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Just in time you arrive in the arena with Mugi, Midnight wasted no time explaining the next event which is the Cavalry Battle. However, your mind is flying elsewhere and you barely understand what the battle is all about.

"You're not gonna talk to him?" Mugi asked, briefly glancing at Todoroki from the other side of the crowd. "I feel like my days are already numbered from the way he's glaring at me," He shuddered.

"We'll talk after the Sports Festival, that's what he said during the race," you answered, too numb to actually care about what your fiancΓ© thinks right now. "And just so you know, I'm not taking you in my team. No offense," you added with a blank face.

Mugi lightly chortled at your expression. "Don't worry about it, Y/n. I don't have any offensive or defensive ability so I'll only end up as a liability anyway." The boy lightly pats your head with a boyish smile. "But you have to promise me you'll make it to the finals. I'm gonna bet all my allowance on you since my instinct tells me you'll be on the podium later," he grinned.

You snort a laugh before lightly slapping his hand off your head. "Maybe I should bet on myself not being on the podium and lose purposely so I can take all your money," you retorted, grinning at him back.

The boy merely shakes his head and briefly glances at the information box above your head. "Well.. at least you're feeling a bit better now," he said as he gently tucks a few stray strands of your hair behind your ear.

You didn't think much of his small gesture since you're now busy scanning the crowd of students for later. However, the small gesture that Mugi made on you didn't escape the eyes of Todoroki and Bakugo.

"That sly extra!" Bakugo gritted his teeth, ready to pounce on the poor boy if not for Kirishima holding him back. "I'm gonna fucking kill him!"

Todoroki on the other hand purses his lips into a thin line, hands clenching tightly until his knuckles turn white. There's a brief piercing pain in his chest that he doesn't understand, but he shrugs it off and turns his attention somewhere.

Midnight gives the participants 15 minutes to form teams and strategize for the Cavalry Battle. Todoroki finds himself looking at you again for the nth time, wanting you to be on the same team. He can make use of your Quirk for both offense and defense, but he realizes you won't team up with him from what he did earlier. You won't probably spare him a glance if he decided to steel himself and talk to you either.

He sighs deeply, taking his eyes off you for now. He will talk to you later anyway. The most important thing for him right now is to make a team that he can use.

Todoroki walk towards the black haired girl standing not too far away from him. "Yaoyorozu, team up with me."


You see Midoriya standing by the corner, anxiously looking around for a teammate but everyone purposely ignores him for his worth. Smiling, you jog towards the freckled boy, waving to get his attention. "Deku!"

"Y/n!" Midoriya said, surprised. "N-No way.. do you perhaps want to team up with me?" He blinks at you with his big glossy eyes. When you nodded for confirmation, he bursts into a fountain of tears. "Everyone's purposely ignoring me since I worth ten million points. Teaming up with me will be hard sinceβ€”"

"Enough," you frowned, not in the mood to listen to his own pity party. "What's your goal, Midoriya?"

"My goal..?" He repeated, slightly confused with your question. You place both hands on your hips with a huff, starting to get impatient. Fortunately, Midoriya catches on quickly. "Of course I want to win first place in the Cavalry Battle with my team, but I will be happy as long as we qualify to the next round."

You hum, nodding at his decision but you have another plan in mind. "We're guaranteed for first place in the Cavalry Battle," you announced confidently. "You have me."

"O-Of course!" Midoriya squeaked, nodding at your words enthusiastically. "But we still need two more members for our team, Y/n. I suggest we recruit Iidaβ€”"

"Deku-kun!" Uraraka interrupted, appearing behind him with a light pat on the shoulder. "Can I be in your team with Y/n?"

"Uraraka-san!" Midoriya squeaked again, sounding more relieved than surprised from her sudden appearance. "Of course you can join our team! Y/n and I are just discussing who to recruit."

"Uraraka?" You questioned, raising an eyebrow. Her Quirk may be useful when fleeing pursuers, but you know the team won't be able to land safely if you float too high. Unless there's someone who's going to ground the team like Sero, floating may not be the best choice. "You want her?"

"Eh? W-Well.. Uraraka-san's Quirk will be able to help us escape when we're cornered," Midoriya reasoned, a bit flustered as he looks at you and Uraraka alternately. "Plus.. um.."

"Y/n, I know you're strong.. you and Deku-kun probably won't need me in this team butβ€”"

"I'm not saying we don't need you in the team," you quickly interrupted her followed by an exasperated sigh. You don't want her or anyone misunderstanding your intention by asking that question.

"We need one more person," you quickly added, a certain purple haired boy popping inside your head. "I have someone in mind," you told the two.

Luckily, you spot Shinso not too far away talking to Ojiro, so you're quick to make your way before he gets snagged away. "Hitoshi!" You shouted to get his attention. He looks at you with squinting eyes until you're close enough to tackle him. "Be on my team!" You grinned, peering at his unamused face.

"No thanks," he grumbled and shrugs you off his back. "I already made my team." He gestured at the three boys idly looking at you like soulless humans. They were Ojiro, Aoyama, and someone you assumed to be from the class next door.

You lightly chuckle, his plan already too obvious for you to question him. Aside from Mugi, he might be the only participant left not included in the Hero Course. He already achieved an incredible feat for someone with no combat ability.

"Abandon this half assed team and be our rider," you offered and pointed a finger to where Midoriya and Uraraka are anxiously waiting for your return.

Shinso takes a quick look at them both, eyes tired yet calculating, his lips forming a small frown. "Forget it," he huffed, turning his back at you as he ordered his brainwashed minions to follow him. "Unlike you, they'll get scared of my Quirk. Why don't you be the rider? You're strong," he added.

"You don't have to tell them your Quirk," you assured, grabbing his hand to stop him from leaving. Shinso raises an inquisitive eyebrow at you, silently questioning what you mean. "Just do what you're good at doing and leave the rest to me. I will be your sword and shield."


Shinso stares at the headband full of zeroes, suddenly unsure whether he'll put it on or put it on you instead. He can already feel the pressure of everyone's eyes on him as the bearer of the 10 million points.

Midnight begins the countdown for the start of the Cavalry Battle, your team being the only one not ready. You slap Shinso's hunched back, offering him an assuring smile. "Don't think about it too much."

"We got this, Shinso-kun! We'll protect our points at all costs!" Midoriya added with an assuring nod.

Shinso glances at you unsurely, then to Midoriya and Uraraka. "Don't make me regret this," he sighed, finally giving in as he tied the headband around his forehead. "I trust you, Y/n."

"You better," you smirked.

The battle starts at Midnight's command, and as expected, all teams are after for the biggest point. They come in charging like bulls, and you bark an order to run away just as planned.

Every time a team charges your way, a tall wall of blue flame stops them completely, giving your team ample time to flee as usual. You keep your vision wide as possible, eyeing out for Todoroki and Bakugoβ€”two strong teams that has a chance on taking out your defenseless rider.

"Y/n! 9 o'clock!" Midoriya shouted, prompting you to release massive blue flames on your left. The team stumbles back from surprise and heat, their rider falling off the ground with a loud thud. "That was hot!" Midoriya glances at you with a smile before turning bright red in realization. "I-I meant y-your fire!"

Midoriya leads your team away quickly after. You quickly scan around the battlefield again, this time you notice Bakugo facing off with a blonde boy who releases an explosion directly at Bakugo's face, catching him off guard.

"Do they have the same Quirk?" You questioned to no one in particular. Bakugo's yell of anger can be heard a mile away, catching the attention of your teammates.

"No," Shinso answered. "I've been looking out for that guy. He can copy Quirks."

"Yikes. Better stay away from him," you replied, at the same time releasing a wave of blue fire to stop Shoji's team. "We have 5 minutes left," you announced after glancing at the timer.

As if on cue, your entire team starts floating mid air before the ice from Todoroki traps your team. "I'm so sorry Y/n! Todoroki's ice was so fast!" Uraraka explained but you shake your head.

"No, don't say sorry," you answered, glaring at Todoroki from below. "He could've ensnared us and it'll be all over."

"What now?" Shinso asked, obviously in distress. "We're floating too high up!"

Your formation is still intact, however, there is no other way to make it back to the ground unless Uraraka releases her Quirk.

"Is that all you can do!? Run away!?" You heard Todoroki shout from below.

You take a good look at him, sharp mismatched eyes on you with a frown. You take a look at his teammates next. There was Iida, Kaminari, and finally, Yaoyorozu. The sight of them being on the same team made you grit your teeth, deciding enough is enough from all his bullshit.

You want to play that way, Todoroki? So be it.

"Uraraka!" You barked loudly, heart pounding loudly in your chest. "Release your Quirk on my command!" You let go of your grip on Midoriya's arm and Shinso's foot, and you start to drift away from your team.

"Are you sure, Y/n!?"
"Unless you want us to keep on floating forever?"

You have no other choice but to use Frostbite now to save your team with little time left. You focus your hands facing down to the ground, willing yourself to activate your other Quirk and prevent the four of you into falling to your inevitable death.


As you fall with your team from an unimaginable height, frost starts leaving your hands creating a slope of dense snow, catching you, Uraraka, Shinso, and Midoriya mid-air. You four slide down quickly from friction, the three of them releasing a sound of mixed surprise, excitement, and fear altogether.

"WOW! Did you all see that folks!? I thought Team Shinso were gonna fall for a second there!"

A pile of snow on the ground cushions your fall from the slope. Midoriya stands up, giggling with Uraraka from excitement, his green hair covered in snow. "That was super fun!"

"Let's not do that again," Shinso commented quietly.

"Y/N YOU BITCH! YOU'VE BEEN HIDING ANOTHER FUCKING QUIRK!?" Bakugo's team is quickly running towards your group from the left, and Iida is charging his Recipro Burst for Todoroki's one shot attempt in snatching the headband on Shinso's head.

Your team is in formation again, but this time neither Midoriya or you issued the next plan of action. The timer is counting down to 15 seconds, and your team stays still. Uraraka doesn't question anything, and Shinso keeps his eyes at Bakugo's team.

"He's coming!" Midoriya signals you as if he knew what you were thinking. On the last five seconds, halfway before Iida could run the distance, you are quicker to make a dome of thick ice, big enough to house your team in a protective dome shaped shield.

Due to his speed and momentum, Iida cannot abruptly stop his engines, so he face plants on the ice with a loud thud along with Todoroki, creating a small crack on the ice.

The four of you jump in surprise, but quickly laugh it off from their disgruntled faces, with you laughing the loudest at Todoroki.

Todoroki glares at you from the outside while you smirk in amusement. You're not even a bit sorry for crushing their one and only attempt of victory.


"Time's up!" Midnight announced loudly and you release a sigh of relief knowing that your team won't get electrocuted into oblivion.


You make your way out of the crowd while you stealthily escape Bakugo's vision. He was about to beat you up for hiding your Quirk and teaming up with Midoriya, but Kirishima distracts him and you take that chance to escape.

It felt like the Cavalry Battle was short lived. You barely remember what happened except for the fact that you used your other Quirk, and now everyone is aware that you have a second ability.

"Y/n!" Shinso comes jogging towards you. "Wait up."

"Hey," you greeted with a small smile when he stops in front of you. "What's wrong?" You questioned him, digging your hand deep inside your pocket. "Wanna eat lunch with me?"

"Huh? Ohβ€”uh, yeah," Shinso rubs the back of his neck shyly. "You owe me a drink, remember?"

You smile, nodding in affirmation. "Thought you forgot about it," you replied and begin to lead the way to the food stalls, Shinso walking next to you. "Thanks for being on our team and I'm sorry for taking your spotlight."

"Spotlight?" Shinso repeated, confused.

"I wanted you to be our rider so you can use your Quirk. Didn't you say you want to be transferred in the Hero Course using the Sports Festival?"

Shinso keeps his mouth shut, absorbing your words as quickly as possible. While it is true that his primary goal is to stand out, you didn't take his spotlight during the Cavalry Battle. He never thought about that even for a second.

"Actually.." Shinso muttered softly, a bit hesitant to continue. He slowly lifts his eyes to look at you, only to find your attention already on him. Shinso averts his eyes away, focusing them somewhere. "You didn't take my spotlight, Y/n. Being the rider on your team already gave me enough attention, and I want to keep my Quirk a secret from the others until the finals. So.. thanks.."

The two of you found yourselves inside the gym where stalls made by students line up. It's buzzing with people left and right, students and visitors alike. There are several Pro Heroes roaming around as well, keeping the security in check.

You grab Shinso's hand, blindly leading him to where Mugi's stall might be. Shinso makes a protest and attempts to pull his hand away from yours, but you tighten your grip and turn to grin at him. "Don't run away!"

You squeeze the both of you into the sea of people, not letting go of his bigger hand. After several attempts of mistaking another stall for Mugi's and nearly losing Shinso from the crowd, you finally find his stall situated near the stage.

"Mugi!" You called with a bright grin, the strawberry blonde boy reciprocating it with an equally bright smile. "I brought a friend over!"

"Yeah?" Mugi answered, handing a cup of chocolate flavored shaved ice to a customer. He turns to look at the purple haired boy, immediately recognizing him from earlier. "Shinso Hitoshi, right? Nice to meet 'cha!" He offers his hand for a handshake.

The purple haired boy hesitantly gives his hand. "Yeah.."

"Hitoshi, this is Mugiwaru Kentarō, he's a student from the Business Course," you introduced.

"It's Mugimaru!" Mugi corrected you with a pout before turning his attention on Shinso again. "Anyway, you can call me Mugi. Congratulations on taking first place in the Cavalry Battle by the way."

"Uh.. Y/n did all the work soβ€”"

"Y/N!" Shinso gets cut off by a loud voice that you can recognize anywhere. As if he was some god, Bakugo parted the crowd like the red sea as he marches his way towards you infuriatingly. "You think you can escape me?!"

You tense up when you see his infuriated vermillion eyes, body turning cold. You quickly avert your eyes away and try to leave, but Bakugo catches you before you could flee. His big hand find its way to squeeze your cheeks, making you pucker your lips and forcefully make you turn to look at him.

"Where the heck are 'ya looking at? I'm right in front of you," he snarled, but you squeeze your eyes shut instead.

Your body is shaking from his intense gaze but Bakugo doesn't notice this. You can't muster up the strength to pull yourself away from him nor voice out your displeasure. However, Mugi who can literally see what you feel, places a firm hand on Bakugo's shoulder.

"Take off your hand," he ordered, pissing the blonde haired boy. "Can't you see she's scared?"

Bakugo finally notices your shaking figure and pulls his hand away from your cheeks. You felt heavy relief and you don't even realize you're taking huge gulps of air to calm your nerves down. Bakugo watches you with his fierce gaze, yet a hint of concern glossed over his vermillion eyes.

"I'm not scared of him," you muttered, tone annoyed and irritated. You hate that they always mistake it as you being scared of Bakugo while he's not the reason at all.

The truth is you're not scared of Bakugo, you're scared of his vermillion eyes that make you remember the past.

"You wanna talk?" You muttered, sharp eyes now looking at Bakugo as if nothing happened a minute ago. You walk pass him, craning your head to look back at Bakugo's unmoving figure. "What are you waiting for? Move."
