10-River's regret


β€” Limerence

" i messed up."

FOR SOMEONE TO SAY RIVER WAS FREAKING OUT WOULD BE THE UNDERSTATEMENT OF A LIFETIME. Sure he totally meant some of the words he said, he was just trying to be honest! But he also didn't mean to make Ember run off.

As soon as he yelled those awful words at her, he knew he messed up big time. The only time he really ever got into an argument with her was when they were in second year and he stopped talking to her for stepping on a spider, which he knew she didn't do intentionally. Didn't stop him from getting mad.

River also knew that Ember was actually becoming happy. He could remember when he got an owl from her over the summer explaining that her grandmother, who she called Maman, had passed away from Dragon Pox. Estelle White and Ember White were close, River knew that. River saw the tear stains on the parchment. Yet he said that her death was Embers fault. Which it wasn't. It totally wasn't

But River was mad, no furious. So furious he didn't even check to see the tiny chance that Ember was actually just making new friends.

He let anger blind him.

And now he was letting regret blind him. He had been pacing his dorm for the past hour. His legs began to hurt, but did he care? No. No, he didn't care. He made a huge mistake and he knew that.

Those words "they just want to get in your pants." Were never going to be forgiven. He knew how much Ember was afraid of something like that happening because of her looks. He knew that she was gorgeous, he knew that people took advantage of that, he knew that Ember hated the thought of that.

Yet he said those words.

Anger blinded River.

And he hated every moment of it. River for one, had no idea where she had ran off to, and two, Ophelia and Lily were totally going to murder him.

He decided death was worth knowing Ember was okay.

"Shit." He muttered for a last time. His hand ran through his hair and he went to open his dorm door.

"If I was Ophelia where would I be..." he thought out loud before going to the girl dorms. Hufflepuffs, unlike Gryffindors, boys could enter the Girls dormitory's. It was probably the whole 'loyal' thing.

River was correct. When he opened the door that read,


Ophelia was sitting on her bed reading a book. Ignoring the fact the door just opened. Tara and Cellia were often going in and out. River practically flew himself onto her bed, letting out a large sigh and hiding his face in his hands, "I messed up." Though it sounded more like 'Imestherueduth'.

Ophelia sighed, "I'm going to need you to repeat that." She wasn't exactly expecting River to come to her dorm, more Ember. Usually if ember was upset she would run into their dorm and start ranting.

"I messed up, like messed up." Said River, finally lifting his head up from his hands.

The tanned girl cringed, "what did you do River? I heard you two arguing but left before it got bad."

"I may or may not have said that no one actually likes her and they just want to get in her pants..." said River in a small voice. Ophelia smacked her hand over her mouth.

"You didn't?!"

"I did! It's not like I wanted to words to come out... they just did!" He groaned.

"What else did you do River?" Ophelia asked in a warning tone. She knew that for Ember to run out on River it had to be something big.

"I may of said that it was her fault Estelle died because of her and that she was selfish and that she was a bitch and that she was just jealous and that everything was her fault." He said this all very fast.

Ophelia gasped and smacked his forehead. "You idiot River!"

"I know! I know!" He muttered. His hands going over to shield his face again. "I shouldn't have said anything."

Ophelia let the silence fill the room when a thought entered her head. "Are you jealous?"

River groaned, "no. I'm not jealous. I just got tired of hearing her talk about her new friends... I don't want to be replaced I guess..."

"River, we've been a trio since first year. I love both of you guys but you can't do that just because your jealous. I'm sure that Ember would never replace you." Mainly because she is absolutely in love with you, Ophelia thought

"B-but" River groaned loudly, "I feel like shit."

Ophelia laid herself next to River, "You should." He lazily smacked her stomach, "Okay what your going to do is find your girlfriend, tell her what happened, allow her to punch you. Then your going to find her sister and apologize to her because we all know Skylar will automatically hate you."

River frowned, if Lily didn't murder him, Skylar would.

Ophelia ignored him and continued, "Skylar will help you find Ember and you are going to give her the best apology that's possible!"

River got up, a determined look on his face. "Yes ma'm!"

Ophelia's plan was better than doing nothing. River went to the library first, knowing that was his girlfriend's favorite place. He found lily studying and slid into the booth next to her. She, of course, was upset at River. Not only for making Ember upset but also for dragging her into the mess.

Lily wasn't even mad at her boyfriends best-friend. If anything she found Ember rather enjoyable. Their conversation resulted in a lot of whisper-yelling because Madam Pince was glaring in their direction. The ginger had let out a long sigh after River explained everything. She dragged him out from the peering eyes of madam Pince and began to yell at him in the corridors.

He wanted to apologize, and Lily thought that was just what he needed to do. He kissed her cheek and thanked her, not only for offering her support but also for not murdering him.

Next would be the hardest task. Skylar white.

Girlfriend of Genny Rodney, head girl, professional quidditch hater, and the very protective older sister of Ember White.

Skylar and River had talked on multiple occasions. From what he knew of her she wasn't the most forgiving person to people who hurt her loved ones. Ember once told him before Aries left, Ember was upset at him about it and Skylar refused to talk to him until he fully apologized and spent every last moment with them.

And that was her brother.

Finding the head girl wouldn't be an easy feat, she was a gryffindor and he was a Hufflepuff. If she was in her common room or dorm he wouldn't be able to find her, so he went to the next best person.

Professor McGonagall. She didn't exactly know where Skylar was. According to McGonagall she just ran off with Remus Lupin, looking very alarmed.

River groaned and left the transfiguration room in a rush. Lucky him, he saw Remus and Skylar talking.

"Skylar!" River called out, causing the head girl and the prefect to turn around.

"River! Do you know what-"

River cut her off, "Happened with ember?" He frowned, his voice barley reached a whisper, "I happened to ember."

Both Skylar and Remus looked outraged. Remus's back straighted and he was glaring at River. The brunette girl moved closer to River, "what did you do River! Lupin said she had a panic attack!"

"I said some not nice words... but I've talked to Ophelia and Lily! And trust me I regret it and I want to apologize." He said with regret in his voice. Remus had also stepped closer to him now.

"What exactly did you say O'Conner." Remus asked, his voice was warning. River would be lying if he said he wasn't scared.

He coughed awkwardly, "well... I said that everything was her fault... and well that Estelle dying was her fault-" Skylars face twisted into a grimace.
"And that no one actually liked her and they just wanted to get in her pants." He said the last part fast, hoping they wouldn't understand

They understood alright. A loud crack echoed through the hallway as Remus brought his fist back from River's face. The latter grunted and held his nose. Which felt broken.

"I deserved that." He whimpered and both the Head girl and prefect rolled their eyes.

"If you'll excuse us River." Skylar gave him a fake smile, "my sister is hurt. And it looks like you are too."

River nodded, a frown formed on his face, "C-can you at least tell her I'm sorry?"

Skylar looked back from where she had began walking. She knew her sister, she knew that Ember would forgive him in a heartbeat. She knew that no matter what, no matter the words said, Ember was still going to love River. It would be her downfall in the end- her loving him. It would hurt her more than anything. Because Skylar knew that River only loved one woman like that-lily evans- Yet, she would still love him.

"Yeah. I will."



Oh and UploAd Day! tuEsDAys and FRiDAyS

everyone to River atm

