58- e & f


Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  β€” Limerence

" I wish it didn't have to be this way. "

AFTER A LOVED ONE DIES, YOU DON'T WANT TO CELEBRATE A BIRTHDAY YOU KNOW THEY WOULD NEVER REACH. That's exactly how Ember felt about her 19th birthday. Though she put on a happy smile and opened presents with enthusiasm, she had never felt more empty. Her heart pounded faster than the rain that would echo off of the wooden roof at her home in Godrics Hollow.

Every time she closed her eyes she was met with the dying face of Regulus. At times he would be bloody, other times simply pale and lifeless, another he was drowning. She couldn't catch a break no matter how hard she clenched her eyelids. James had become her biggest helper until he fell into a state of sadness as well.

James Potter, the prankster, loyal, mischief-making man to who Ember had dedicated her life came home in hysterics one night. He was in the worse state Ember had ever seen him in. His hair was messy and had proof of him running his hands through it. His knees were scrapped, his face was tear-stained, and his face was swollen from his weeping.

James shook with each word and sob that left his lips. The man fell apart in her arms as she held him. She couldn't make out any of the words that left his mouth, it sounded more like strangled ranting than anything.

Ember didn't move, though. Through each jitter and each time he let himself cry louder, she continued to hold him tightly and make him feel safe as possible. James eventually raised his head and whispered his troubles to his wife, "They're sick. Mum and Dad. T-They have dragon pox. It's bad, Em. T-They never even told Sirius and me until today..." His sentence ended with a voice crack.

Ember kissed his forehead, "It'll be okay. They just wanted you to feel alright with everything going on. You didn't need the extra weight on your shoulders. Everything will be okay, James." The blonde whispered into his ear. She had held him until he had cried himself out and fell asleep. Even then she remained by his side and ran fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp soothingly. The hums he normally made in his sleep allowed her to relax more.

Her brain was running wild with thoughts. She had learned enough about the famous Dragon Pox to know it was close to incurable. Usually, when an elder was diagnosed with it they were dead before treatment was even an option. Ember couldn't let this happen. She had already made potions to save the dying... she could do it again, right?

Her hopes about saving the old couple crushed around her in shards as she came to the realization she most likely couldn't stop the inevitable. Nonetheless, she could stop the pain they would feel. Ember may not be a god. She may not be able to bring people back from the dead or solve the cure to cancer but she could help her second parents with the pain they would be experiencing for the next few weeks.

She had told Kaylee to reassign her to the Potter's case. Now, this wasn't the smartest thing for Kaylee to accept. She had many, many, reasons to refuse Ember to be their healers. (She had even made a small list for when Ember would gripe about not doing enough.)

1: She's grieving the loss of a friend.

2: She's due in a month. No one wants their water to break while they're dealing with a dying family.

3: The Potter's are her family.

Ember stared at the scribblings with distaste. "Look, Kaylee... I love how you care bout me. I really, really do... But, you gotta understand here that they need emotional support! I know I can make it-" She breathed in, trying to control herself from crying. "less painful for them." Her voice trailed off as she finished.

The woman looked down at her desk. With a bitten lip she nodded, quickly scribbled her name down, and handed the patient work to Ember. "Don't let your emotions get in the way. I'm letting you do this because I trust you."

"Thank you." Ember sighed, looking or the extensive report on Fleamont and Euphemia Potter.


AGE: 70

SEX: Male

DIAGNOSIS: Diagnosed with level-4 Dragon Pox.

CURE: Three teaspoons of the Dragon Pox Cure with every meal.

EXTRA INFORMATION: Healers must be permitted with gloves and a spell on their person. Masks are recommended but not needed. All visits must have a protection spell before visiting the patient.

SIGNED OFF: Kaylee Wilson, Ember Potter


AGE: 69

SEX: Female

DIAGNOSIS: Diagnosed with level-5 Dragon Pox.

CURE: Five teaspoons of the Dragon Pox Cure with every meal.

EXTRA INFORMATION: Healers must be permitted with gloves and a spell on their person. Masks are recommended but not needed. All visits must have a protection spell before visiting the patient.

SIGNED OFF: Kaylee Wilson, Ember Potter

The walk to the rooms of her parents-in-law felt more like a long hike. Not only had she dodged a little boy running in front of her, but she had also stopped an old man from drinking a random potion laying on the ground.

The door creaked as she shut it closed and stepped inside. She had placed every protective spell needed on herself and her latex gloves itched on her skin. "Hello, Mia!" Ember chirped with feigned happiness.

the woman's head shot up, little dots on her skin from her illness. "Ah! Sweetheart, they didn't day that you would be here. Shoo-Shoo, I cant have myself getting you and my grandbaby sick."

Ember feigned a laugh, trying to seem as strong as she could for the woman. "Don't worry, Mia. I have tricks up my sleeve. Do you mind if I take some blood?"

"Of course love. If you want to see James he's in Monty's room." Euphemia told Ember as she drank the water on her side table.

"Oh trust me, I see enough James. He's very clingy I will have you know. Like... like a panda." Ember joked. Her needle pricked the woman as red liquid filled the inside.

"He's always been that way." She said with a smile. "You'll get used to it. Especially since you guys are starting a family! Do you have a name yet?" Euphemia asked. The woman's hand went down to itch at one of the marks before she seemed to realize her actions and brought her hand back. Shaking her wrist as of scolding herself.

"Well... We're thinking Marcelle - my mom's full name -Β  for a girl. And then if they're a boy, Harry." Ember informed the brunette with a smile. The name Harry was one that James adored. Not to mention they were going to name Elvendork Harry.

Euphemia clapped her delicate hands together. "I adore those names. I don't want to dampen the happy mood we have here... but I pity I'll never get to meet them." She whispered sollumy, her eyes staring at the white ceiling. "I wish it didn't have to be this way."

Ember bit down on her lip, trying to busy herself with all the work she 'needed to do around the small room. She hated the way her parents-in-law wouldn't live to meet her child. It was something she and James had talked about and each time it got harder to accept. Euphemia had acted like a second mom to the woman since they met, the same going for Fleamont.

She revisited for the weeks following their conversation. Making sure both Mia and Monty had taken their medication. With each dying breath, they would let out Ember busied herself more.

From what she knew, the most painful part of the illness would be coming up for both of them soon. Many wizards had their healers stop giving them the cure just so they would die faster. As morbid as it could be, the ailment was not taken lightly.

With each passing day, going faster than the last, Ember tried harder to conduct a potion to stop the pain. On top of her order work, the baby, getting over her loss of Regulus, and her other patients Ember barely had time to breathe. She would get home late, eat, and immediatly go to sleep. James would stay up and wait for her but they didn't talk often since she was exhausted.

A week. A week this went on with barely any advancement in her potion. She was too frustrated with everything - this meant the potion was made horribly more often than not - Ember slipped into her lime green robes, making sure she had her wand on her before she stepped out of the locker room. Something about today felt different. She couldn't place her finger onto the big red button under her nose yet, however.

"Healer Potter?" A lanky boy asked her as she walked down the long halls.

She turned around quickly and offered him a smile, " Hello, Davids. what can I do for you?"

The boy took a deep breath in, seemingly bracing himself for the news. "One of your patients seized last night. She's in horrible condition. Many of the other healers are saying she doesn't have long left."

Ember widened her eyes. She had three two female patients and two males. Emma - who was recovering and was to be sent home tomorrow and... Euphemia. "Why did no one page me? We have Owls and Patronuses!"

She didn't let the boy answer before she had run down the hallway, putting the spells on herself as she went. "Shit." She breathed after opening up the door to Mia's room.

James sat on the guest chair, his hand wrapped around his mother's. She slept peacefully, her eyes moving quickly under her eyelids. His head shot up at her entry, giving her a full view of his tear-stained face and dark under eyes.

He jumped up and hugged her tightly, crying onto her shoulder. "She's really gonna die, Emmy. My mom's gonna die." He sobbed into her robes, staining them with tears.

Ember whispered soothing words into his ear, she knew they weren't much in the scenario but he needed them more than ever. She didn't know what else to say, there was no denying that Euphemia was going to die.

She was going to become one of the thousands of names that died during the war. It may not be from a heroic battle or a gruesome death; it still hurt just as much. It still felt like a stab in the stomach for the four people surrounding her the next day.

With the last words of, "I love you." Euphemia Potter was dead.

Fleamont Potter joined her three days later.


i'VE never hated a chapter more than this one. Itys not even Mia and Montys deaths its the whole chapter. Like its just so badly written - anyway.... Harry is popping up next chapter to say hello.
