
"Oh please, you're little lover is fine Mikaelson." Odina rolled her eyes, dismissing me with her hand. With a sigh of relief, I rushed down to the edge of the lake, the brunette Saltzman yanking me backwards with her arm.
"Hope stop!" She cried. "You don't know what they want!"

"Oh, Josie, she knows exactly what we want." Odina smirked at me, with a pause. "And if we don't get it... man, I'd hate to imagine what might happen to dearest Lizzie here."
Nixie gave us a small flirtatious wave, dipping her head underwater.
Next minute, Lizzie dropped a little more into the water. She was about neck depth.
"They're going to drown her..." Josie muttered. I felt her grip tighten, squeezing gently.

"Not on my watch-" I replied in a hiss, shaking the taller girls hand off my shoulder. " I narrowed my eyes, muttering under my breath. "Ventus."
Lucky for me, Odina was one step ahead of me. With a smile, she held out both hands, fighting against my magic.

I gritted my teeth, glancing behind at Josie with a nod.
"We just need to get them out of the water, long enough for us to grab Lizzie."
Josie just nodded, taking one of my hands, and helping me with the spell. It was just both of us against three powerful sirens.
"Penelope-" Josie strained. "Get Dad out of here- we can hold them."
"Oh honey, I admire your confidence. However," Amberly piped in. "I don't think you can."

She held a sinister grin, raising both of her arms into the air as if she was worshipping someone.
"Rise, my children!" She yelled. The water began rising, switching and shaping as it snaked up into what looked like sea serpents. They were made of water of course, and the detailing was incredible. But I'm sure their power was to.

My eyes widened, glancing at Josie with a worried look.
"Lizzie is in the middle of that! How the hell are we going to get her out?!" Josie cried. "Look!"
My head snapped over towards the blondie. Her red dress was floating around her, giving off the look of a pool of blood. Her mouth was now under, and any second she could be completely submerged.

Behind us, Penelope was rushing around, ushering Alaric back towards the school- and getting the knife ready.
"Lizzie's a puppet under their spell." I explained. "She won't gain control over herself until we kill them."
"Penelope, you need to stab Odina!" Josie added.
"No shit Sherlock!" The raven-haired girl replied. "Hope watch out!"

I looked up, letting go of Josies hand, and rolling out of the way of a attacking serpent mouth.
"Jesus Christ." I muttered, jumping up onto my feet again.
"Ignalusa." I caught Josie say, creating a fire ball in her fists. She threw one after the other. It seemed to working for a while- but the serpents just kept regrowing again and again. Josie grunted in frustration, dodging in and out like a snake, as if they were a forest of moving trees.

"Give up Hope!" Odina coaxed, aiming water like bullets that flew past me, just missing my head. "You'll never have a shot. I'm sure Malivore will have wonderful hospitality. I heard he even has book shelves now."
In that moment. Josie stopped to look directly at me.
Uh oh. She sounded pissed.
"Hope you know perfectly well what will happen! What of Lizzie? And me?" She cried, having to touch my shoulder again to activate her magic. For the moment, we wove in and out of the bullets, and serpents hitting us.

"I'd rather I be wiped from your life then killed because of me!" I replied. "I couldn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't let me do it."
Josies eyes softened. "Hope-"
"Enough chit chat! Bring it witches." Odina was out of the water now- walking on legs.

I rolled my eyes, just as Odina winced, dropping to the ground clutching her stomach.
"Agh- you bitch!" She yelled.
What the hell just happened?
Josie and I exchanged a puzzled look, before raising a eyebrow at a familiar witch strutting out of the now calm waves of the lake. I guess Satan was helpful for something.

To make matters worst, Josie couldn't take her eyes off of her. I glanced behind her, biting my lip at who I saw she was dragging roughly by the arm. She dumped the blondie on the bank who seemed to be out cold.
We were still standing shakily, as I locked eyes with the dying mermaid, siren, whatever she was.
Penelope nodded at Josie, throwing a sharp object into her hands. I held out my hand beside me, as I felt the weight of a handle in it.

The anticipation danced throughout my body. I knelt down so I was at Odinas height, and lifted her chin with my left hand, brushing along her jaw line and down to her neck and shoulder.
"I guess we have our secret moves to." I whispered, keeping a hard look on my face. Thrusting the knife into that stone cold bitches heart felt damn good, I may admit. She shrieked in agony, reaching her hand up to clutch my throat. I gritted my teeth, holding her down in a pin hold, having to straddle her to keep her down.

I didn't know what she was aiming to do, but she slipped her other arm beside my hip. All I could see was a blast of blue light, before her hair began to fall out, absorbing into her skull. Her skin turned a dirty grey, and her gleaming blue eyes turned to black pits. The felt the rub of her scaly skinned hands on my soft skin.
"You will lose Hope." She croaked, smiling up at me with her filthy yellow fangs. "Malivore will rise. Your friends will die. And it'll all be your fault."

I squeezed harder on her throat, and she wheezed for air.
"They're my family." I said. "And I would die for them. All of them."
"Perhaps. But you- you've failed on one."
And then she stopped struggling. Her arm dropped limp to the ground, and her head rolled, glancing towards the bloody mess of the bank. Amberly and Nixies bodies looked the same as Odinas, but all three of their rings stayed untouched and new.

Out of instinct, I collected all three rings which all had their initials engraved into the band.
Each stone was identical. It was almost beautiful.
"Hope..." A frail voice called from behind me.
Now I understood what she had meant. Turning around, I saw Josie holding a hand to her just below her collar bone.
"The blast- she..." I trailed off, before Penelope interrupted my thoughts.
"The water blasts. They have the same capabilities as a bullet that kills supernaturals." She explained quickly, and in alarm. "Hope she could die."

Penelope had Josie wrapped in her arms, as Dr Saltzman came sprinting towards us with a briefcase clutched in his hands.
"Penelope wrap her in this!" He handed the soaked witch a warm jacket, before coming up to me.

"Look. I had an idea..." I said, dragging Alaric over to his other daughter who was still pale and lifeless on the ground. "You don't happen to have something I can draw blood out of do you?"
He gave me a puzzled look, but nodded. Taking a deep breath, I felt Lizzie's pulse.
"Her pulse is weak. Hurry." I urged. "Before I throw myself into that pit the last thing I'm not doing is letting her die!"
Alaric slowed his movements, looking at me in shock.
"Oh come on, it's the only way you'll be safe. Now hurry up with that, she needs my blood."
"Hope plea-"
"Do it!" I snapped, raising my voice. I was getting agitated, and Lizzie was getting weaker and weaker.

With a sigh, Alaric inserted the needle into my arm. I winced, getting tingles down my spine when I realised I was clutching Lizzie's freezing hand.
Once the tube was full, he squeezed my arm to take it out.
I took it off him immediately, transferring it into a small bottle, and tipping it slowly into Lizzie's mouth.

When I looked up to where Penelope and Josie were they had left. They would be almost at the twins dorm by now.
I felt the sting of tears behind my eyes, as I sniffed, brushing a piece of her blonde hair out of her face.
"Hope, you don't have to do this."
"No, no." I said, wiping my eyes a little. Lizzie would never want my Mascara to run, now would she? "I have to. It's the only way the twins will be safe." I added.
"You know, you have your mothers eyes." He replied. I gave a small laugh, looking up at him.
"Do me a favour. Once I jump into that pit, nobody will remember me... I want you to burn everything." I said. "Because, I don't want them to remember anything. Because I love them." I paused to glance down at the girl who was slowly gaining her consciousness back. "Especially your daughter, Dr Saltzman. Never let her forget that."

"She never will."
