ห—หห‹ ๐Ÿ“ - ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ฌ 'หŽห—

ห—หห‹ ๐Ÿ“ - ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ฌ 'หŽห—

โœŽ A/N :: head hurts ๐Ÿงโ€โ™€๏ธ

ห—หห‹ ๐“…ƒ 'หŽห—

I walked to the kitchen and saw Wilbur on the phone , and he seemed happier .

" You talking to Big Q ? " I asked , while I grabbed fruits to make a smoothie .

" Yea , he's coming over " Wilbur chuckled . I sighed and nodded , I knew they couldn't last a day without seeing each other .

" You two should move in together , you practically see each other everyday " I teased , and Wilbur rolled his eyes .

" I just might " Wilbur scoffed . I laughed and made my smoothie . I remembered I had plans today with Purpled , since Tubbo and Ranboo canceled .

" Whatever .. i'm gonna make a smoothie , I need to start getting ready for my plans today " I explained , Wilbur nodded and left to pick up Quackity . I grabbed my airpods and phone , starting up spotify . I clicked shuffle on my spotify , thank god that Wilbur bought me Spotify premium , I hate those stupid ass ads .

โ†ป โ— II โ–ท โ†บ
ย  ย ย  แด แดสŸแดœแดแด‡ : โ–ฎโ–ฎโ–ฎโ–ฎโ–ฎโ–ฎโ–ฏโ–ฏโ–ฏ

I checked the time , and it was 4 pm . I smiled , humming while I made my smoothie . I felt as ease and although the blender was loud enough for me to hear through my music , I didn't mind .


I ran upstairs with my smoothie in hand . I got to my room and left it in my desk , rummaging through my closet for a outfit .

" SCREW YOU PURPLED " I yelled . He changed the time from 5:30pm to 4:30pm , it's currently 4:17pm .

I grabbed random pieces of clothing and made an outfit , I was running thin on time . I hate the concept of time , it's stupid ! I wore a vintage band tee shirt , light blue baggy jeans with stars , and my white vans . I know , it's random but so was the change of plans .. Staying on theme !

I sighed while I look at myself in the mirror , I threw on my red and white striped crochet beanie and since I had star jeans , might as well just use my hair pins and put them on my crochet . I smiled at my finishing look .

" Oh my god .. Tommy you are looking good " I looked at myself in the mirror , admiring myself . I shook my head as my phone dinged .

purp :)

here ๐Ÿงโ€โ™€๏ธ

I smiled , grabbing my drink and running out .

" GOING OUT ! DONT MISS ME TO MUCH ! " I yelled as I left the front door . Purpled was in front of my house and I hopped in the passenger seat .

" Sup " I smiled , still not looking at him . I looked up at him and my jaw fell , I was melting into the car seat as we speak .

Purple button up , half buttoned and loose , black ripped jeans , black belt , a bunch of chains around his neck and attached to his belt , a black loose beanie , and I assume combat boots .

" What ? Bro I swear I tried to dress different today ! " Purpled groaned as he laid back and his bracelets on his wrist made a cling sound . I nodded and smiled at him .

" Y - you look .. Good " I said , embarrassed . He smiled and nudged me .

" You to " he smiled back . I felt all bubbly inside , like I was over the moon .ย 

" Where are we going anyway ? " I tilted my head , and he smiled .

" Probably just the movies and to go get food " Purpled shrugged , and began to drive . I nodded and we both drove , and he listened to my crazy stories from my house hold .


" Your family sounds chaotic and fun " Purpled chuckled , and I nodded .

" Especially my brothers ! Did I tell about Wilbur being head over heals for Quackity ? Mans is a simp ! " I groaned in annoyance .

" Yea , they both are public figures so I can tell they really love each other " Purpled calmly said , and I nodded . We stopped at the theater and I was quick to hop out the car .

" Hey ! Don't run off dumbass ! " Purpled yelled as I ran around . I stopped , crossing my arms and scoffing .

" You're no fun " I groaned , and he chuckled as we walked beside me .

" Now you can run " Purpled said , and I giggled . I ran as fast as I could to the theater doors and Purpled chased behind me .

" You are really a gremlin , you know that ? " Purpled said , and he got closer to me .

" Not the first person to say it " I smiled and he chuckled .

" I figured " Purpled said , and I punched his arm .

" Fuck you " I scoffed . He laughed and we both walked in the theater .

" What movie are we seeing again ..? " I asked , trying to remember .

" It's a horror film " Purpled said , while we walked to the snack counter .

Horror is cool , fun ! But I felt uneasy for some reason .. And I must've made it obvious as Purpled nudged me .

" Hey , you okay ? We can always switch out the movie
or - "

" No ! It's fine ! You're imagining things , horror is my middle name " I cut him off , speaking proudly .

" If you say so .. " Purpled sighed , and I could tell he was unsure but didn't was push the subject .. Which I appreciated .


I was shaking , literally shaking . We left the theater and I swear , I was scared .

" I loves that movie ! Dude thank god Tubbo and Ranboo kept our tickets , I thought that chase scene was epic " Purpled cheered . He noticed my silence and looked at me .

" Tommy ? " Purpled nudged me . I flinched and he frowned .

" I told you we could switch the movie " Purpled sighed and I groaned .

" Shut up ! I thought it was cool " I said , shooing him as he just looked at me .

" You're gonna switch the subject ? " Purpled asked , I nodded and he just chuckled .

I felt warm inside , and I could feel that bitter feeling I ran from .

I shook it off , listening to Purpled as we left the theater . We walked to his car and once we got in , we waited a bit before driving .


" This is the big plan before we leave ? Sit on a mountain and eat Wing Stop ? " I scoffed , and he nodded .

" Yes exactly , because I don't like wasting battery " Purpled rolled his eyes . He sat next to with our drinks and the stars lit up our vision .

" It's really pretty .. " I gazed , looking at the stars and smiled . It looked beautiful in my eyes .

" You like it ? " Purpled asked , biting down on his food afterwards .

" Yea , my brother used to actually tell me all about stars when I was growing up .. I love astronomy " I smiled as the sky , then at Purpled . He slid over the box full of wings and I took one , biting down on it .

" Astronomy ? Wow .. Can you tell me a thing or two ? " Purpled chuckled .

" What do you wanna know ? " I asked , and he hummed .

" Hmm .. Well I know stars have meanings , can you teach me one ? " Purpled looked me , and I felt my smile grow wider .

" Of course ! Stars mean .. they represent power , like people see stars and make wishes ! " I smiled , and he nodded .

" Interesting , with the shooting stars you make wishes right ? " Purpled tilted his head , biting down on his food .

" Yea I guess .. I love stars " I smiled , and he agreed .

" Yea , stars are pretty .. But not as pretty and mesmerizing as .. " Purpled looked down and paused . He shook his head , and looked back at the sky .

" Nevermind " he sighed , and I felt curious .

" No finish " I tilted my head . He locked eyes with me and I felt my heart race .

" The stars aren't as pretty and mesmerizing as you " Purpled admitted , and I just stared .

" O - oh .. Ya think so ..? " I stuttered , I wanted to mentally kill myself , I really did .

" I know so , I've never met someone as pretty and amazing as you " Purpled smiled , and I could fall , faint , die , all three at this rate .

" Thank you " I smiled , even though I was a blushing mess .

" Did that embarrass you ? You're blushing a lot " Purpled rolled his head back , looking away .

" Yea .. I appreciate it though , I - I mean the compliment ! " I stuttered , before quickly correcting myself . He chuckled and nudged me .

" I expect one back someday " Purpled teased , and I could tell he was joking ..

But I would return it someday , I know I would .


ห—หห‹ ๐Ÿ“ - ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ฌ 'หŽห—

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โ‡ข ห—หห‹ ๐–๐Ž๐‘๐ƒ ๐‚๐Ž๐”๐๐“ - ๐Ÿ412ย  เฟเพ‚

โ™ซ โœŽ LYR :: " smoking cigarettes on the roof ,
you look so pretty and i love this view "
