
Lizzie loved balls. Any type of ball or dance, she'd attend and turn out to be the life and beauty of the party. But, who wouldn't think she was a gem?
It reminded her of what happened at her and Josie's 7th birthday party. Lizzie wanted pink and Disney Princess themed, but Josie preferred blue, and wanted to go and pet Bunnies, and Guinea Pigs for the rest of the day.

By the end of the party, all their friends had left early, and the house looked likeย  the tornado from "The Wizard of Oz" had ripped through it.
Caroline and Alaric were fast asleep on the couch, exhausted from tearing the twins violently apart. And by the look on Josie's face, Lizzie figured she was thinking of it to...

"Is the theme sorted?" Josie asked, fiddling with her fingers.
They were strolling down the street, towards the tailor to pick up their dresses.
"Jo, it's a Christmas Party, what else would I theme it? Wildlife?" Lizzie teased, with a small laugh.
"...right. Sorry, I'm just nervous." Replied Josie with a awkward laugh.
"Of course you're nervous Jo! You have butterflies in your stomach because you know all the girls are going to be all over you." Lizzie exclaimed with a smile, wrapping arm around her shaky sister.

Josie gave a eye roll, laughing a little.
"And anyway, I may not be too keen on you and Penelope-"
"Never have, never will." Josie chimed in, as Lizzie narrowed her eyes.
"- I know she'll drop dead when she sees you, was what I was going to say." Lizzie added with folded arms.

Lizzie smiled lightly at the obvious blush on her sisters cheeks at the mention of Penelope. She may never like or get along with Penelope, she loved Josie with all her heart.
"Shut up." Josie muttered under her breath, keeping her head down. With a small smirk, Lizzie rolled her eyes continuing on to the dress shop.


The dress Lizzie picked out was the most over the top thing in the store. It fit her like a glove, and practically had her name pasted along the heart neckline, which was beaded up to the shoulders. The bodice finished at her waist. It was a cherry red colour, and the skirt flowed out a little from the waist band, so when she spun, it flew up to the height of her hip. Lizzie's favourite part was the small belt at the waist, that was decorated with a big red bow on the left side.

"So?" Lizzie pushed placing a hand on her hip in her usual impatience manor.
Josie looked like she'd seen a ghost. Standing there almost dropping her hand bag that was slowly slipping from her fingers, Josie was speechless.
"Lizzie- you look." Stuttered Josie. "Stunning."

Lizzie smiled warmly, feeling her cheeks flush.
"Now, don't be too star struck! We have things to do." Lizzie butted in, ruining the moment. "Let me get dressed, we have to get jack to set up! It's going to be a long night."

But, in the corner of Lizzie's eye, she caught something... someone watching them. She had bright blue eyes like whirlpools, and blonde curls like she'd been at the beach. She wore a red floral dress, with complementing white shells in two braids that were pulled back from her face.
Well aren't you a pretty one...


I'm sorry this party is short! However, I wanted to push something out, and in the next chapter I shall be writing in the new monsters (the "girl" I've introduced), pov. So, I really hope you like it.
