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Bryson's POV

Ian stay in the administrator's office for long. There was no need, my damn teacher was just tweaking.

Trey and I don't have any other classes together but we straight. No hard feelings or nothing.

Shit. I keep thinking about my dumb ass making a fool out of myself like that in front of Isis.

The rest of my classes went smoothly. I mean we ain't doing shit but watching movies or being on our phones.

Ion even know why I still came. The last days are usually t'd at our school though and a lot of people actually show up.

I'm just ready to go home. Ready to graduate. Ready to finish some music I been working on.

I got a lot of shit to do.

Isis' POV

What. A. Day.

When I tell you today was so lit. People were playing music loud in the cafeteria. Taylor and I was turning up and twerking.

Ima miss her most definitely. That's my girl.

I spent most of my day in my favorite teachers' classrooms. Gonna be my last time seeing em unless I gotta drive up cause Talia got in a fight or something.

Currently I'm in my theater teacher's room with Taylor.

We were both theater kids. Always in a play. If we weren't the main characters then we were up on the stage doing something else.

I don't mean to toot my own horn...but ya gal can sing.

Taylor was talking with some of our theater friends and I went to go use the bathroom.

I walked out and down the hall to the bathroom. I stopped when I saw Bryson talking to his ex girlfriend right by the water fountains out by the bathrooms.

I was peeking behind a tall stand up poster that said "Join Debate Team!"

It felt weird seeing him talk to her since I thought they were done.

It looked like they were arguing though. I never knew the girl's name. I just remember always seeing her sitting on his lap and braiding his hair and all that shit when we had chemistry together.

I tried to listen in, but just then my damn phone fell out my front pocket.

Why was it in my front pocket you ask? I know. I don't know. My earbuds and lipgloss are in my main back pocket I usually put my phone in.

Bryson looked over to where I was and I casually picked it up and fixed the sign.

"Aye. Whatchu doing?" He called out at me.

"Just making sure y'all tell some of the underclassmen to join debate team...ya know...for next year." I smiled nervously.

His ex girlfriend eyed me weirdly.

I was never into the debate team so why would I be sponsoring them?

I turned back and walked back to the theater room. I didn't have to use the bathroom anymore. Now I was nauseous though.

What if they get back together? What if they go to the same college? That would be a highschool relationship gone right. All the seniors who graduated before that were dating each other been went separate ways.

But who knows?

Bryson's POV

"Who was dat?" My ex girlfriend Mercedes asked.

"Isis...we had chemistry with her last year.." I looked at her.

"Hmm. Don't remember her. Anyway back to what I was saying. Why don't you wanna get back with me Bry?"

I rolled my eyes and put my hands in my front pockets.

"Cause..." I spoke softly.

"Cause why?" She got closer to me.

"You're crazy as fuck. Ever since we fucked it's like you obsessed or sum."

"Well I mean YEA. You took my fucking virginity. I can't get that back Bry!" She whisper yelled with tears in her eyes.

I looked down and sighed loudly. "Look Mer. I'm sorry. How was this goin work anyway? You goin to Tennessee State. I'm leaving Tennessee."

"Ok and? Ever heard of long distance?!"


She put her hands on me...tightly.

"You don't tell me what the fuck to do. Is there something I need to know about? You take Isis' virginity too?" She looked at me...but it didn't even look like her. She looked insane.

"What? No. No! Deadass. Look we been together since what...8th grade? We've had our breaks and we've seen other people but we always came back to each other."

"Exactly. That can happen when we go to college." She put her hand on my bulge and bit her lip.

I chuckled. "This ain't the Mercedes I know. You're crazy ma. It's over forreal." I backed away and turned around and headed back to my class.

"You know what. FUCK YOU BRYSON POTTS!" She yelled.

"You already did." I laughed and kept walking.

Me fucking Isis? Yea lml. Ok. She would never let me hit.

Isis' POV

The bell rang and I knew it was time to head home.

I started walking outside to my car and saw Bryson's ex. She stopped and looked at me with puffy, red eyes and kept walking.

Ok? Weirdo.

I shrugged it off and went to unlock my car.

"ISIS!" Someone yelled behind me. I turned around and it was Taylor running towards me.

"Yes ma'am?" I asked while putting my stuff in the backseat.

"I'm boutta get me someee." She did a lil dance.

"Some..." I made the blowjob sign.

"You know it!" She laughed.

"Bitch. Tell me all about it. I thought you was finna wait till you were married." I closed the door to the back seat.

"I KNOWWW but, this needed to happen before college. This way, I'll know how it feels." She fake moaned then laughed. "I'll tell you all about it. Pinky promise."

We interlocked pinkies.

"Who you doing it with anyway?" I leaned up against my car looking at her.

"Zay. The quarterback. The one with the curly hair and pretty eyes."

Ew. He was my first kiss in kindergarten. We legit dated for like a week. Then he started dating this new white girl that joined the class. That's when I knew he was a lil hoe.

"Well. You have fun with that. Hopefully you're not left in crutches." I smiled.

"OMG WAIT. Threesome?" She looked at me.

I thought about it. "That would be fun but I have things to do. Some errands to run. Sorry babes."

"It's ok. Just lemme know whenever and I can schedule it." She winks. I know she just wants to mainly fuck me though lml. We kissed a couple times. The first couple of times were dares, and then she had a lil bit to drink before I picked her up. People already think we a couple.

"Alright. Will do. Bye Tay." I waved and got in the drivers seat and watched her move out the way so I could reverse out of my spot.

Hm. A threesome would be a fun "going away to college" party but nah.

I connected my phone to the aux and started blasting some Key Glock with the windows down. I made a left turning out of the school and got a call from momma.

I pressed the answer button on the screen on my car. "Hey baby." She said in her calming soft voice.

"Hey momma. Wassup?" I switched lanes.

"Just wanted to check on my firstborn. How are you? You tired?"

"Nah. Today was chill though. I had fun."

"That's good. Well you already know ya dad and I will be home late, but you're used to that. There's leftovers in the fridge or y'all can go out and get something."

"Yes ma'am. I gotchu." I smiled and kept driving. "I love you."

"I love you too peanut. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up the phone.

It was only 3:45. I have a long time until Talia gets out from practice. I know she had a football game a few days ago but I guess they, being the cheerleaders, didn't do so well and when I did cheer there we practiced forever until we got stuff right for next season the following school year.

I pulled up into the driveway and parked the car and turned my music off and just laid my head back and closed my eyes listening to the birds chirping.

Whew. Glad to be home and be able to relax.

I got out the car and grabbed my house key and walked in turning the alarm off.

"Shit it's hot in here." I said to myself while walking to the smart thermostat we had downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and made some ramen noodles and took them upstairs to eat in my room after they were done.

I threw my stuff on the bed and turned my tv on. I'm rewatching On My Block.

I set an alarm for 5:50 so I knew when to wake up if I dozed off which is what ended up happening.

I woke up to an Instagram notification. Bryson posted.

I opened my phone and saw he posted the college he was going to. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before actually looking at it.

I opened my eyes.

"CLARK ATLANTA?!" I yelled out loud to myself.

I damn near had a heart attack. This can't be happening. Maybe I'm looking at someone else's page. Instagram be tweakin sometimes.

I refreshed his page and sure enough :

After thinking for awhile...I will be continuing my talents at Clark Atlanta University to major in Music with a minor in Business Administration. I will also be a Panther and playing football for them on a football scholarship๐Ÿˆ. Thanks to all my friends and family who believed in me. Only way is up from hea! #clarkatlanta2023

I let out a slow sigh of relief. I guess this isn't my last time seeing him. I turned his 789 likes to 790 by liking his post.

I looked at my tv for a second then at my phone then back at my tv again and smirked. Maybe I should hit him up...

I sent him a dm saying:
Congratulations on your decision! I'm going to Clark too. We should definitely link and get to know each other better fo'sho๐Ÿ˜‹

I closed my phone and laid down on my pillow staring at the ceiling with a big smile.

I then got another text. I sat up excitedly thinking it was Bryson, but nope. It was Talia.

Where you at?๐Ÿ‘€

I started texting back.

At home... why what's up?

The three dots popped up.

Hunny it's boutta be 6:40. I'm sitting here waiting with a few other people.๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ

I set an alarm. Wtf. I went to my alarms and saw that I set it for 5:50AM...not PM. Oops.

I'm omw. My alarm was messed up. Sorry lmao.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’—

She liked the message with the thumbs up thing and I headed downstairs and put my stuff in the sink.

I turned the alarm on walked and outside before it went off on me while I was in there.

Ugh. Back in the car.

I feel like a damn Uber driver.
