๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ โž ๐๐š๐ญ๐ž

i'm taking you out on a
date today and that's final

um i didn't agree but i
guess so๐Ÿ˜ฉ

what time and where

i'm going to pick you up
from school

you don't need to get changed
or anything it's fine

okay say less๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

You put your phone back into your pocket and payed attention to the lesson again. Tanaka kept playing footsies with you under the table.

Once the bell rang, you excitedly walked to your locker and put your books away. You packed your backpack with the things you needed to bring home and swung it over your shoulder. Then, you walked out of the school's front doors and heard the people at your school whispering to one another.

"Is that Oikawa-san?"

"Doesn't he go to Aoba Johsai? Why is he here?"

"He's so hot, if he ran me over I would thank him."

You had an annoyed look on your face due to your classmate's remarks about Oikawa. You spotted him leaning on a wall and snuck up on him.

"Boo!" You yelled, attempting to scare him. He was wearing his school uniform still, just like you.

"Ah!" He screamed. "You're so mean! You scared me!" '

You started to crack up, but he gave you a pouting face so you felt bad. "Sorry," you apologized, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

He smiled as he was blushing. "It's okay. Let's go?" He asked, intertwining his fingers with yours.

"Oikawa-san could do better than that girl!"

You smiled slightly, and even though your classmate's words hurt you, you chose to ignore it. You looked up to him and nodded. He leaded you to his car and opened the door for you. "Wow, you're such a gentleman, Tooru!"

"I try my best," he winked. He started to drive and he played a song on the aux cord.

"No way! You like [favorite song] too? It literally just came out like a week ago!" You exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's my new favorite. I guess it's meant to be," he smirked.

"Oh, shut up," you lightly hit him on the shoulder and he chuckled. "Tell me where we're going!"

"You'll see," he answered, grabbing your hand and planting a kiss on it. That made your heart flutter.

After a few minutes, you guys finally arrived at... a carnival?

"Just like old times," he blurted, breaking the silence. You remembered that he took you here on your very first date a few months ago, when you two were dating.

"Yeah," you agreed as you opened the car door to go to the carnival. Oikawa swung his backpack around his shoulder and started to hold your hand again, and began to aggressively swing them. "Tooru!" You giggled.

He just looked at you and smiled, continuing to swing your arm. You guys finally arrived at the entrance, and Oikawa insisted to pay for your admission ticket.

"I'm paying for you on the next date."

"Okay," He agreed.

You two walked towards the games, and Oikawa decided to try out the basketball game. "I'll win you that teddy bear over there," he pointed to the dark brown teddy bear on the shelf.

"Okay, point guard."

He gave the person that was in charge of the station some money, and began shooting the hoops. He was really good at it. Eventually, he won you that teddy bear he promised, and you named it Mr. Barry.

"Maybe you should switch your sport, Tooru. You're better at basketball than volleyball," you suggested, jokingly.

"Hey! I'll take your teddy bear back if you keep being mean," he pouted and crossed his arms in front of him. "I really missed volleyball practice to spend time with you but you keep insulting me."

"Fine, only because I love Mr. Barry," you hugged the bear close to you. "Now come on, I want to go on the ferris wheel and the carousel."

First, you guys went in line for the ferris wheel. Luckily, the line was short so you got on it in less than a few minutes.

As soon as you guys entered the seats and it started moving, Oikawa cried, "Y/n, I'm scared."


"I'm scared of heights."

"You should've told me that before we went on the ferris wheel," you facepalmed. "You're such a baby, come here."

You opened your arms wide so that you could hug him. He laid in your arms. You kissed his forehead as you guys went up on the ferris wheel, slowly.

"Oh my god, can you just hurry up and ask me to be your boyfriend?" Tooru suddenly blurted out.

"Tooru, I was waiting for you to ask me!" You giggled.

"Fine, I'll ask since you have no balls to do it. Will you be my girlfriend, Y/n?"

"Of course."

He got out of the hugging position you were in and pulled you into a kiss. He giggled into the kiss, which you thought was cute.

You pulled away and told him, "I love you."

"I love you too."


View all 68 comments

kiyoko_: you two are the cutest aw | view replies (1)โ–ผ
hajime_iwaizumi: no we're cuter

dsawamura: come home now please. it is a school night. | view replies (1)โ–ผ
tooruoikawa1: sorry i'll bring her home now

rollingthunder: i see that you've listened to my advice ๐Ÿ˜Œ

ryutanakaaa: go besfrann!!

aceushiwaka: tell him that he should've come to shiratorizawa. otherwise, congrats on your new relationship.

shoyoyoyo: ๐Ÿฅบ

tadashi.yams: ๐Ÿฅบ

tsumumiya: ok ok i see you ๐Ÿ‘€ | view replies (1)โ–ผ
tooruoikawa1: no

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