
"hey! Shino-Kun!" A loud voice startled the young genin. He was out training with his bugs when he was loudly interrupted by someone.

"Naruko-Chan? Do you need something?" He asked.

"No not really. I just was leaving for a while on a mission so I figured Id give ya something Ya know?" The boy rose a suspicious eyebrow before shaking his head. The girl grabbed a small container and handed it to him.

"I have to go but I'll See ya soon mkay?" He nodded and watched her run away towards the Inuzuka's home. He was slightly suspicious at the girl but chose to ignore it momentarily and opened the container. His eyes immediately lit up as his bugs grew happy. Inside was a mixture of small foods and nutrients that he had informed her his bugs liked. He had also mentioned that he couldn't get any for at least a month due to certain circumstances.


'Now for kiba.....' The Uzumaki Thought as she saw

The red haired Uzumaki Approached the young Inuzuka heir and Handed him Four paw mitts. She informed him that winter would be approaching soon so she decided to help akamaru. The young boy thanked her and Naruko bid her farewell. She soon went to The hospital and saw Lee. She Just talked to him since she didn't know what to give him. She gave him some flowers and left. It was already past noon and Naruko really needed to hurry. She ran into Ten ten and Gave the girl a custom Kunai With her Name on it. She left on her way towards Choji And Shikamaru but bumped into a familiar man smoking his cigar.

"Wow. Where you going to in such a rush kid"

"Oh! Hey Asuma-Sensei! Nowhere special. Just gonna give some thin to Shika and Cho."

"What did I say about the Sensei thing kid. You used to call me Asuma-Nii"

'Yeah but others think it's mean' Naruko thought 'I didn't see you too much but still quite often since I was with gramps a lot'

"Yeah well Others probably think it would be disrespectful if I called you that" She mumbled

"It's fine. Since when do you care about what others think?" He smugly said

"Tch. Whatever I dont! Anyways I gotta give you something!" The man Rose an eyebrow at the girl as she fumble to grab something from her bag. She brought out one of her Three pronged kunais and put it in his hand.

"What's this for? These are your teleportation kunai right?"

"Just...Promise me that if your ever in trouble....Infuse this kunai with chakra and throw it on the floor or wall mkay? I can teleport if you do and I can teleport to you if I'm In trouble too ttebane!" Asuma instantly became suspicious of the girl and asked if she was okay.

"Yeah I'm fine just..." 'I wish I could tell you. I seriously wish I could. I'm sorry'

"It's nothing! Don't worry. Anyways when will I become a somewhat aunt hm?" She Attempted to change the subject. The man grew flustered and red.

"W-What do you m-mean?"

"Y'know! Like Mini You's and Mini Kurenai's!? Will I see any Soon?"

"D-Don't g-go around saying s-stuff like that kid!" Naruko was confused as to why he was flustered. She then saw Kurenai walking by and ran towards her as the poor man attempted to stop her.

"Hey Kurenai Sensei!" Said woman turns her head.

"Oh. Hello Naruko."

"Hey Kurenai Sensei When are you and Asuma-Nii Gonna have kids!?" The older woman turned beat red as the other jounin managed to snatch the girl.

"Naruko Y-you can go saying that you brat!"

"Why? You guys are dating right? So your gonna have kids! what so bad about saying that?" The Innocent Uzumaki asked. The two adults were now both stuttering uncontrollably as the girl grew even more confused.


"OW! What the hell! Who did that?"

"You Baka." She heard Shikamaru say with his bored tone. She looked up to see his father was the one to punch her head.

"Hey its you! What was that for old man!?"



"Show -some respect Naruko." Shikamaru scolded this time. His father had always slightly intimidated the Uzumaki. He was extremely smart and Naruko disliked that, She was afraid of Super smart people.

"Your dad Is like Super smart! It's scary man! You can't be that smart unless you have lived forever!" She dramatically said as the older man laughed.

"I hope you meant that as a compliment." Shikaku said.

"Sorry Shikaku-San" Asuma hit the girl across the head as she glared at him.

"Hey Shikaku-san." Naruko said "these two are freaking out because I asked them If they were gonna have kids. Can you tell me why?"

The Two jounin were freaking out once again as the two Naras turned beet red.

"U-Uh....I don't think I should be the one to tell you..Uh why." The older man said

"hey now you're a tomato too! Shikaaa What's happening?!" She whined towards the boy as he ran away as bright as a tomato.

"Huh?" She blinked.

"I-I have to go" Kurenai Ran away as Asuma followed. Naruko was left alone with the older Nara who was slightly back to normal.

"Hey mister. You know what that was about?"

"You'll Learn when your older kid. Patience" He put his hand on her head

"Heyyy But I dont wanna wait!" She complained. He chuckled and Ruffled her hair.

"Sorry kid. Anyways do ya need something" He asked her.

"Yeah! Can you teach me how to play shogi?" The man was taken aback by her request but grudgingly agreed.

"Why do you wanna play?"

"I...Don't know I guess I wanna" She poorly lied.

"why you lying kid?" He asked as they walked.

"hm? Im not"

"Yes you are. Your body language Speaks for you." He smugly replied. The girl was now sweating slightly before the older man sighed.

"It's fine. Tell me when you feel like it alright?" He smiled at her.

"M hmm!"


Naruko was headed to choji and shikamaru's watching clouds spot. She found the two sitting and eating. Or rather Choji was the one eating as shikamaru was laid down on the floor. I walked over to them and sat down.

"Hey Naruko. What are you doing here?" Choji Munched on his chips. Naruko smiled and took out a coupon of free chips for a month. Choji's eyes widened at the sight and He thanked the girl constantly as she laughed. He soon ran off to buy another bag, leaving the two alone.

"What was that for?" The boy asked

"No-thin. Just felt like it" She shrugged "Here" She handed Her Kunai and Gave the same explanation as she did to asuma.

"But why?"

"Again. Just felt like it" She shrugged again. She quickly shot up before he could further question her and said goodbye.

'Now then...Who next? I already said by to Neji, Hinata,Kiba,Shino,Ten ten,Lee,Shika,Choji,Asuma-Nii, Even though I didn't mean to I guess Shikaku-San too. Oh Ino is next. I'll just leave her a type of shampoo in her room and leave without conversation.'

The young girl went towards the Yamanaka compound and knocked. A Blonde haired man with a ponytail answered.

"Can I help you?" He asked

"Oh yeah! Is Ino Here?"

"She's Isn't here right now. Is there some reason that you need her? Im her father so I can pass on any messages"

"Oh I was just gonna leave something for her. It's nice to meet you! I'm Uzumaki Naruko!" The man smiled kindly and shook her hand

"Yamanaka Inoichi. I'll Take that and put it in her bedroom" She nodded and gave him the package.

"Good Job in the Exams by the way" The man said

"Oh. But I didn't get the chance to fight in the final round"

"yes But I saw you fighting During the Invasion. Your very talented" Naruko felt a pang of guilt hit her but she quickly hid it. Unfortunately not quick enough for the man to notice.

"I guess. Thanks anyway I have to go! It was a pleasure!" She ran out as the man Said A quiet "You as well"

'Well then. Sakura next'


Naruko was currently running away from a furious Sakura. Naruko had accidentally said something and angered the pinkette. She scurried away towards the Uchiha compound after giving the young Haruno her present.

As she arrived and Conversed with the Uchiha until She Asked him to promise something.

"Promise you will strengthen your bond with your friends. Never sever them and Use them to become stronger" The Uchiha Nodded silently as he tilted his head slightly in confusion. The girl merely smiled and shook her head only further confusing the Ravenette. Suddenly, She stood up and hugged the boy.

"I'm going on a mission for a bit so I wanted to give you something." She grabbed a paper from her hands that had an address and date.

"In Two years go to this address and you'll get something really sweet alright?"

'Two years?' He narrowed his eyes but nodded. 'I'm going to talk to kakashi-sensei later about her behaviorย when she leaves'

"Well! I gotta go meet up with Nii-San! see ya!" She Teleported to her room and let out a sigh of relief.

'Kakashi-sensei next huh?' She was really nervous for this one. Why? Tell me. How do you break into the house of the famous copy-cat ninja who copied over 1000 jutsus and cut a thunderbolt without getting hurt and can kill you before you say ow. Yeah thats why. Thank god for the Hiraishin. Hiraishin or not, Her sensei still had a way to beat her even if she uses it. She was hoping he was on a mission as she grabbed the signed book of Icha Icha and a new Headband. She figured that his headband had been slightly destroyed from all the fighting and bought her father figure a new one. 'I hate this village. But being with all of you made it tolerable.. Please..Don't hate me.'

She Inhaled Deeply and Clutched her teleportation kunai. She teleported into his apartment and held her breath. She quietly set the book down under one of his drawers so he wouldn't find it for a while. She heard shuffling right after she placed the book and instantly teleported out. She collapsed outside and wiped the sweat on her temple.

'Holy smokes. That was close' She sighed in relief.

"Naruko?" The girl jumped 10 feet in the air at the males voice.

"AH! K-K-Kakashi-S-Sensei?! W-what are you doing here?" She avoided eye contact.

"I could ask you the same thing" He narrowed his eyes at the girl.

"W-What do you m-mean?" She began sweating profusely.

"Your stuttering and sweating. signs that your hiding something" The girl cleared her throat and looked back at her sensei.

"N-Nope. Not hiding anything. What are you doing here?"

"Don't try and change the subject." He glared but then sighed. "I have a mission and it's going to last for seven hours at max. I was just about to head out. Now your turn. What are you doing" He placed both hands on his hips.

"I was going to meet up with Nii-San In a bit and happened to pass by your apartment." She finally looked up at him. The man suddenly felt something around his waist and blinked.

"Be safe." The girl hugged her sensei. The man cocked an eyebrow at her strange attitude before his visible eye softened. He sent her a reassuring close eyed smile and bent down to her level.

"I can't be beaten easily Naruko. I'm The famous copy ninja" He cockily said. The girl deadpanned at him and her eyes held a slight devious glint in them.

"Mhm. tell that to Itachi Uchiha. Y'know the guy who beat you in a literal second hm?" He suddenly grew a tick mark and grabbed the girl in a headlock.

"You little brat! It wasn't a second! And he was really tired after too!" He rubbed his knuckles against her head.

"Itai! Itai! L-Let go you old geezer!" She screamed. and teleported out of his arms. She pulled at her cheek and stuck her tongue out.

"Bleghhhhhh" her teasing was cut short by the man disappearing. "H-huh? What? That's as fast as I am when I use the Hiraishin! What the hell?! hey old man where are y- AHHHH" she yelled as she was pinned to the ground and tickled mercilessly. "You wanna keep insulting me!?"

"S-STOP! AHHHHH OKAY OKAY! I-Im SORRY SENSEI L-Let Go! I giv- give up!" She breathed out as the man smiled in victory. He finally let the Uzumaki go before realizing he was late for his mission. 'Oh well. Seems tsunade-Sama is going to yell at me again.' "Now then. I have to leave" He ruffled her hair and smiled. "See you Naruko."

"Goodbye sensei..." She smiled and waved as he disappeared. 'Gomen sensei...'

'time for the hardest one of all.....Nii-San'


Hands in pockets. Head faced down. And mind wandering elsewhere. The young Uzumaki walked towards Ichiraku ramen to meet with her brother. The brother she loves So much. The brother she had protected and supported for her entire life. The brother she was going to leave.

She once again let out a strong sigh, and pulled up the covers of the store.

"Konichiwa!" She greeted As the owners greeted back with an enthusiastic

"Konichiwa!" She smiled and looked at the two figures in front of her.

"Oh. Hey Iruka-Sensei, What are you doing here?"

"Oh! I invited him to join us!" Naruko smiled at her brothers happiness.

'Although I wanted to spend my time alone with you, I suppose the first person other than gramps is pretty cool to hang out with. Ttebane.'

She took a seat on the left side of her brother and ordered her Tonkotsu ramen. She watched her brother converse with the older Chunin as if he were his father. Suddenly Kakashi's face flashed into her mind and she blinked out of shock.


"Hey Nee-Chan! Nee-Chan?" She looked at her brother who rose an eyebrow at her.

"Hm? Oh sorry. what were you saying?"

"Uh Iruka-Sensei was asking if you were okay. You seemed out of it for a bit." Naruto said

"Oh yeah! Just lost in thought. Hey Nii-San you got that Jutsu Rasengan thingy down yet?"

"Rasengan?" Iruka Asked. Naruto Flashed the man a big grin and spoke

"Yeah Dattebayo! Pervy-Sage Taught me this really powerful jutsu when I went to get granny tsunade! It was really hard to learn but then we got into a fight with orochimaru and Kabuto! and then-" she watched with a smile as her brother spoke happily of his accomplishments. He was cut off by Teuchi serving them all with ramen.

"Itadakimasu!" They yelled as they greedily slurped up the ramen.

"well. I best be going. I'll cover your food. See you guys later!" Iruka smiled.

"See ya!" Naruto and Naruko Grinned. Iruka chuckled and left the two alone.

"Nii-San. You wanna go to our special place for a bit?"

"Yeah Ttebayo!" With that the two twins bid their farewells to Teuchi and Ayame and left. It was late at night at the moment. Naruko Looked around and smiled whole heartedly,She could feel her eyes beginning to get glossy. She knew that she would cry if she couldn't have at least a little bit of comfort. She reached for her brothers hand and clutched it.

"Nee-Chan? Are you okay?" He worriedly asked. The girl nodded.

"Please just hold my hand for a little." He smiled at her and they began walking towards the waterfall. The girl looked at the people who were smiling and laughing. The people getting drunk with friends,Couples walking..It was...Peaceful. How Ironic. Naruko thought.

'It's strange. It almost seems as if the death of gramps made things more peaceful. Its....So peaceful, The people aren't glaring at us. Some are even smiling at us...why did they have to suddenly change when I finally decide to leave. Damn it.'


The two had returned from the waterfall and arrived at their apartment. It was already 1 am by now and Naruko was set to leave at 1:30 Am. The young Boy seemed so Happy and Innocent. She didn't want to ruin that,She watched as he climbed into bed and smiled at her. He soon fell asleep with a smile stuck to his face.

" Your going to become hokage no matter what even if I have to die to make that dream come true!"

Huh? Who said that?

"My dream is....I want to see that smile on everyone's faces.I dont want to see anymore tears. I just want peace.... yeah thats it ttebane. I want to achieve world peace."

'wait. I'm the one who said that. That's right. All of this is for that dream. If I destroy Konohagakure,Then there will be no more people to hate me and Nii-San. Right?'

"My name is Uzumaki Naruko! Some day my brother is gonna become hokage, And I'll be there by his side the whole time! I'll be in his shadow protecting and supporting him Ttebane!"

Heh. that was my vow.

'Promise you'll stay with me forever Nee-Chan' The crying boy held out his pinkie.

"What kind of stupid question is that? I'll always be here with you baka! Even if you hate me I will always be there for you!" The Red haired girl grinned proudly.

"Yeah. Me too Ttebayo!"


"Damn it. Stupid memories,' The girl said as she slung the bag onto her back and opened the door. She turned around and looked at her apartment one last time.She let a tear slide down her cheek before suddenly getting in a crouched position and running towards the gates.

'This is it.'


"Naruko? What are you doing here?" The girl who was about to exit the village gates froze. She slowly turned around and looked at the ravenette.

"weren't you on a mission?" He narrowed his eyes but then widened them. "Your leaving aren't you? That's why you were acting so weird this past week isn't it?"He clenched his fists. "well? Answer me!"

"Yes. I am leaving" His heart plummeted at the conformation.

"But why!?"

"You are all weak." He froze "I always need to protect you all. You are so driven by hate that it stops you from getting stronger. You Live to kill Itachi Yes? Tell me Sasuke. What did you live for before your brothers defection?" His breath hitched. 'I dont know' His mind said

"What does that have anything to do with this?!"

"It has everything to do with this. Your brother is the one who told you to hate him yes? Why would you listen to him hm? He murdered your clan didn't he? So why listen to his orders? I'm telling you this because you can't fight with hate. Fight with love,Your strength will triple. I am stupid enough to let myself be driven by hate. Look where that got me. Don't try and stop me." She turned her back to him.

"To hell with that! 'Don't try and stop me?' Of course I will. Your staying with all of us even if It means I have to force you!" She suddenly flashed behind him. He felt her breath close behind him as she leaned in.

"Thank you Sasuke." she hit a pressure point in his neck. "And forgive me."

"Everyone. Please forgive me, for this is farewell" She walked out of the gates and took one last glance at the boy on the bench.














"For I am Uzumaki Naruko. Rogue Ninja of the Hidden leaf."
