The Uzumaki Waterfall!

People Glared at the two children with wide smiles on their faces.

"It's the monsters"

"Why are they still here?"

"Their such nuisances"

"I wish they would just disappear"

The villagers whispered. Fortunately the two kids did not notice, but one child did. He had red hair and a kanji on his head meaning Love.

He was confused as to why they were treating the kids this way but decided they were just not liked.

"Nee-Chan let's train!" The boy yelled

"Nii-san I bet I know more jutsu than you ttebane!" his sister replied

"No way dattebayo!"

"Yes way Ttebane!"




"Y- hey whos picking me up!"

"Would you two quiet down your causing a scene!" A familiar voice scolded

"What do you mean sakura chan?" the boy asked before looking around him

"Oh.." Naruto muttered. Although naruto became silent his sister felt no need to. She wasnt intimidated by the looks anymore, so she did the best thing she could think of. Yell.

"What are all of you pigs looking at huh?! If you like looking at us so much then take a picture Ttebane Bakas!"

The villagers suddenly turned their glares into death glares and some began picking rocks up. The red haired Uzumaki saw this and grabbed her brother and sakura. she teleported them to one of the training grounds before falling to the ground panting.

"Naruko are you alright?" Sakura asked, concern all over her face

"Y-yeah its just I haven't teleported with someone before. It takes a lot of chakra..."

"Oh alright then.....YOU IDIOT!" Sakura punches naruko in the face causing her to fall back.


"SAKURA-CHAN IM SORRY" Naruko screamed


"NEE-CHAN RUN!" Naruto grabbed his sister as they ran away from the Blossom haired kunoichi.


"CHAAA!" She screamed

"naruto! over here turn on your right and then jump kay?" Naruko whispered


Naruto turned right and jumped off a cliff into a hidden lake.

"AHHHH!" the twins yelled


The twins had just taken off their clothes, leaving Naruto in his Boxers and no shirt while his sister had took off her shirt only wearing a bra and had shorts.Of course this didn't affect naruto since she was his brother and he merely shrugged it off. Naruko leaded her brother to a rock near the waterfall. They both set up a fire and caught some fish, (Naruko caught all of them and naruto gave up and increased the flames on the fire). By the time they had finished all of that their clothes had dried and the clock struck noon.

Naruto and Naruko sat down on two rocks and started to skin the fish they caught with their kunais.

"Nee-chan how did you find this place?" Naruto asked.

"It's pretty right? I was running away from the villagers when I was eight and stumbled upon this place dont you remember meeting gramps here?" She asked

"Oh yeah! We ate fish here too haha! oh hey do I skin that one too?"


"This place is amazing! I can't believe I forgot about it!"

"Hehe! this is where I unlocked my chakra! I tried out meditating here and ended up unleashing a bunch of chakra and destroyed a few trees" She laughed.

"Nee-chan your scary!"



"mhm whatever" she mumbled. Naruto sweatdropped before pulling out something that he knew his sister would love.

"Nee-Chan here! I brought this just in case" He held out his hand and showed a bag of Camomile Tea. His sister's eyes widened and she tackled her brother.

"OH MY GOODNESS YOU GOT IT?!" She yelled. She hadnt had Camomile tea In years since the first time she got it was because she snuck in and secretly paid for it. She only snuck in since the old man who owned the store was on of the villagers who despised them with all his heart. she was six years old at the time.

"Hehe! I transformed into Iruka-Sensei to get it but Yeah I got a whole Box!" He Rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly

"I Love you so much!"


She had just finished preparing the tea for her and her brother as he finished cooking the fish. They both sat down and put their hands together to give thanks.

"Itadakimasu!" They thanked. Without hesitation they grabbed the fish and took a bite.

"Sugoi!!" Naruko yelled

"Its so good! Ttebayo!" Naruto agreed. They grinned at each other and Talked about random things before cleaning up and getting up to leave.

"Say Nee-Chan?" Naruto asked

"Yeah?" She answered

"How bout we make this our little place? Ya know like our little chill place! we can name it the Uzumaki Waterfall Ttebayo!"

"Yeah! The Uzumaki Waterfall Is now ours ttebane!" They laughed and walked out.


They were walking in the streets of the village when Naruko suddenly had an idea.

"Hey Nii-San wanna do a prank? hehe like ya know dumping feathers and honey on someone! or paint ya know?"

"Hmm." Naruto thought with a serious face. Naruko's happy expression dropped to one of disappointment. Naruko Suddenly grinned and whispered to her.

"Yeah! totally lets go dump paint on people ttebayo!" He grinned as he pulled out a bucket of paint out of nowhere.

"Where did you get that?" Naruko asked

"I dont even know. Who cares!" He answered.

Now you might think that what the twins were doing was rude but they never did it to people who were obviously suffering in something. They were only going to dump the paint on some people who had been jerks to others and especially them. They were on the roof of some chunin adults who had beat them up when they were younger. they poured the paint and ran away Laughing Hysterically.Until..

"YOU!" A deep voice yelled "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!"

"AH! K-Kakashi sensei?! what are you doing here?!" the twins asked with scared faces.

"That doesn't matter! what matters is that you two are pouring paint on others and you spilt some on me!" Kakashi-sensei yelled

Naruko could swear this an appeared everywhere she went when she caused trouble and it began to annoy her. Nowadays she could never get away with anything because of this man.

"Apologize to those two Chunin right now!" He scolded

"Stupid old man" Naruko quietly muttered. Unfortunately for her. Kakashi had heard what she said. After all he was a Hatake.

"Excuse me?!" He let out a strong killing intent.

"AHH! DONT HURT NEE-CHAN!" Naruto Jumped in front of his sister to protect her.


"Gomenasai Chunin-Sans" The twins bowed slightly at the two chunins. to which the two chunin responded with a deadly glare and grunt. They surprisingly walked away which confused the twins, until they remembered they had their sensei behind them holding their shoulders.

"Now then" Kakashi said "Which one of you is going to pay for my new set of clothes eh?" despite him smiling the twins gulped and looked at each other before nodding and Splitting their money.

"Its as if you both read each other's mind. is that a twin thing?" Kakashi asked

"Nah its just a skill me and Nii-San developed over the years ttebane!" she said while her brother nodded rapidly

"Oh really? What are you both thinking right now?" He asked

The twins turned to face each other before grinning widely.

"Let's go eat at Ichirakus For dinner!" They simultaneously said and ran off.

"goodness" The silver haired jounin ran a hand through his hair "Those two will be the death of me"
