ห—หห‹ ๐Ÿ‘ - ๐š๐ง๐ง๐จ๐ฒ๐ข๐ง๐  ? ๐ง๐จ 'หŽห—

ห—หห‹ ๐Ÿ‘ - ๐š๐ง๐ง๐จ๐ฒ๐ข๐ง๐  ? ๐ง๐จ 'หŽห—


ห—หห‹ ๐“…ƒ 'หŽห—

It's been a week since me and Purpled started talking , and he was really cool ! Though he was really mysterious .. I had so many questions about him , and when he answered one I had more !

Right now , we were all in the cafeteria talking . I was a bit spaced out since I was still thinking about Wilbur from
this morning . He looked sad and spaced out , I was kinda wondering why .. But the bus got here before I could ask him .

" Tommy ? " Tubbo nudged me . I perked up and smiled at him .

" Yea ? " I replied , acting like nothing .

" You seem really out of it , everything okay ? " Purpled chimed in . I beamed at him and nodded .

" Yea , I'm okay ! I just was thinking about something from this morning " I explained . He nodded and sighed .

" Anyway , I was asking if you guys would mind if I went to the library instead of hanging out today " Purpled shrugged .

Oh yea .. Me , Tubbo , Ranboo , and Purpled hang out after school everyday to go out to eat , stop by the arcade , or sometimes just wait around . We're like the popular group of the school , everyone calls us ' Feral Boys 2.0 " since well .. Big Q and his friends ran the school and were called the Feral Boys , and we acted like them .. We also had Billzo and Freddie , but they are a little busy ..

" Yea ! That's cool , can I join ? " I tilted my head at him . He gave a thumbs up and I smiled . We all continued talking until the bell rang , and we left .


Me and Purpled parted from Tubbo and Ranboo , waling to the library .

" So why did you wanna go to the library ? It's so
boring .. " I complained and he rolled his eyes .

" I like reading , don't ask me questions " Purpled shrugged , and I smiled at him and nudged him .

" Why'd you join me ? " he asked , and I shrugged .

" I thought maybe it'd be fun , I also should really start to study .. My grades are dropping " I complained , and he smiled .

" I can help , what subject ? " he questioned , still walking .

" Every subject " I groaned , and Purpled laughed .

" You are seriously a wild card Tom's , but I can try my best " Purpled assured , and I nodded . We walked into the library and he told me to find a desk to sit at , while he looked for books .

After a few minutes , he came back and sat next to me .

" So we're gonna start with math , is that okay with
you ? " Purpled asked . I nodded and he smiled softly , and I felt my heart flutter .. Shit .

" Anyway , can I ask you something ? " I said , while I looked at him grabbing some books from the stack he had .

" Sure , what's up ? " he replied , still looking through them .

" Not to be rude but .. Whats with your eyes ? They are all glowy " I said , and he locked eyes with me .

" They are ? " he tilted his head . I nodded and he smiled at me .

" No one's ever said that , I don't know .. Maybe just because they are kinda bright colors ? Thanks though " Purpled laughed , continuing looking through all the books . He pulled out two math books and sighed .

" So let me see .. " he pulled out a pen and a notebook , opening the book and writing above it .

" Okay , I'm gonna give you problems , and your gonna try to answer them " Purpled explained .

" I'll explain afterwards what you did wrong or right , and I'll help you out " Purpled smiled . I sighed and nodded .


" ARE WE DONE ?! " I whispered , whining as Purpled chuckled . We've been studying for 3 hours !

" Yes .. Let me go put all the books back and we can leave , hold these " Purpled got up and slid me some books , I nodded as he took the larger stack , and walked off .

I smiled , I really likes him .. Today I learned a little more about him and made some memories ! So I am really happy !

He came back a minute later and tossed his bag over his shoulder .

" C'mon , I'll drive you home " Purpled smiled . My jaw dropped .

" You can drive ?! " I yelled . Purpled covered my mouth , and slowly let go .

" Yea , I got my new car yesterday " Purpled said , as we walked out the library . I nodded and he sighed .

" I'm hoping you learned something " Purpled said , and I sighed , relieved as I nodded .

" Yea , thanks Purp " I punched his arm softly . When we walked outside , it was freezing . I instantly froze in place .

" You okay ? " Purpled turned around . He saw me shivering and sighed . He dropped his backpack and slipped off his jacket , tossing it to me .

" There , c'mon " Purpled said , and I looked confused .

" You won't be cold ? " I tilted my head . He shook his head .

" Kinda numb , I don't get cold very often " Purpled smiled . I nodded and slipped it on , and it was kinda big on me but I didn't mind . We both walked to the car lot and he made his way to his car , which was a ..

" TESLA ?!! " I yelled , shocked . He laughed loud and nodded .

" My brother bought for me " Purpled said , unlocking the car and the doors opened automatically . I walked to the passenger side and he smiled at me .

" Anyway .. Just tell me your address and I'll drop you
off " Purpled said , as the car warmed up . I told him my address and he put in on the car , and it gave us directions .

" Cool ! " I beamed , and he chuckled . We drove out the parking lot and I told him about stuff at my house and he listened , which made me happy since not many people listen to me .


He stopped in front of my house and I smiled . I was about to thank him .. until ..

" Arrived ! " the car said .

" We know , shut up " I rolled my eyes , and Purpled laughed .

" Thanks , even though I hate studying .. This was fun " I smiled at him and he nodded .

" Of course , cya tomorrow Tom's " He smiledย  . He looked at me for a second and chuckled .

" And keep my jacket , looks better on then it does on
me " Purpled smiled at me . I looked down at myself a and blushed rapidly .

" T - thanks .. " I looked away . He nodded and shut the doors , driving away . I sighed in relief and walked into my house .

" I'm home ! " I yelled . Techno was in the kitchen and I smiled at him ran towards him .

" Hi Blade ! " I beamed , and he continued eating his fruit , watching something on his phone .

" Hey Thesus , Wilbur's in his room . He might not wanna talk right now though " Techno said calmly , npt taking his eyes off his phone screen .

" Why ? " I tilted my head , as I remembered what Wilbur was like this morning .

" Him and Quackity got in a argument , you can try to console him though " Techno shrugged .

" Why haven't you tried ? " I asked , a little angry .

" I tried , but he won't budge " Techno shrugged . I sighed , tossing my bag on the couch and walking upstairs to Wilbur's room . I knocked , no reply .

" Wilbur .. It's me , Tommy " I sighed . I heard the door click and it opened . I smiled at him .

" Hey " I said , calmly . He looked away . I shut the door and hugged him .

" You okay ? " I asked , patting his back .

" Yea .. Me and Quackity got in another argument , and I don't like when we argue .. " Wilbur frowned . I sighed and looked at him .

" Why ? What happened , if you don't mind explaining " I said , sitting next to him on his bed .

" Just .. He said he wished I payed more attention to him , and not ignore him " Wilbur looked down . and I sighed .

" It's okay .. I know you're trying your best , and of he doesn't understand that then maybe give him space .. To think about it " I smiled softly . He hugged me and I returned it . He began to cry and I patted his back .

" I don't wanna lose him Tommy .. " Wilbur said , crying in my shoulder .

" I know .. And if you really love him and it comes
down to it , you'll let him go .. But I promise it will be okay " I smiled . He nodded and we stayed like that .

โœŽ A/N :: i am so UGH

ห—หห‹ ๐Ÿ‘ - ๐š๐ง๐ง๐จ๐ฒ๐ข๐ง๐  ? ๐ง๐จ 'หŽห—

เญจโŽฏ ๐„ ๐ ๐ƒ โŽฏเญง

โ‡ข ห—หห‹ ๐–๐Ž๐‘๐ƒ ๐‚๐Ž๐”๐๐“ - ๐Ÿ404ย  เฟเพ‚

โ™ซ โœŽ LYR :: " 'cause maybe i'm afraid
to see you , dancing on your own .. if i really
love you , i'll let you go "
