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So like, I was so scared today cause this book disappeared and then the number of reads was at 0 so I wasn't sure what was going on. Just glad to be back. Sorry this is a few words shorter than my last chapter. Just wanted to get something posted today as a "my book is back" celebration type thang lml. I'll check for grammatical errors in a few. But hope you enjoy! Are you team Bryson or team Jhacari๐Ÿ‘€ Happy reading. xox


Isis POV
I'm not gonna sit here and act like I don't get jealous cause I do, but I mean, I don't know what to expect. We just got here and he already talking to girls.

It would be different if maybe she brought other girls and guys to the table, but it's just her. I'll definitely have to text Bryson and see what's up in terms of our relationship.

"You good girly?" Samara asked as she picked up a fried chicken leg and looked up at me.

"Couldn't be better." I lied and focused my gaze away from Bryson.

Samara turned her head and looked.

"That's yo nigga or something?" She asked.

"Something like that."

"Whose that lul' girl?"

"That's what I'm tryna figure out." I sighed.

"Well," she turned back around in her seat, "I would definitely talk to him ASAP cause if that's the case and he doing that flirting shit, I feel like you have the right to flirt too. Issa new school, new opportunities. Soooo much freedom."

I shrugged. "I'll ask him tonight I guess."

"Good." Melea spoke up.

After we finished eating, we gave ourselves a "self tour" of the campus and tried to figure out where everything was on our own.

"Y'all need help?" A voice asked.

We all turned around and saw this cute looking white boy.

"Nah, we're just sorta checking things out on our own. Thanks though." Kennedy replied.

"Aight good cause I wouldn't know how to help y'all. Ima freshman too, just wanted to be nice." He chuckled. "Don't feel comfortable seeing girls walking alone on a college campus."

"Well, thank you. We appreciate it." I smiled. "Good thing it's not dark yet."

"Hell yea. If that were the case I definitely wouldn't feel comfortable seeing y'all out here. But I'm Luke."

"Nice to meet you." Kennedy smiled.

"Yea. Nice to meet you." Melea responded.

"Heyy white boi!" Samara giggled.

I laughed. "Lord. Hey Luke. Nice to meet you. I'm Isis, This is Melea, Kennedy/Ken, and Samara."

They all smiled and waved once I mentioned their name.

"That's wassup. And yes lil' mama I know ima white boy. Chose this school cause I felt like it would be good for my major which is Communications (Radio & Television) with a minor in Film. The sexy black girls are a plus. What y'all planning on majoring in?"

"Law." Samara answered.

"Psychology." Kennedy replied.

"Nursing." I added.

"Biology." Melea smiled.

"That's wassup. Y'all beautiful and smart. Won't be surprised if y'all taken in a matter of days. Y'all going to the little freshman orientation shit tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yea. It'll be fun. Plus it's sorta like mandatory." I laughed.

"That don't mean nothing." Luke shrugged. "But if y'all go then I'll come with."

"White boi. You tryna mack with all of us?" Samara raised her eyebrow.

"Just tryna hang lil' girl. It's all fine." He joked. "If anything I would be flirting with the other three, not you."

"So I see how this lil' friendship goin' work." She rolled her eyes and softly pushed his shoulder. "We can always scrap. My people's from New York."

"Ok ok lovebirds. It was cool meeting you Luke. Here. We'll exchange numbers and make a group chat. The more friends we make, the more people will be added. Sound good?" Kennedy asked.

"Bet." Luke said as Kennedy handed him her phone to put his number in.

We all passed it around and put them in.

"I'll catch y'all later then?"

"Maybe." Samara looked at him and laughed.

"Yea yea. Bye y'all. Be safe."

We waved and watched him walk away.

"Ouuu Samara! What was that all about?" Kennedy asked in a singsong voice.

"Nun." She rolled her eyes and smiled looking down.

"Mhm." I giggled. "Well I ship it."

"Same." Melea and Kennedy replied in unison.

"Y'all quit playin'. He seem like a coo dude. We should let him in our friend circle. But that means me and him just finna be FRIENDS, nun more. I like to flirt, what can I say?" She tucked some hair behind her ear and smiled.

"Pftt. oOkAy." Kennedy joked.

We all talked and headed back to our suite.

Once we got inside, I went into my room and everyone else did their own thing.

Time to text Bryson.

Bryson's POV

"That's really what y'all dudes be focused on when you look at a girl?" Cambria asked in disgust.

"I care about the smile to be honest. You can have a gap or whatever, ion discriminate." Kenneth replied.

"I mean. Yea everybody looks at ass, but I just be focused on how a girl carries herself." I explained.

"Y'all niggas lyin'. Yo look. I focus on ass. That's the first thing ima look at when a girl walks past cause I mean why not?" Nate said.

I shook my head.

Cambria rolled her eyes.

"Pitiful." She said.

"Well what do you look at when you first see a guy?" I questioned and looked at her.

"Hmm. Probably hair and height. Waves are such a turn on for me. Like a dude that's well groomed is just so attractive. Nice cut, nice nails...I don't know."

"Nah I understand." I nodded. "Don't wanna be with nobody looking rough."

Just then I felt a buzz in my pocket meaning I got a text message.

I looked at saw that it was Isis.

I unlocked my phone and went to the iMessage app.

Isis My Baby Muva๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’•

I started texting back.

Wassup ma? You str8?๐Ÿ˜•

Isis My Baby Muva๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’•
mhm. you move in alright?

Yea. You?

Isis My Baby Muva๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’•
yea. my roommates cool asf. i love em. ima miss taylor tho. ):

Felt. Ima miss my dawgs.๐Ÿ˜ช

Isis My Baby Muva๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’•
but um.. ion mean to bother you or nothing but what are we exactly?

You never bother me ma and whatchu mean?

I knew exactly what she meant.

Isis My Baby Muva๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’•
i just wanna know where we stand after everything... i saw you in the cafe flirting w/ some girl but aye maybe you weren't. that's just what it looked like from where i was at

Saw that coming.

Nah Isis. She's just a friend.

My Baby Muva Isis๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’•
that's what they all say๐Ÿ™„

Isis. I swear on everything. If you think I'm lying then that's on you. I still care about you deeply.

My Baby Muva Isis๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’•
w.e ttyl๐Ÿ™‚

Bruh no. We finna talk rn.

My Baby Muva Isis๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’•
but ion wanna talk rn. i got trust issues. ion have time to be getting my heart played with. i'm here for this diploma and that's it๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ

I understand that. Ima be here regardless. Ain't going nowhere. Ima just be stuck in your life. So it is what it is, but ima always be around, no matter what happens.๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ’—

My Baby Muva Isis๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’•
k bryson . i appreciate it . well catch u later then ๐Ÿ˜—

Bye ma๐Ÿ˜˜ Leave me on read. Don't respond. You know how I feel about me leaving you on read when you're the last one to send a text.

She hearted my message to show that she'd seen it and I turned my phone off and put it back in my pocket.

"Ouu. That was ya lil bean?" Cambria cooed.

"Nosey ass. Coulda been my dukes." I chuckled. "But yea. Was tryna see where we stood."

"And?" She asked. "Don't mean to be all in ya business."

"And...it seems like we're straight."

"Well I hope she doesn't think I want you cause I don't. I'm taken and basically almost married. I got a promise ring." She showed us her hand.

"Well you know how girls can be though." I added.

"Exactly. Which is why if she ever sees us she prolly goin' think I'm flirting with you." She made a gagging sound effect.

"Never in a million years my dude." I chuckled. "Y'all family now."

"Good." Cambria laughed.

We all made a group chat while still sitting at the table and Cambria said she was gonna go explore a bit. Nate's thot ass decided to go with her and Kenneth and I decided to go back to our dorm.

Soon as we got there and Kenneth went in his little area, he was knocked.

I tried to set the tv up that my pops helped put up and eventually got it and started watching Netflix.

It feels weird as fuck actually being on a college campus now.

My dawgs ain't here, but I'm quickly meeting new people.

I still got football, but ion have my family or Kordell.

It's a lil' overwhelming to think about. But I know I still got music and I do have my ma and pops who I can hit up whenever.

I'm ready for everything to take off.

My football career, my music career... my relationship.

I just gotta feeling ima at least accomplish something on that list.

I got to.

[ The next day ]

Isis' POV

All four of us girls woke up early as hell so we could get cute for our little "freshmen day."

We all got dressed and hyped each other up.

"Ouu! We all look muhhfuckin' GOODT!" Samara yelled.

"That's on my mommaaa." Melea laughed.

"YUUUUURRRRR!" Samara yelled back.

"Y'all shut the fuck up before the RA's come up here." Kennedy giggled.

"Where we gotta be at for this?" Melea asked.

"They said the football field, but all day is finna be stuff planned for us freshmen. There's even a lil' party later."

"Aha ho, say lesssssssss." Samara quoted.

We all laughed.

"We should all go. Finna be turnt! Maybe snatch a few lil' hoes."

"Nuh uh. Ion wanna be known for sleeping around with everyone." I shook my head.

"Y'all virgins?" Kennedy blurted.

"Nah." Samara nodded. "You?"

"Nah, but it was a mistake. I should've waited to be honest. What about y'all?"

"I am. Was always focused on sports and school." Melea shrugged.

"You're so cappin' right now." Samara said in disbelief. "No dude tried to make no move? You're beautiful as hell!"

"I mean dudes have tried but I wasn't ready for all that. I mean I focused on my work and got a 1590 on the SAT and a 30 on the ACT. So in other words, I was never worried bout getting my back beat in."

"In other words, that's that Asian in you." Samara joked and playfully pushed her.

"Girl! You got those damn near perfect ass scores and you came here?!" Kennedy asked.

"Yea. Elijah and I originally lived in San Francisco. Our school was definitely not predominantly black. We been here to Atlanta a few times and decided that it's lit for one, and secondly it would be fun. We both got full rides here."

"Must be nice." I sighed.

"Yea it's nice until these college classes start and I get hit with my first F. Ima be so hurt."

We all laughed.

"Same." I smiled.

I looked down at my Apple Watch.

"Let's take a bus down closer to the field. I hear it's far as hell." I suggested.

"Bet." Kennedy said as we all grabbed our purses and some sunglasses.

We walked out our room and saw other people leaving as well.

We stay in a co-ed, all freshmen dorm.

The girls and boys are split up by floors.

We walked outside and waited for the bus that would take us closer to the field.

We all got on and I sat with Kennedy.

"I'm so ready to see what options I got here."

I laughed.

"I mean I'm not really looking."

"Well if that Tennessee nigga cheating, I don't think it would hurt to at least look, ya feel me?"

I guess I feel her. I mean Bryson kinda gave me permission...right?

Once we got there and stepped off the bus, we only had to walk a little ways to get to the field.

There were food trucks and all types of shit out there.

"Aww...I want me some red velvet cake." Melea pouted.

"We most definitely goin' come back up here cause I love me some red velvet cake too." Kennedy replied and smiled.

"It's basically chocolate cake's hotter cousin." Samara teased.

"You right about that one." I laughed. "Tastes way better even though it's basically the same."

Once we got to the bleachers, we sort of sat in the middle and scoped everything out.

Once Dr. George T. French Jr., the President of the university, said his welcoming speech and the school's motto about : "Cultivating the Lifted Lives that will Transform the World", the football team came running out while the band played, the cheerleaders danced, and the majorette girls.

"I wanna join the cheer team so bad." Melea said.

"Same." Kennedy replied.

"I wanna do volleyball or majorette." Samara said while watching everyone on the field.

"To be honest, I wanna do a bit of everything. I might start basketball back up again...not sure."

Just then I saw Bryson down on the field with the other football players.

I could tell it was him cause he took his helmet off.

He looks like he's been gaining some muscle...in a good way.

A few minutes later the NPHC Greek organizations came out. All 9 of them performed a unity stroll.

"That looks so funnn to be in." Melea cooed.

"Felt." Samara nodded.

I looked at all the fraternities more specifically.

The Kappas are fine as hell, as always. The Alphas were dope, the Sigmas were shaking they legs like crazy, the Iotas were digging like there was no tomorrow, and the Ques were hoppin' like jumping beans.

I spotted this super cute Que and I kid you not, it was like we made eye contact and he winked at me when he stuck his tongue out.

"Damn he fine. I think he checking you out mami." Samara nudged my shoulder.

I felt my cheeks getting hot. "He cute and all but he definitely looking at everyone. It's hella of us out here."

"Mhmmm." She smiled.

Once everyone was done performing and getting hype the HBCU way, we walked back up where the food trucks were and saw tables with the different clubs/organizations.

There was everything from the Student Government Association to Tennis club.

Melea and Kennedy walked over to the cheer table to learn about tryouts, Samara walked over to the volleyball table, and I sort of just waited for them by a food truck.

I decided to get in line for some fried fish.

"Excuse me ma? The line starts over there." A voice said behind me.

"Huh?" I turned around and saw the Que dude.

"It can get a lil' confusing. The line starts back over there." He pointed.

It's way too long.

"Are you serious?"

"Yea. Us black folk love us some fried fish...well fried anything really." He chuckled.

"You're the Que dude that was out on the field right?" I looked at his purple and gold tank top.

"Yuh. I saw you out there. Kinda was hard not to."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked curiously.

"A good thing." He chuckled softly. "But um you really want the fried fish?"

"I did, but that line is ridiculous."

"I gotchu."

I watched him pull out his phone and send a text to someone.

A few minutes later, an older dude who I didn't even know was also helping in the food truck walked out with a plate and a water for me.

"This is mine?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am." The old guy nodded. "Enjoy."

I watched him walk back into the truck and looked at the Que dude.


"Your welcome." He smiled.

"No I feel terrible. I didn't even pay."

"I have my ways ma."

"Wow. Thank you so much." I smiled a little and felt myself blushing.

"So what's ya name?"

"Isis." I said while taking a bite of the hot food.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Jhacari. My close friends call me Cari though." He explained.

"Well nice to meet you too Jhacari."

"Cari." He corrected. "We basically close now. Ion be buying food for people ion like." He teased.

I rolled my eyes and giggled. "So what are you? A sophomore?"

"I look like a sophomore to you?" He asked. "Nah ima whole junior."

"Oh. How you like Clark?"

"It's pretty chill. Would just say beware of snakes cause not everyone goin' be your friend. We have lost a few students cause of terrible friends and boyfriends/relationships so Rest Easy to them. Other than it it's pretty lit. Just like ya normal HBCU."

"Will definitely keep that in mind. Thank you."

"You give off sorority vibes. You thinking of joining anything?"

I do have some family members on my mom's side who are in sororities. There's women in my family that are apart of all 4 of the NPHC sororities.

"Not sure. Even if I was, I think that's something I would keep a secret." I teased.

"Nah I understand. Well whatever one you decide to do, just know yo ass prolly finna be the Ace."

"I'm not that short." I rolled my eyes.

"Also know hella of my LB's goin' go after yo ass. Well...that is if ion get you first."

"Well I'm not that easy Mr. Smooth Operator." I giggled.

"I fuck with it. Don't want someone that anyone else could easily have."

I smiled.

"But um..you tryna exchange numbers?"

"Hmm. Only if you're legit gonna help me figure this whole college thing out. You seem like you have experience."

"You just assumed I was tryna be friends with benefits or something?" He looked at me.

I laughed. "Nah. I mean..."

"Look. Don't let the little stereotypes about Omegas get to ya head. Ian like that."

"Never said you were."

"You were prolly thinking it. Don't cap." He raised his eyebrow.

"Mm..maybe." I laughed and finished up the rest of my food.

"Well bet. I'll be your tutor slash study buddy then. I'll let you know the ropes and what professors are good versus which ones are ass."

"Bet then. Lemme see ya phone so I can put my number in."

He handed me his phone and I put it in then handed it back to him.

"Here. Ima send you a practice text." He said.

I nodded and looked around for Samara, Ken, and Melea and ended up seeing Bryson and his teammates near a different food truck.

Him and I made eye contact and I looked away awkwardly.


"You get it ma?" Cari's voice asked.

"Get what?"

"My text..."

"Oh yea. I'm sorry." I looked at my phone and saw a message from a weird number.

"This you?" I showed him.

"Yuh." He nodded.

"Bet. Well I don't like to text first all the time just so ya know. But I'll catch ya later." I said while tryna rush away so I wouldn't still feel Bryson and his teammates looking at me.

"I gotchu. Bye Isis."

"Adios." I replied and damn near ran past the food truck Bryson was at and caught up with Samara, Ken, and Melea.

"Soooo cheer tryouts are coming up sooon!" Melea said excitedly.

"Volleyball tryouts are soon as well but I'm thinking about doing majorette so I got the information for that too if you're interested Isis."

I didn't respond.

"Isis?" Ken blurted out.

"Oh yea, sorry my bad. Awesome! Sounds great!" I fake smiled.

"We barely known each other for 2 whole days and I can already tell that you're bullshittin' right now." Samara spoke up.

I sighed. "I don't know what to do."

"What you mean?" Melea asked.

"Well that Que dude we saw on the field.. me and him just talked and even exchanged numbers and then I caught my ex from Tennessee watching me."

"Well...didn't you catch him flirting with some girl yesterday?" Kennedy added.

"I mean..well. I don't know what they were doing to be honest."

"Isis sweetie. You gotta choose. You gotta make your own decisions. It's apart of us being grown and on our own now." Samara explained.

"I get that. Bryson and I have been through so much, but I feel like we're just drifting apart."

"So go for the Que nigga then." Ken shrugged.

"Mm I would get to know him first and his intentions. Elijah said when that dude was a sophomore last year, he used to be a lil' fuckboy."

Just great.

"Yea that's why I said for now he's just basically gonna be like my college mentor."

"Ouu imagine the Wattpad stories about a college mentor and his mentee getting into a relationship." Samara winked.

"Um no. Not gonna happen." I laughed. "For now, I'd much rather chillax and just be single."

"I'm with ya on that one sista." Melea dapped me up.

"We still on for the party later?" Ken asked.

"Hell yea!" Samara replied.

"Of course." Melea said.

"I guess." I shrugged.

"Don't worry sis. Any nigga try to make any type of move on any of y'all, they goin' have to go through me first." Samara explained.

"Bet." I smiled.

Bryson's POV

"Bruh. That was yo girl?" One of my teammates asked. Everyone knows cause I showed them her Instagram over the summer when we first had practice.

"I don't know what she is to me anymore." I sighed.

"Well. It is kinda payback for you talking to Cambria." Nate spoke up after taking a swig of Gatorade.

Damnit. I forgot about Isis seeing that.

"You're right. I don't think Isis would stoop that low to dating some fuckboy ass nigga she just met."

"And if she did would you try to get with Cambria?" Nate asked.

"Nah bruh. Cambria like the sister I never had."

"So you wouldn't be petty back and pretend like you're dating her?"

"Nah. Fake relationships can turn into having real feelings for someone and ion wanna jeopardize the relationship her and I have right now. Plus she has a nigga."

"Mm. Hurd yu." Nate shrugged.

"Even if Isis did decide to get back at me. She doesn't know that Cambria and I don't like each other like that. I would be able to steal her back from that nigga in a heartbeat."

"Well. If you say so. I mean, no homo but he a good looking dude. I bet he get all the bitches. He seems mad involved on campus."

"Well all I need is football and music. If I can take off with those two things then nothing else matters besides my education here of course."

"I feel you bruh." Nate responded.

"I know where Isis' heart is at. She might be mad at me and think I'm cheating on her, but I would never. I don't know what our status is right now, but I hope she wouldn't either."

"Well. If I were you I would keep an eye on that Que nigga. I got a bad feeling about him." Nate said.

"You're right. Good looks. At the end of the day, we'll see whose manhood will be tested for real." I shrugged and poured some water on me since I was sweating.

"Ma nigga." Nate chuckled and dapped me up.
