiancΓ© on your wedding day before the actual wedding means its bad luck, what kind of bad luck am I in for?"

"Bitch, you're literally going to see her soon. Please don't tell me you're not dressed because you want to see Y/n."

I gave Allie and Megan a small smile. "Dude, you can wait. I'm pretty sure she's already dressed. You don't have that much time away so, get your shit together, bride." I smiled at Megan as Allie went to the rack grabbing my dress so they could help me get into it. This is really happening. "Can one of you go get my kids?" I could feel the tears coming. "No, no crying, you're going to ruin your makeup."

"I'm sorry but, I'm emotional and I'm marrying Y/n and-"

"Alexandra, no tears."

I nodded trying to blink the tears away. I'm a mess. The door opened again and I thought it would be the twins and Addison but, it was my mom. "Tissue!" I exclaimed and Megan quickly grabbed one dabbing away my tears that were threatening to fall. I hugged my mom who quickly apologized as I hugged her. I didn't care about anything else right now, just the fact that she's here for my big day.

Y/n's POV

"You look spiffy." My dad commented as I finished putting on my jacket. My dad came over to me helping me with my bowtie. I didn't want to go with a regular tie because, I personally think bow ties look better. I saw him wipe some tears from his eyes as my mom walked into the room. "My baby, you're growing up." I smiled as I hugged my mom.

"We are so proud of the woman you have become. You knew exactly what you wanted and you're going after it. You are already such an amazing mother, you put your family first, you take care of the twins and Alex, I just don't think I can be any prouder of you than I already- well, actually, when you become a world class Plastic surgeon like me, I know that'll be it."

"Plastics? She's doing neuro."

My dad and I got quiet making my moms eyes widen. "There's already 4 of you and that's major shoes to fill that I don't want to fill. Come on, you, Derek, Amelia, and Tom are enough."
"You could do general."
"Meredith Grey, the Catherine Fox Award winner already owns that territory with her mom, Richard, Bailey, and Jo."

"Anything but plastics."


"Okay fine, but, make sure you keep the Grey-Sloan in your name."

"I will."

"And, you should add that in the kiddos names but-"

"Lex, Morgan Grey-Sloan is a bit much." My dad laughed. "Just- whatever. Let's get some pictures." My mom said as we turned to River and Ava who had my phone in their hand. We took a few pictures before Meredith popped her head in the room asking me if I was ready to go. I decided, since my dad won't really be walking me down the aisle, I'd have both of my parents walk with me to the stage before Alex comes out.

I looked at myself once more in the mirror before heading out of the room. The beach was Alex's idea. I wanted to get married in the hallway of the high school. She didn't like the idea of it, she liked my reasoning behind it though.

Obviously, it's where Alex and I first met so, it seems only right. She made a valid point though, the hallway is too small to hold a wedding. It wouldn't have been able to fit our guests. Oh well, I tried. But, I did get her to agree to open the doors to the school so we could go take pictures in the hallway, you know, for nostalgic purposes.

I linked arms with my mom and dad as they both kissed my temple. I took a deep breath as our photographers began to snap pictures and our videographer began to record.

We walked down the aisle, all smiles, before we reached the end and they hugged me as I stood there with Meredith. She's going to be our "ordained minister". She's still certified from Jo and Alex's failed and short lived marriage.

She gave me a warm smile as I stood there and tried to prepare myself for what came next. I looked over and saw my twins looking around, not fully understanding what was going on around them. Looking at them made me emotional and I told myself I wasn't going to cry.

"Looks like someone's going to owe me some money." River whispered behind me. She may be right. I just know, when Alex comes out, I'm going to crumble.

Meredith raised her arms so everyone could stand and everyone's attention turned to the end of the aisle. There, might beautiful and soon to be wife, Alex stood. My breath hitched at the sight of her. The way her dress flowed, her beautiful smile. It's like at this moment, no one else was here but Alex and I.

I watched as she walked slowly down the aisle with her dad, both with big smiles on their faces. I also noticed, Alex's mom did get my invite. As Michael and Alex reached me, Meredith asked him "Who gives this woman to be married to this woman?" and Michael followed with an "I do." I took Alex's hand in mine after Michael gave her a kiss on the cheek. We stood in front of Meredith and Meredith began the formal speech.

I took a deep breath as I looked into Alex's eyes, prepared to say my memorized vows.

"It was the first day of senior year and I did not want to be at that school but, I'm glad my mom forced me to go because little did I know, I would meet the love of my life that day. Bumping into you in the hallway was the best non decision of my life. My first thought was "Woah you're hot" which is what I said to you. Yes, I was that bold. I didn't expect what came after to happen. You becoming the most important woman in my life. You made me fall in love with you without trying, all in that office. The holy grail. From principal, to baby mama, to girlfriend, to finance, and now, to make you my wife, I have no words that could ever fully express how much I love you. I want us to get old and crusty together, I want us to take care of each other when we're old, senile, and smelly. I want you forever, Alex. You're the cup of tea I want to continue to drink if you know what I mean. I promise to have and to hold you, to love you through any and everything, for the rest of our lives. I promise to always put your happiness before my own, love you when you're wrong, I promise, to always be your person."

Alex and I both at this point had tears rolling down our cheeks. I reached over wiping hers as she cleared her throat to begin her vows.

"You, are the reason I have headaches, you are the reason, when I'm home alone, that I can't sleep because you are constantly on my mind. That day I met you, I knew you would be a persistent person in my office because of all the stories I had heard but, what I didn't know was you would become my soulmate. You make everyone else I meet irrelevant. You, within a month or two, became the only person I wanted to be around. Like I've said countless times before, things happen for a reason. Our story is unusual, who does things this way? We do, and I would go back and do things all over again if it meant I would end up with you. I fell in love with you, your smile, your kisses, your laugh, the way your nose crinkles when you smile, how caring you are, your attention to detail, your jokes that aren't always funny, your beautiful soul. There is no one else I would want to do life with, you are it for me. Our love will never fade, my love for you will only get stronger and, for you I will always be thankful. You have given me the greatest gifts of life; love, happiness, peace, and children. You are my sunshine and my moonlight, you are everything I will ever want and need. I promise you, for the rest of our lives, I will love you for everything you are and everything you will become, I promise to always stand by your side, even when you're wrinkled. I will never run, I will always be right by your side."

Alex and I then proceeded to put our rings on each other.
"So, Y/n Sloan, do you want to marry Alex Morgan?" Meredith asks making me smile. "I do."

"Alex Morgan, do you want to marry Y/n Sloan?"
"I do."

"By the power vested in me by the internet, I know pronounce you married! You may kiss the bride!"
Without a second lapsing, I placed my lips on Alex's with all our friends and family cheering in the background. She's now mine forever.

. . .

At the reception, we had our first dance, Alex danced with her dad, I danced with my mom, everyone was having a great time. Of course, River and Ava had to make fun of me in their speeches but I felt better after Allie and Megan did the same to Alex. We did the countdown to welcome in the new year and everyone, minus the kids, had their New Years kiss. I have to say, our wedding was pretty amazing.

We weren't having a long honeymoon because, well, we have kids and Alex has some principal stuff to do before school comes back in session. But, my parents will be taking the kids for the weekend so we can have some alone time. I really get to call that sexy woman my wife!
