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๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ 16
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ย  ย  ย  ย ย  โ€” SURROUNDED BY DARKNESS and thousands of twinkling stars, a young man named Julian Jett stood outside a foreboding house alone with a heavy weight on his shoulders.

His eyes narrowed as he took in the house before him. He'd heard stories all his life about it, and as he grew older, he became drawn to it in a very strange way.

There was something at the core of his soul pulling him to this house. His eyes always flickered to it, looking for something unseen, his feet moved him closer whenever he walked past, and his mind always seemed drawn to it. The houses frame was often a focal point of his sketches without even a thought. But never had he dared come here alone. He always came with his sister, or a friend. He didn't know why he was here this night. It was late and as he had sat at home, he couldn't stay still and when his mind wandered before finally he gave in and went to get fresh air, his feet had found him outside of this house.

A shadow flickered behind him from the woods, drawing closer as he took in a deep breath. It was time, a voice whispered in the back of his mind. He took a step forward, and then another until he was up the creaking stairs and onto the worn porch.

He blinked and found his hand grasping the doorknob, he flinched as a strange flash of something came across his mind. Much like a memory but not belonging to him. A jolt of fear went through him, he wasn't sure why. There was nothing to be scared of. The house drew him in, calling him โ€” he was merely answering the call. He brushed it off and pulled open the door.


ย  ย  ย  ย ย  "HURRY up!" A voice called out to Jasper, he grinned as he moved forward, jogging slightly to catch up.

"Miss me that much, Brock?" He called, coming to a stand beside Colby who grinned back at him.

"You wish, Jett." He teased, "Get in the car before Sam has an aneurysm." Jasper looked toward the car where Sam sat in the drivers seat, waiting for them to get in the car. He didn't seem particularly annoyed by the wait but as Jasper climbed into the back seat, Colby climbing into the passenger seat, he began to mutter about third wheeling.

"So where are we headed?" Jasper asked curiously. He'd been invited to another video Sam and Colby were doing (though admittedly he hadn't expected it to come so soon) but in true Sam and Colby fashion, they liked to build suspense with not only viewers but their guests too, so they had told him very little about the location โ€” only that it was in or near Los Angeles, where they all lived, and had a deep paranormal history.

As the car pulled to a stop at a red light, Sam and Colby shared looks over the divider between passenger and driver seat, "Should we tell him?" Colby asked, they shared another look, seemingly deciding.

"So we've been doing research recently on Los Angeles paranormal history," Sam began.

Jasper nodded, "As one does." He commented, amused.

"Obviously." Colby agreed.

Sam nodded, agreeing, his eyes focused back on the road as he continued, "And we found an interesting place near the forest that's kinda been forgotten. It was around during the time of the witch hunts and has a lot of history related to that."

Jasper raised a brow as Sam ended his explanation, it elicited curiosity in him but didn't answer many questions or give him any idea of where they could be going. "I guess that's all I'm going to get out of you?" He asked knowingly, not annoyed by it. He liked suspense, even if it wasn't his choice.

"For now." Colby responded.

Jasper let out a snort, and a short laugh, "Okay. Not ominous at all."


ย  ย  ย  ย  DARKNESS surrounded the group, lit only by thousands of stars in the sky. Jasper studied the area as the sun's light nearly completely faded, he had never seen so many stars before in Los Angeles, but what really drew his attention was the forestโ€” its looming trees felt intimidating but not nearly as much as the structure just near the edge of the tree line in the little clearing they'd found themselves in.

Once his eyes had found the structures, he found himself unable to pull his gaze away. Something about them was dark and twisted, though they were unrecognizable, he could tell there was a dark history hidden in the structure โ€” hidden in the woods.

"What is this place?" He asked, finally tearing his eyes away from the structures to look at Sam and Colby, who was holding the camera while Sam pulled out flashlights from their backpack.

"This is the ruins of the Elkwood witch trials." Sam told him and the camera. Jasper grinned despite himself, imagining the transition Sam and Colby would put in their video to further explain the history of this place to viewers. "A lot of the witch trial places were completely torn down or memorialized, but this one just left to ruins and completely forgotten by... the world."

"It also has a much darker history beyond just witch trials." Colby put in, "Even before the witch trials, this forest was a center for dark and twisted things to happen."

"Paranormal things?" Jasper asked.

Sam nodded, continuing with further examples of the dark history. "Everything. From Paranormal sightings to Murders, human sacrifices, there was even a serial killer who escaped through these woods, disappearing into them and never being found."

Jasper narrowed his eyes, "If I'm killed by some ancient serial killer because of you two..." he called in jokingly warning tone.

"Hope you can run fast." Colby joked.

"What we found told us this is where the more "dangerous" witches were brought and then hung right there." Sam said, pointing to the ruins that had caught Jasper's attention previously. Jasper shivered despite the jacket he wore as his eyes found the ruins once more.

"So!" Sam clapped loudly causing Jasper to jump as he turned back to them, "Should we start the investigation?"


ย  ย  ย  ย ย  THE group found themselves in front of the ruins with several devices set up to alert them of any motion near them, they set up one by the steps of the platform where the witches were hung, and another by the forest behind it, and then a third behind them. In front of them, Sam set up two little flashlights on the platform while Colby turned on the ALICE box. "Alright. Who wants to start?" Sam asked once he explained how the devices worked for the camera and Jasper.

Unsure exactly why, Jasper spoke up, looking at the flashlight, "Are any spirits here with us tonight?"

One of the flashlights turned on, and turned off when Sam asked.

"Are you a witch?" Colby asked.

Once again, the flashlight turned on.

Jasper licked his lips, glancing at Colby before he asked, "Were you hung here?"

Murdered, the Alice box called as the flashlight turned on again.

"We'd love to hear your story." Sam told the spirit, and opened his lips to ask a question when the Alice box called out another word, save. Sam frowned, "Do you need help?"

The flashlight flickered in.

"Are you trapped here?" Colby asked.

Medium. The Alice box called out. Save. It said again.

"We didn't bring a medium today but we talked to one before we came here." Sam began, news to Jasper whose eyes landed on him with curiosity.

Medium. Save. It repeated.

"It's just saying the same words over and over." Colby told them with a frown, "I've never seen this happen before."

"Maybe we should move in?" Jasper asked uncertainly, his eyes flickering from the platform to the forest. He could've sworn he felt eyes on him but there was no one else here besides Sam and Colby. So why were eyes in the forest staring back at him now?

His eyes narrowed as the eyes melted into a shadow figure, and whisked away from the edge of the forest into the darkest parts of the woods. It was gone, but he could still feel eyes on him.

"That would be good, maybe something we get will make sense of this." Colby nodded, distracted enough he didn't notice the strange behavior from his... friend?

Sam agreed, so they packed up their things and moved to another spot, however it didn't ease any of Jasper's tensions as he stood nearby with the camera and watched as Sam and Colby set up a circle of candles, lighting them despite the wind daring to blow them out.

"What have you two got planned here?" Jasper asked knowingly, he stared at Colby who he knew couldn't lie to him.

"We're imitating a witch's ritual." Sam told him steadily.

"With someone doing ESTES in the middle." Colby added, Jasper's eyebrows shot up and for a moment he regretted coming but then he felt a strange sense of belonging here, in the midst of the paranormal. "You don't have to do it." He told him after a moment.

"I was gonna throw Colby under." Sam admitted.

Jasper shook his head, and stepped forward, nearly stepping right into the circle before stopping himself slowly. "I'll do it." He said decisively, "I want to do it."

"Not into paranormal, huh?" Sam joked teasingly as he put away the lighter. He seemed to take the sudden demand with ease, it would make good content he supposed. However Colby wasn't so ready to agree, he frowned as he moved forward, instinctively going to stand beside Jasper.

"Are you sure about this?" Colby asked quietly, meeting his gaze.

Jasper caught his gaze and nearly drowned in those blue eyes before he pulled himself back, grounded himself with the green of the Forest around them. He forced himself to nod, "Yes." He told him, hyper aware of the way his hand started to move forward with the urge to hold Colby's, "I can do this."

Finally, Colby stepped back and Jasper could breathe once more as the brunette gave a nod and soft smile, "If you're sure."

By the backpack, Sam began to mutter about third wheeling again as he pulled out a pair of headphones, a velvet blindfold and the Alice box they'd used earlier. He also pulled out one of the music boxes, which he set up in the circle, pointed in front of the middle where Jasper would be sitting. With everything set up, he paused before turning on the camera and looked to their guest, "Are you sure about this?"

No, something in him screamed, because he wasn't sure but he knew he wanted toโ€” no had to do this. He didn't know why he spoke up in the first place, he'd been determined to distance himself from the paranormal after the events of his childhood, yet now he found himself jumping in without a thought, without even a moment to hesitate, as though being dragged by a lead. And he didn't know why, frankly the two things he was sure of was Colby by his side and a simple fact; He had to do this.

"Yes." Jasper confirmed once more, and he continued, "I've got you two to pull me out if shit hits the fan. I want to do this."


ย  ย  ย  ย ย  AS the camera turned on, Jasper got himself comfortable in a criss cross position on the ground, surrounded by lit candles, their flames dancing in the wind. Sam spoke to the camera, his words distant as Jasper played with the grass until they approached him. Colby handed him the blindfold but he paused, "Put it on me?" Jasper asked anxiously, needing his touch, needing the reminder he wasn't doing this alone.

Colby nodded and moved to stand behind him, kneeling down to delicately secure the blindfold around his eyes. He took care to tie the knot, and let his hands trail over Jasper's arms for a moment before he stood.ย  He grabbed the headphones and placed them in Jasper's hands, holding the blonde's hands for a moment too long before pulling himself away and allowing Jasper to slip the headphones over his ears.

Jasper took a deep breath as the sound of loud echoing static overwhelmed him in the darkness.

"How many spirits are here?"

It only took a minute before the static transformed into words and he did his best to spit them out as they pounded loudly in his ears. "One. Two. Three."

"It's like it's counting." Colby shuffled uneasily at the creepy edge to the words. Jasper was good, too good, at conveying the emotion behind the words coming through.

"Three spirits are here?" Sam asked to confirm, when no confirmation came, he continued, "Who are we speaking to? What's your name?"

"Help. Medium. Save."

"Do you want a medium to help you?"

"Save the medium." He called, "Really clearly." He added.

"Are you a medium? Do you want us to save you?"

"Save the medium." It repeated, "Again." Jasper added.

"Okay, can we help you? Are you trapped here?"

"The house."

"There isn't a house on these woods." Sam whispered to Colby who nodded knowingly.

"Who are you? What's your name?"

"Not important."

"Can you tell us anything about you? Were you hung here?"

"Burned alive. Flames. No escape." A loud screaming suddenly came through making Jasper jump, "I'm fine." He told them, calming his heartbeat. "There was a scream."

"Were you a medium?" Sam asked again.

"No." Jasper said harshly, trying to convey the anger in the words, "Save the medium."

"Who is the medium?"


"What's his name?"

"He belongs," Jasper furrowed his brows, it was harder to make out one of the words, "To or at," he said instead with uncertainty, "the house."

"Was he burned here too?"


"The Alice box just said alive." Colby told Sam, who pointed the camera towards him.

"Is he still alive? Did he visit these woods too?"

"Save the medium." It said again, more forcefully.

"Who is the medium?"

Another scream came through, this one harder to brush off, and when he about jumped out of his skin, Colby moved forward, tapping his shoulder.

"Shit sorry," Jasper apologized when he jumped at the touch and took off the headphones hurriedly, letting them rest on his neck, "There was a loud scream." He explained.

"I don't think we're getting anything else." Sam admitted, "The spirits are all focused on some medium."

"Save the medium." Jasper repeated with a frown and nod, "That's what they kept repeating?"

Colby nodded in confirmation. "We couldn't make much sense of it all, they answered some questions but we have no clue who this medium is." He told him, "The spirit was a witch, burned alive here but they were more focused on the medium."

Jasper frowned, curiosity killed the cat, he couldn't help but ask, "So. Who's the medium?" There were those eyes again. Watching him from the woods.

He forced himself to meet Colby's gaze as he shook his head, "We have no idea."


ย  ย  ย  ย ย  THEY continued filming however the longer they were here, the more distant Jasper got, and with this the less contact they received from the spirits of the woods.

Finally, they decided to pack up and head back to the city. Sam walked in front while Colby slowed down, walking beside Jasper and keeping him steady along the path. Their hands grazed each other, drawn to touch as they walked.

As they arrived at the car, Sam put the backpack into the trunk while Colby climbed into the backseat, waiting for Jasper who still seemed lost in thought, however suddenly, Jasper turned, his gaze landing in the forest, seeing something in the darkness of the woods.

"Jasper?" Colby called out after a moment when his shoulders grew tense and his hands shook in the wind.

Jasper snapped himself out of it and moved into the car, slamming the door shut with a little more force than necessary and then wincing before he slid into the seat beside Colby, inhaling deeply. "These woods are creepy." He mumbled uneasily, messing with the threads from the rips in his jeans.

Colby allowed himself a moment to study Jasper as they sat alone in the car, the way his eyes flickered back to the woods, the way his shoulders were still tense and he instinctively drew closer to Colby, seemingly wanting to hide in his side. Silently, Colby wished he would, wished he could let him. Instead he grabbed hold of his hand and intertwined them in between their laps, where their legs sat touching.

Sam opened the driver door suddenly, causing Jasper to jump. Colby squeezed his hand as Sam climbed into his seat, closing the door before he turned and realized Colby wasn't in the passenger seat like usual and was instead sat in the back with the other blonde.

He didn't seem to mind, and if he did he didn't say anything as he turned on the car and pulled his seatbelt on, waiting a moment for them to do the same. "Ready to go?" He asked, looking in the rear view mirror.

Jasper looked at him, meeting his gaze, he nodded. His hand came down to intertwine with Colby's again, making Colby smile softly, "Let's get out of this place."


ย  ย  ย  ย ย  SURROUNDED, surrounded, surrounded. The Jett family was always surrounded. Shadows in the night, a flicker of a light, footsteps following when you're alone, whispers in the wind. Now, the youngest of the Jetts was becoming to realize they were always surrounded.

He turned knowingly and without fear to a shadow moving in the distance, watching him from the forest. His eyes narrowed, he saw it. He didn't understand yet, but he saw it.

Perhaps he was the one after all. The one to end it all.

๐Ÿ‘,๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐๐ฌ
