Chapter 7 : Meet again

English is not my mother
Sorry for the bad grammar,
I promise to improve it!

I do not own
any of these characters!
I only borrowing them!



3rd person pov

"Where are we going?"

The freckled ravenette asked for the 37th time. Akira sighed, rubbing his temple.

'Is he always this stubborn? I told him to just wait.' He thought to himself.

He finally turned to the fire user, pouting. "If you really want to know, then we're going to the Revolutionary."

If Ace was drinking water right now, he would have spit it to the straw hatted ravenette in front of him. "Wait, what? Okay, okay. Sorry if it's annoys you, but you don't have to lie, you know?" A tick mark appeared on the older ravenette's head. "Oh my God! You want me to tell you, and when I answered you said I'm lying?!" He grabbed the latter's shoulder, shaking it violently. Ace chuckled as he raised both his arms in defeat. "Right. Sorry," he apologized, amused at the straw hatted ravenette.

Akira huffed, letting him go and sit back at his place. "We're going to the Revolutionary. There's someone I want you to meet." He stated, making the freckled ravenette raised his eyebrow.


"Don't. Ask."

Ace quickly shut his mouth as he received a glare from the latter. He let out a chuckle, mumbling an apology. He leaned his back on the side of the tiny boat, eyes staring at the sky silently.

When he's about to sleep, he suddenly heard a voice calling him.

"Hey, Ace."

"Hm?" He struggled to keep his eyes open, so he can't hear well what Akira wanted to tell him. Then he was brought into his dream.

Akira stared at the sleeping figure silently. He sighed, looking up to the sky. "I wonder how he will get his memory back.." he said to himself, thinking about a certain blonde revolutionary.

A sudden pain strucked his chest as he coughed violently. He clicked his tongue, spitting the blood into the blue sea.

"Tch. Stupid blood." He wiped the blood strain dripping from his mouth. He startled when he heard a groan behind him as he turned around. He sighed in relief as he watched Ace adjusted his sleeping form, no sign of him waking up.

His lips curved into a small smile, but as quick as it came, it disappeared in a second as he looked down. He frowned, remembering his words before Ace drifted into his sleep.

I'm sorry.


The freckled ravenette opened his eyes, yawning as he stretched his body.

"Huh? It's night already?" He looked around the sea before his eyes landed on Akira's sleeping figure. Ace smiled at the peaceful look plastered on the older ravenette's face. "...wait. Something's missing." He stated to himself. That's when he realized, Akira don't have his hat on his head. He looked around to search for the straw hat and found it beside the sleeping ravenette.

Ace sighed in relief, remembering how Luffy panicked when his precious straw hat suddenly gone missing.



Did he just compared Akira and his little brother?


Yes, yes he did.

Ace stared at the straw hatted ravenette in front of him silently, not wanting to wake him up. "Wow, he really look peaceful when he's sleeping." He said to himself as he took a good look at his face. 'I never see his face clearly before. His straw hat always blocked it. Now that I see it, he really looks like Luffy.. but older.' He tilted his head to the side, wondering how this is possible.


He narrowed his eyes. No, it can't be. It can't be.. right?

He snapped out of his thought when he heard his name.


He turned his head to the ravenette. "Ah, you're awake-" he cut himself as he saw Akira is still sleeping. "Huh?" He raised his eyebrow. "I thought I heard him call-"


He snapped his head towards the ravenette again. Ace widened his eyes when he saw tears flowed down Akira's left eye.

"...Akira?" He reached for the latter, only for his hand to be caught by the other's hand. He flinched at the tight yet gentle grip on his wrist, but did nothing. He watched as more tears streaming down the ravenette's face.

"Ace.." Akira called out, a pain look plastered on his face, making the freckled ravenette's eyes softened.

"I'm sorry.."

Ace raiser his eyebrow, wondering why he apologized to him.

"I'm sorry.." the straw hatted ravenette repeated, tears still flowing down his face non-stop.

"...why?" The second division commander bit his lips. "Why are you apologizing?"

When he received no answer, he let out a sigh, knowing that he won't get any answer soon. He tried to take his hand back, but the grip on his wrist tightened. Again, he sighed.

"Seems like I have to sleep like this." He stated as he leaned his back on the side of the boat before surrounded by the darkness once again.


Ace woke up by the sound of the bird, and found himself on the same ship, alone. His eyes twitched, "That bastard.. did he really just left me on an unknown island?" He silently reminds himself to give the older ravenette some lesson.

He looked around his surrounding, his eyes beamed in amazement. "Woah, everything is white.." he take a walk for a bit, since the straw hatted ravenette didn't seem to come back to him anytime soon.

He walk and walk, until he found an old building. The building was all white too, just like the island itself. He decided to take a closer look at it, 'I guess Akira won't mind waiting for me a bit,' he shrugged as he started to walk.

The building was awfully quiet, not like he expected that there's anyone there.

Well, no. He changed his mind when he opened the door and got the unwanted attention from cloaked people. Noting that he's uninvited, he quickly escape the crowd, entering an unknown room and slammed the door behind him. He let out a sigh, not noticing the two stares from a certain ravenette and a blonde.


Hearing his name, he snapped his head at the familiar voice. There, stood Akira in front of him, beside him was a blonde. He narrowed his eyes at the blonde as a sudden pain strucked his chest.

He ignored the feeling as he grabbed the older ravenette's colar, a tick mark appeard on his head.

"You! You leave me on the boat alone without even telling me where are we! I swear once we get Luffy I'll kick your ass!" Akira laughed as he raised both his hands up, surrendering himself. "It's not my fault you look so peaceful when you're sleeping," dusty pink covered the freckled ravenette's cheek, making the straw hatted ravenette's laugh louder. "We're at Baltigo, the Revolutionary Army's base." He stated, making the second division commander raised his eyebrow.

Sweatdropping at the scene, the blonde decided to speak. "Uh.. Akira, who is he?" He finally asked, earning both ravenette's attention. Ace released the grip on the other's colar and looked away, not wanting to feel the unknown pain when he look at the blonde.

"Ah, this is Ace. He's the second division commander of the Whitebeard pirates," Akira smiled, holding both Ace's shoulder and bring him to face the chief of staff. "And Ace, this is Sabo." The freckled ravenette's eyes widened as the name echoed in his head.

He finally look at the blonde, "W-what?" Sabo raised his eyebrow, not getting the clue by the freckled ravenette's reaction. "You're Sabo?" The blonde nodded, grinning widely at the new acquaintance. "Yeah. Nice to meet you, Ace." He stretched out his hand for the other to shake.

Instead of what he expected; for Ace to take his hand for a shake, he got a good punch in the face.

Akira winced at how hard the punch was. 'I thought he wanted to punch me back then.. I guess I need to apologize to Sabo later.' He noted to himself.

"Hey, what was that for-?!" He received another after another, until he managed to catch the fist of the ravenette. "What the hell?!" He wanted to say more, but stopped when he saw tears on the freckled ravenette's eyes.

He glanced at the straw hatted ravenette who shrugged, before making his way to the door. "I'll give you some privacy," with that he left, leaving the two alone.

Sabo turned his face to the freckled ravenette, brows knitted. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, slightly feel guilty for making the ravenette cry. Well, he didn't know if he cry because of him.

Ace snapped his head to face him. Gritting his teeth, he grabbed the blonde's colar tightly. "You bastard! We thought you were dead! We suffered your death for fucking ten years! And you're here all the time, alive, and play the revolutionary now?!"

Sabo widened his eyes, not expecting that from the ravanette. "What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me! You leave us alone with your fake death, for ten years! You don't even give us letter to tell us that you're happy and alive! What kind of brother are you?! Are we really a trash for a noble like you?! That's why you don't care about us?!" Ace snapped, his voice cracked as more tears streaming down his face.

"What?! No!" Sabo exclaimed. "I lost my memory! When I woke up, all I wanted was to be away from my family! I don't have any idea about having brothers!" He felt Ace's hands froze. "I have no idea what you're talking about, but seems like you're someone from my childhood. Trust me, I don't mean to make you feel that way."

Ace's grip on his colar loosened a bit. "You.. lost your memory?" He nodded. "You don't remember me and Luffy?" Again, he received a nod. Ace looked down, his bangs shadowed his eyes.

"...I see."

He released the grip and turned around, backing the blonde as he wiped his tears away. "Monkey D. Luffy is our little brother. We're not related by blood, but we have bond. We have dream to become pirates."

Sabo raised his eyebrow, not getting a clue. "Huh?" Ace ignored him, his back still facing the confused blonde.

"Luffy is our weak baby brother. He's a crybaby, always need us to protect him." The blonde widened his eyes at a sudden pain on his head. "We live with the mountain bandits. Together, we survive everything."

He gripped his head as more pain strucked his head. He gritted his teeth as he saw blurred images of three kids. "W-what..?" He stuttered. He recognized the blonde with a missing tooth, since the kid was him from ten years ago. He didn't recognized the other two, but somehow they were familiar.

"But of course, your father have to ruin the happiness." Ace stated, narrowing his eyes as he heard a heavy breath from his back, but decided to ignore it. "You explained to us that you're a noble, but you hated them. You ran away from your home and went to Gret Terminal, that's where we met. Of course, Luffy easily forgive you for keeping secret between us. That's when we declared our dreams. To become pirates."

Sabo's breath hitched as more images revealed, increasing the pain he suffered.

"I will become a pirate.. and let my name spread around the world, so they recognize my existence!"

He clutched his head tightly that his hands itched.


Then it strucked him like lightning.

Ace widened his eyes as a loud scream echoed in the building. He rushed towards his supposed to be dead brother, panicked as he grabbed the blonde's shoulder tightly. "What's wrong?!"

Footsteps was heard coming towards the room as the door slammed open, revealing more revolutionary army. A petite figure with short ginger hair rushed towards them, her face held the same worry as the freckled ravenette. "Sabo-kun! What's wrong?!" She asked as the other revolutinaries approached them.

Dragon also went towards the room, but was stopped by a certain straw hatted ravenette. Akira shook his head, making the revolutinary leader let out a sigh. He's not allowed to ruin this family reunion. He stayed beside Akira, who is leaning against the wall beside the door.

"Are you really have to make it this way?" Dragon sighed, earning a chuckle from the latter. "I have some other ways to get his memory back. But I choose this way," he glanced at the people inside the room. "Ace deserves to know that his brother is alive. He didn't get to know it in other timeline." He exclaimed, his voice cracked a bit at the statement. "Plus, it's Sabo's birthday. It better be the best birthday present in his life."

Ace stared at the blonde as the scream stopped. "Sabo, are you okay?" He asked, worry was visible in his tone.

The blonde didn't reply, his head hang down. 'Is he unconscious?' Ace thought as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to the back, revealing a fishman.

"You better go. We need to treat him," Hack stated, making the freckled ravenette bit his lips before nodding. "...please make sure he's okay..." Ace whispered, but loud enough for the fishman to hear.

He released his grip on the blonde's shoulder. He turned around to leave, but a tight grip on his wrist prevented him to do so. He glanced back, only to see the hand that gripped his wrist was belong to his brother.

He turned back to his brother, worry plastered on his face. "Are you okay?" He asked. The blonde's head still facing the ground, not making any movement. "Hey, are you-"

"You stole Dadan's sake,"

Ace's eyes widened as the blonde slowly raised his head, tears streaming down his face. The other revolutionary was confused, but they knew that this is about Sabo's lost memories.

"If we share cups of sake together, we'll become brothers. We may not be on the same ship when we become pirates, but our bond will stay together." The second division commander's sight started to blur, his eyes full of tears that threatening to fall again. "From now on, we're brothers!"

Sabo received a tight hug from his brother. He returned the hug as he started to sob, along with Ace's hitched breath.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I forgot you and Luffy. Please, forgive me!" He apologized as Ace pressed his face to his shoulder, letting out soft sobs. "S..shut up! You idiot, you make us worry!" Ace's voice muffled through his shoulder as he tightened the hug. "Idiot little brother..."

They continued to cry in the middle of the room, surrounded by the revolutionaries.

Dragon smiled at the scene from the door. He heard a soft sobs from his side, making him glanced at the straw hatted ravenette beside him. Akira covered his eyes with his straw hat, biting his lips as tears streaming down his face.

Dragon chuckled, patting the younger ravenette's head gently. "Why don't you join them?" He asked. Akira took a deep breath as more tears left his eyes. "I can't," Dragon raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. He's still wondering why his son didn't hug his beloved brothers when he finally meet them again a few years ago.

He let Akira hugged him tightly, burried his head on his chest.

Akira is Luffy from the future. His son from the future. He was told that everyone died, leaving his son alone.

When Akira met him, he was attacked by a bone crashing hug by the ravenette before getting an explaination. If Akira reacted like that with him, a person that he barely know, why wouldn't he react the same towards his brothers, crew and friends?

Dragon narrowed his eyes as he rubbed his son's back.

'Just what happened in the future that managed to change you, Luffy?'


T. B. C

Clyfieqh here!

Today is Sabo's birthday! Yeay!!
He received the best birthday present, didn't he?

Just hoping that you love this chapter! Bye!

Look at his smile, it made my day 😭❀️

Yeah we get it sir, you're hot as fuck-

This is officially my favourite fanart πŸ˜”β€οΈ

Aww.. the brothers reunion always got me crying..

Dragon how could you.. i'll make sure Akira see this!

Alrighty! That's all! Bye!!
