Chapter 1 : I will become the Pirate King!

English is not my mother language!
Sorry for the bad grammar, I promise to improve it!
There's so many wrong spelling, I'm gonna check it later!



Gol D. Roger, the 'King of the Pirates', had achieved it all. Wealth, fame and power had all been his. Not surprisingly, the final words he spoke before they lopped off his head inspired adventurers throughout the world to sail the seas.

"My treasure? Why, it's right where I left it." He smiled. "It's yours if you can find it.. but you'll have to search the whole world!"

And with that, they beheaded him.

The audience roared, signing that the world is about to witness a great era of piracy.


Present time

3rd person pov

One year ago, a pirate ship made a small harbor village as it's base. The wind blows from the East, and the village is at peace. Until..

"Hey, Luffy! What are you up to now?!"

One of the pirate crew yelled, smirking at a seven years old kid.

"I've had it with you guys! Now you'll have to take me seriously!!" Luffy said, gritting his teeth as he raised his left hand that is holding a knife. "This is how tough I am!!"

"Get it over with! Whatever it is.." a man laughed, his straw hat covered majority of his red hair. His crew joined in, laughing at the child. "What's that pup up to now?"

Their laugh soon turn into gasps and yells as Luffy stab himself at his cheek, right under his eyes.





"A toast for Luffy's courage and our great voyage!"

The pirates cheered, drinking and having fun with each other in a bar. Luffy sit on the chair at the counter, a familiar red hair sitting next to him.

"It didn't hurt a bit!" He exclaimed as tears forming at the corner of his eyes, irritating the older male beside him. "LIAR!! That was a foolish thing to do!" He scolded.

Luffy ignored him as he beamed, claiming that he's not the least bit afraid of getting hurt. "Take me with you on your next voyage! I wanna be a pirate too!!"

"You?! A pirate?!" The red haired man scoffed. "Impossible! Luffy, do you know why I call you 'Anchor'? Because you can't swim-- you just sink! What a good pirate who can't swim?!" He laughed.

"But if I don't fall overboard, then it doesn't matter if I can't swim!" Luffy stated, slightly mad at the red haired man. "And I'm strong! I've been training. My punch is as powerful as a pistol!" He said confidently, only for his friend to scoff. "A pistol, eh? Is that so?"

"Are you doubting me?!"

The crew started to encourage and ask their captain to take Luffy just this once, only for their captain to object. "Then one of you will have to stay behind." He stated. Luffy then yelled at them, feel betrayed as the crew continue their small party.

"You're too small, kid. Maybe in 10 years I'll give you a chance." The older male pointed at him, smiling widely.

"Shanks, I'm telling you! I'm not a kid!!" He pouted. Then he realized, one of the crew wasn't there with them. "Where's Akira by the way? Is he going somewhere?" He asked, earning a nod from the red hair man, stating that Akira went to buy some stuff.

"Hmph, I wish he was there when I stabbed myself. He might admit my toughness."

Shanks chuckled as he give Luffy a glass of juice- "Don't be mad, have some juice!" - which Luffy happily drink it.

"See! You're still a kid!!" He stated, laughing out loud. "That's a dirty trick!!" Luffy yelled, slightly embarrassed that he fall for the trick. He slowly walk away from the latter, annoyed by his insults.

"Luffy.." he turned to the voice, tilting his head. "The Captain is just doing what's best for everyone." The owner of the voice, Benn Beckman stated as he light a cigarette.

"How do you know, Mr. First Mate?"

"The captain knows all about the dangers of the sea. It can kill you in a thousand ways! It's not that he wants to crush your dream of becoming a pirate." He said, smiling. Luffy frowned, not planning to believe his words. "Well, I don't believe it! Shanks just like to make me look dumb!"

As on cue, Shanks turn his head towards the two, hand covering his mouth. "Hey, Anchor!"

"I told you!!"

The first mate sweatdropped, not used to see his captain childish behavior.

(Let's just skip until the bandits appear)

As they were enjoying, the bar's door suddenly got kicked, silencing the crew.

"Heh, heh, so you called youselves pirates, huh?" A man who seemed the leader of the bandits scoffed. "First time I've seen pirates.. you look like a bunch of idiots to me."

Luffy looked at the man confusedly as he eat a fruit that had a weird texture on it. He watched as the bandit went over to the counter, demanding for 10 barrels of sake.

"I'm sorry, we just ran out of sake." Makino, the bar waitress stated, slightly nervous at the fact that the bandits might be a danger. "Sorry, here's the last glass if you want." Shanks offered, handing him the glass.

The bandit gets annoyed and blah, blah, blah, you know what happen in the manga. (Sorry, this week i've got exam and it will continue until next week, i need to study and rest-)

After the bandits left, leaving Shanks all wet from the sake, Luffy scolded the crew for laughing at their captain, saying that Shanks's not a real man.

He then walked away from the red haired male, decided to leave him alone as Shanks grabbed his hand, though he's still walk away. "C'mon, don't be mad-"

He cut himself as the bar fell silent at the fact that Luffy's hand just stretched. "WHAT THE-"

One of the crew asked the kid if he ate a weird looking fruit, which Luffy admitted that he did eat the fruit, complaining it's taste. Shanks revealed that it's Gomu Gomu No Mi, a very rare devil fruit that they stole from the other pirates, stating that once people ate the devil fruit, they would never be able to swim, which caused the kid to shout in disbelief.

As they're panicking, the bar door opened once again, revealing a 19 years old male. He has raven hair and a pair of black eyes, wearing a straw hat that exactly the same as Shanks's. Luffy's eyes light up in joy as the male put the stuff that he just bought beside the door, sighing.

"Akira!" Luffy beamed, rushing towards the said male. Akira looked at the kid, wiping the sweats that running down his forehead. He smiled at him, before patting his head. "Hey, Luffy. How are you?"

"Shishishishishi! I'm as good as always!" He stated as a certain red haires male scoffed, unamused by how the kid treated him and his sidekick.

Akira hummed as he noticed the bandage on Luffy's cheek before mention it.

"Ah.. it's just.. I stabbed myself on the ship, this morning." He stated, hand rubbed the back of his neck as he suddenly felt nervous all of sudden.

Akira widened his eyes, concerns that the kid's injury. That must be what people thought, but no.

"Really?" Luffy flinched at the sudden cold tone as the older male beside him frowned. "That's stupid." He said sternly. The atmosphere in the bar tense up, with the crew frowned, Luffy's biting his lips, Makino widing her eyes and a sigh from a certain captain.

"How come you ended up stabbing yourself? What's the reason?"

"I.. I just wanted to show them that I can be a pirate too. Plus, I will have the same scar like you!" He stated, excitement filling his voice at the last sentence. The older male glanced at his cheek, where the scar had. He then sighed, rubbing his temple. "You can't just stab yourself only to have the same scar as me, Luffy. And once the captain said he's not going to take you, then you're not gonna be a pirate. At this age at least." He said, earning a frown from the kid in front of him.

"Now, now. Akira, don't be so harsh to him. He's still a kid." Shanks stated, not wanting to see Luffy getting scolded. "But it's true though." He said in sarcastic tone, hand covering his mouth, making the kid mad. "Hey!" Shanks chuckled, at least he light up the scene.

Akira, who is still standing by the door slowly approach the counter with Luffy following behind him. He put his head on the table, closing his eyes while doing that. He looks tired.

"What's wrong?" The captain asked, wondering why his subordinate looks tired. With a sigh, Akira turn to look at his captain, head still on the table. "The bandits. As I was about to leave, some of them went to attack the store. That's why I'm a bit late." Shanks chuckled, not knowing how to react. "And I need sleep." He added.

"You should rest well while we're still here, Akira. We need more energy when we set sail after a couple voyage." Shanks stated, earning a 'hmm' from the latter.

Akira raised his head, putting it on his left palm. He saw a familiar small box and narrowed his eyes at the difference. "Where's the Gum-Gum fruit?" He asked, making the majority of the crew along with Luffy flinched.

"U-umm..." Luffy stuttered, didn't know how to explain. But he didn't have to since his reaction give the older ravenette a hint.

Wait for it..








Benn sighed, walking towards an angry ravenette. He chopped the latter's head, making him unconscious as he catched the falling body. "That will help. He need sleep though." He stated as he glanced at the youngest male in the bar stared at the unconscious male in concern. "Don't worry, Luffy. It's normal to treat him like this."


Makino, who watched all the scene chuckled, hoping that the happiness will last forever.


A few days later...

The ravenette sigh, wearing his straw hat as he get off the ship. 'I'm so tired..'

Akira stopped his track as he saw a familiar red head that staring at nothing but the emptiness in the town. He approached his captain, looking at him in concern. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"There's no one welcoming us.." he answered, not looking at the ravenette beside him. That's when realization hit the younger male. 'Oh shit! I forgot about that!'


"Please, let him go!"

An awfully familiar figure was seen, stepping on Luffy's head while laughing. "I change my mind. I'm not gonna sell him, I will kill him."

"No!" The mayor and Makino panicked, hoping that someone will come help.

"I wonder why nobody welcoming us.. so this is the reason, huh?" A deep voice was heard behind Makino as she quickly turn to see a certain red hair. "Captain-san!"

"Shanks.." Luffy called out, staring at the latter who smirked. "Hey, Luffy. Aren't your punch like pistol?" He mocked. "Shut up!"

The bandit threaten the red hair captain with a gun, which he claimed that it's not for threaten. "What did you say?"

"I said.. this thing is not a child toy." A gun shot was heard as the bandit fall down, dead on the ground. Lucky Roax, the officer and combatant of the Red Hair Pirates stood beside his captain, biting his meat while holding a gun. Smoke were going out from the gun he's holding, signing that he's the one that shooted the bandit in the head.

The bandits started nagging around, claiming that they're cheating. "Stop whining, you're not dealing with saints here." Benn exclaimed. "Listen up. You can pour drinks on me, you can throw food at me, you can even spit on me and I'll just laugh that stuff off, but.." Shanks narrowed his eyes, his face no longer held the signature smile of his. "..good reason or not, nobody hurts a friend of mine!" He stated as the bandits laughed, commanding his subordinates to attack.

The first mate went ahead, asking his captain to let him take them down. After a few moments, all the bandits, minus the leader were laying on the ground, unconscious or dead, I don't know. The leader claimed that Luffy is the one that attacked them first, but Shanks stated that he's a wanted man.

The bandit clicked his tongue as he quickly take out something that seems like smoke bomb and throw it. With that, he disappeared along with Luffy. Shanks panicked, but soon remembered what his subordinate told him.


Akira's nervous made the red head tilted his head, confused by his reaction. "Akira, what's wrong?" He asked, concerned. "Captain, go to the bar real quick, I will back up the rest." He stated, leaving the confused captain behind. "Hey! Where are you going?!"

"To the sea!"

"Sea?! But you couldn't even swim- Hey! Akira! Ugh, teenagers."

Flashback end

Shanks sighed, rubbing his temple. "I guess this is what he meant by that." He looked up to the sky, wondering how his two friends escaoe from the danger. 'I hope you guys safe..'


The bandits laughed, proud of his 'brilliant' escape. "I brought you along as a hostage.. but I no longer have a use for you." He stated as Luffy gritted his teeth, trying to punch the bandit.

"What a fool.." he scoffed, attempting to kick Luffy out of the boat. Before he could raise his feet, a sudden strong aura hits him, slowly making him lost his consciousness. Luffy watched as the bandit fell in the sea, eyes widening in shock.


Hearing the familiar voice, he turned around, only to meet with another pair of black eyes. "Jump, quick!" He demanded as his boat get closer to the another one. Luffy quickly jump in the older male's arm, tears in his eyes.


He widened his eyes as a big sea king suddenly showed up, it looks terrifying. Luffy looked at the monster in front of him in horror, his legs trembling as the sea king opened it's mouth, attempting to eat them alive. He closed his eyes and waited for the pain to hit him.

"Get lost!" He opened his eyes after hearing the voice, gasping as he watch the sea king's nervous face. His mouth gaped at the sight of it running away from them. He glanced at the older ravenette beside him, flinched as he saw how Akira stared the sea king.

It was scarier than the sea king itself.

As the sea king went under the sea again, Akira let out a sigh, rubbing his temple. 'Today is the most tiring day ever...'

He glanced at the younger ravenette beside him and the sight of the petite figure trembling made him feel really, really guilty. Luffy's eyes still full of tears, his face held the most fear that he ever seen.

His eyes softened as he slowly brought Luffy in his arm, embracing him. The kid widened his eyes at the sudden close contact as he starting to sob, tears streaming down his eyes. Akira tighten the hug, hand rubbing his hair gently.

"Shh.. it's okay. You're safe now." Luffy gripped the older male's shirt, returning the hug. His sobs getting louder and louder. "I'm sorry. I should've come earlier to save you. I'm sorry, Luffy." He continued to whisper the same thing to the younger male's ear as the kid hug him tightly.


"Geez, Luffy. What did you do to to have the bandits mad at you?" The ravenette asked. Luffy clenched his fist that rested on his knee, still sobbing softly. He stared at the older male in front of him.

They're still on the boat, on their way back to the island. After comforting him, Akira slowly paddle the boat to the island.

"Are you going to answer me or not?" He asked again, his bored eyes glanced to the sea.

Luffy took a deep breath, and let out a sigh. "T-they talked bad about Shanks.. and you."

Akira blinked twice, before turning to the kid. "Huh?"

"They talked bad about you and Shanks. They called you coward because you're only defending and not attacking. I got mad and told them to take it back, but seems like I'm too weak to fight him." His voice cracked as he wiped his tears that threaten to fall down.

Akira bite his lips, not expecting that answer. 'I thought he's mad because they talking bad about Shanks..' He quickly shrugged it off as he leaned his back on the side of the boat. "Well, you are weak." He stated, making the ravenette in front of him flinched.

"I-I know that..!" Luffy exclaimed, biting his lips until he feel a warm hand rubbing his head gently. "That's why you need to get stronger. You need to train, until you're strong enough protect yourself and the ones that dear to you." Akira smiled widely, making the younger male widened his eyes.

'This is the first time I saw him smile like this..' he thought before smiling too, joining the older ravenette.

"I will!"


"So you won't be to this village after this voyage?" Luffy asked the red haired male in front of him. "That's right. We've been using this harbor as a base of operations for a long time. Maybe too long." Shanks added, "Are you sad?"

"Yeah, I'm sad.. but I won't ask you to take me with you anymore! I've decided to become a pirate on my own!" He stated. "Even if you're still asking, I won't take you with us!" Shanks scoffed, sticking his tongue out. "There's no way you can become a pirate!"

"You were saying?"

Both Shanks and Luffy turned around, smiling as a certain raven head walking towards them. "Akira! You think I can become a pirate too?" The younger male asked, excitement can be heard in his voice.

Akira grinned, patting Luffy's head as the latter chuckled. "Yeah. You can be a pirate. But you need to train first." He stated as Luffy went to hug him. Because of their height difference, he only could hug his legs. He looked up to face the older ravenette, grinning widely. "I will train so hard until I'm stronger than you! One day I'll have a ship and crew better than yours! And we'll have the biggest hoard of treasure in the world! I will become the King of the Pirates!!"

Shanks and Akira exchange looks with each other before smirked at the kid's speech. "You're gonna be better than us, huh?" Shanks asked as he took off his signature straw hat. "Well then.."

He put his straw hat on Luffy's head, flinching him. "Do me a favor, keep this hat safe for me, okay? This hat means a lot to me,"

"Promise that you will give it back to me someday.. when you've become a great pirate." He added.

Akira smirked as he take out a thick red covered book and give it to the same kid. "This book contents my journey as a pirate. You don't need to give it back, but please keep it safe. It was writen by my previous archeologist."

"Read it.. when you think you're good enough."

Luffy nodded, tears streaming down his eyes as he forced a smile. "I will!"

The crew chuckled at the sight. "Geez, what a crybaby you are, Luffy." Shanks mocked, laughing.

"Hey, don't insult him. It feels like you're insulting me too, Captain." Akira said as he dramatically wiped his tears away. Shanks blinked before laugh real loud, making the other crew tilted their head, confused. "Oh gosh! I just realized that Luffy is like your chibi form! It's hilarious!"

"Huh?" Luffy tilted his head, not getting a bit. "You have a raven hair and round black eyes just like me, Luffy. After getting the scar, you looks like my younger self! Plus, you will be wearing straw hat, too. If you're a bit older we can be twins!" Akira exclaimed, making the younger ravenette beamed.

"Captain, Akira, we're going now. Get on the ship, quick." Benn stated.

"Farewell, Luffy. Make sure next time we meet, you're getting stronger!" Akira demanded.

"I.. I will!"

"That kid's gonna make something off himself," Benn smirked at his Captain. "Yeah.. he acts just like I did when I was a kid."


Ten years later...

All the villagers are at the riverside, watching a certain ravenette with red shirt sailing on a boat.

"Well, finally he's setting off, Mayor-san!" Makino chuckled, slightly proud of her son figure. "But if he does become a pirate, he will bring shame to the village!" The mayor complained.


"Wow! It's a good day to set out to sea!"

A 17 years old teenager sit on his boat peacefully, until a certain sea monster showed up.

"Our local sea monster! Sorry I have to do this.. but here's an attack I've been perfecting since the last time we met!" As the sea monster opened it's mouth, the latter stretched his arm, preparing to attack.

"Gomu gomu no.. pistol!" He punched the sea monster in the face, making it run away/unconscious. "That's what you get, you darn fish!" He scoffed as he adjusted his straw hat, then his waist bag. He opened the zip as he sigh in relief when a familiar red book safe and sound.

"First thing first, I need to get a crew! I think about 10 men should do. And I'll need a pirate flag!" He reminded himself.

"Look out world, here I come!" He grinned widely. "I'm going to become.. the King of the Pirates!!"

Luffy's small boat floats on, his crew yet to be found. His great voyage of destiny has begun!!


T. B. C

Clyfieqh here!

Welcome to my first anime fanfic, and thank you for reading! I hope it's not that bad!

Again, thank you for reading this book, i really appreciate it! I will update this book when I'm free, so maybe it will be slow updates. I hope you'll be patient to wait for the next chapter!

Votes and comments are appreciated! Thank you!!
Have a nice day!!

