Chapter Nine


The next day, in the pier market, Christy is sitting at a table with her laptop, working on her book.

{Christy's Outfit}

"Hello there, Christy." Hagarth greeted her, slowly walks up to her.

Christy looks up at her 11 feet tall giant best friend, Hagarth, with a small smile. "Hey, Hagarth. How are you old buddy?"

"I'm well, I brought your platter." Hagarth said, gently sets down her platter of square biscuits and cream cheese filled pastries on the table. "Hope you're hungry for a snack."

"Thanks, Hagarth." Christy thanked him with a small smile.

"You're welcome." Hagarth said with a smile, and becomes worried, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "How have you been?"

"I've been fine, thanks." Christy reassured him with a small smile, looking up at him.

"Alright, then." Hagarth said, and slowly walks away.

"He's certainly a giant one." Klaus said, slowly walks up to Christy.

"Yeah, Hagarth. He's 11 feet tall giant, so, leave him alone, Niklaus." Christy said to her, protectively of Hagarth.

"How does Hagarth knows you?" Klaus asked, sitting across the table from her.

"Hagarth used to babysit me." Christy replied to her husband. "And just because we're having a conversation, doesn't mean we're good."

"I know." Klaus said, and gently folds his arms on the table. "Elijah phone called."

"Then, go to him." Christy said.

"Christy?" Klaus said.

"Elijah needs you for whatever he's gotten himself into." Christy said to her husband. "So, go back to New Orleans, Luna and Trinity will keep me some company."

"Christiana?" Klaus said.

"Just go, Niklaus. And give my regards to manic baby mama, Aurora." Christy said to her husband, upsettingly, and averts her gaze back at her laptop screen.

Realizing that Christy's emotionally push him away, Klaus gets up and walks away. And Christy snacks on her platter.


After-awhile, Luna and Trinity has joined their mother, Christy, sitting at the same square table with her snacking on the platter.

"You and Dad aren't okay, aren't you?" Trinity asked her Mom, concerned.

Christy looks at Trinity, knowing that she didn't want to lie to her. "Not really no, Trinity. Dad and I aren't okay."

"I knew it. You and Dad had an argument about something, didn't you?" Trinity said.

"Yeah." Christy said.

"I'm sure that you and Dad will work it out together. You guys always do." Luna said.

"Yeah, but I don't know, Luna." Christy said.

"You and Dad loves each other. And Dad isn't gonna let anyone or anything comes in between your marriage." Luna said.

Christy, Luna and Trinity exchange small smiles at each other and eats a square biscuit.

"Hey, Lu. Damien's here." Christy said.

Luna looks at Damien, who's with a teenage girl. He and teenage girl exchange small smiles at each other and he plants a kiss the teenage girl's cheek.

Christy and Trinity looks at Luna, who becomes annoyed with Damien.

"Excuse me?" Luna said, excusing herself from her Mom and little sister.

"Luna, don't?" Christy said to her first daughter.

Luna slowly walks over to Damien as the teenage girl walks away.

Damien looks at Luna and small smiles at her. "Hey, Cuteness. It's been a while."

Luna punches Damien in his face, knocking him on a table, which Christy and Trinity becomes surprised.

"Ow." Damien said, soothing his left cheek where Luna punched him with his hand. "What the hell was that for?"

"Maybe, you should chitchat with the girl you were exchanging small smiles with." Luna said, a bit annoyed.

Damien smiles. "So, you do have a romantic thing for me." and tries to wraps his arms around her waist.

But Luna pulls herself away from Damien. "Maybe, I do, maybe, I don't."

"Well, you did punch me so, do you have a romantic thing for me, Luna. Why else would you become annoyed when I was exchanging small smiles with the girl you saw me with?" Damien said.

Luna becomes a bit confused and figures out that Damien was just playfully messing with her. "So, you were exchanging small smiles at the teenage girl, hoping I was gonna confront you about it?"

"Sure I did. How else was I gonna get your attention?" Damien asked Luna with a cheeky smile. "And by the way, I love how I annoy you, it's cute."

Damien and Luna exchange small smiles at each other.

"Why are you doing this, Damien?" Luna asked him.

"Just admit it to yourself, Luna. You like me." Damien said.

"Okay, I like you." Luna said to Damien. "Happy now?" She said to him, with an inch from his face.

And Damien smiles at her with an inch to her face. "See? Wasn't so hard, was it, Dahl?"

" 'Dahl?' " Luna said, a bit confused.

"Yeah, new nickname." Damien said with a small smile. "See you at this evening in the dueling room, Dahl."

Damien walks away. And Luna walks back over to her Mom and Trinity and sits back down at the square table.

Luna looks at her Mom, Christy and Trinity, who are small smiling at her.

"What?" Luna said to them.

"You like him, don't you, Lu?" Christy asked her daughter.

Luna small smiles to herself. "Maybe, I do, yeah."


That evening, in the dueling room, everyone has surrounded Hagarth and Damien, who's wearing a sleeveless shirt with his ripped jeans and sneakers.

Damien and Hagarth exchange punches at each other.

"I can take it easy on you if you want, Hagarth." Damien said to him.

"Gimme your best, Damien." Hagarth said to him.

Hagarth and Damien pouches around on their feet, exchanging playful smiles at each other.

"Come on, big guy Hagarth, you can't hit me." Damien said, playfully messing with him.

Hagarth punches Damien in his face, knocking him out onto the floor. Damien flips back up onto his feet and looks at Hagarth.

"I let you punch me." Damien said to Hagarth.

"Sure ya did." Hagarth said with a small smile.

Damien smirks and punches Hagarth, knocking him out onto the floor.

"Oh, shit." Damien said, and walks up to him.

And Christy walks up to Hagarth and crouches down to him. "Hagarth? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm alright." Hagarth said to her with a small smile. And looks at Damien. "Oh, wow, Damien, you sure do have strength."

"Thanks." Damien said, and looks at Luna and uses his vampiric speed to crouch atop of a table. "I'm single, Luna. And I'm ready to mingle." and blows a kiss at her.

Luna rolls her eyes at him, but small smiles to herself. And Damien gently leaps off the table and slowly walks away.


In the dinning hall, Thalia and Christy are sitting at a table with their goblet glass of red wine.

"Aurora's pregnant?" Thalia said. "Shit. Klaus sure does have valuable taste in women."

"Thalia?" Christy said to her childhood best friend.

"What? I'm just saying." Thalia said with a shrug. "But Klaus has eyes for you, and only you, Christy. And from what you confided in me about the redheaded bitch, Aurora, she's not gonna come in between you and Klaus."

Christy notices a mischievous glint in Thalia's eyes. "Thalia? What are you up to?"

"Not to worry. Besides, if I tell you, I'll have to destroy you." Thalia said with a sly grin.

Christy gently shakes her head. "You still are the mischievous woman."

"I can be sometimes." Thalia said.

Thalia and Christy exchange small smiles at each other and drink their goblet glasses of red wine.


Christy is slowly wandering around in the hallway. She and Mathiaos exchange looks at each other.

"Mathiaos?" Christy said.

"Hi, Christy. And I've been meaning to catch up with you and to tell you that I'm sorry." Mathiaos apologized as he slowly walks up to her. "How my playfully teasing. You weren't in a mood, and so, I pressed on, and you punched me."

"It's okay, Mathiaos." Christy reassured him with a small smile.

"So, we're good, we're buddies again?" Mathiaos asked Christy. "And I'm also sorry about your mother."

"Thanks." Christy said.

"Alright then, I'll see you around." Mathiaos said.

"You too." Christy said.

And Mathiaos slowly walks away. And Christy slowly wanders around, humming softly "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" to herself.



In the lounge room, Luna is sitting on the three seat sofa, reading a book. A shirtless Damien wearing a pair of sweatpants, slowly walks inside.

"Hey, Luna." Damien greeted her.

Luna looks up at him. "Hey, Damien." She greeted back at him.

"Where's your Dad?" Damien asked.

"He's out for a while, but he'll be back." Luna said.

"You're not still annoyed with me, are you?" Damien asked her.

"I'm over it already." Luna said.

"Okay, then, I'm gonna take a little swim." Damien said, turning his attention to the square inch pool. But changes his mind and looks at Luna again. "I sense that you to use your magic on me, Luna."

"What is with you, Damien?" Luna asked him. "It's like you want my attention or something?"

"Am I annoying you?" Damien asked her with a playfully smile.

"Yeah, you are." Luna said, getting up to her feet. "And I'm playfully annoying to my little sister, Trinity."

"Yeah, I annoy you, which is good." Damien said to Luna.

Luna sets her down on the sofa seat beside her and wolf-sped up to Damien. "I know what you're trying to do. You're annoying me into developing a romantic thing for you."

"My annoyance got you closer to me." Damien said to Luna with a smirk.

"Jackass." Luna said.

"Mommy's little sidekick." Damien taunted with a teasing grin.

Luna wolf-sped Damien over to a wall, gently pinning him against it. Damien uses his vampiric speed to reverse their positions, so, now, Luna is gently pinned against the wall.

Damien and Luna exchange intense looks at each other. Suddenly, they kiss each other, passionately. He gently lifts her up in his arms with her legs wrapped around his waist, and two teenagers proceeds to kiss each other as Damien walks over to the three seat sofa and gently lays Luna down on the sofa.

Damien and Luna continues to kiss each other, passionately. He plants small kisses on the side of her neck and bares his vampiric fangs.

But Luna gently tosses him off of her and Damien falls on the floor.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" Luna asked him, sitting up straight.

Damien slowly sits up straight on the floor. "Am I okay? Not really no." and gets up to his feet and looks at Luna, upset. "What the fuck Luna? I thought we have something in between us?"

"I don't know what we have in between us, Damien." Luna said, slowly getting up to her feet.

"Bullshit." Damien said to her, upset. "There's something in between us. I know it and you know it."

"Why are you getting so angry, Damien?" Luna asked him.

"I like you, Luna, okay? I really do. But I can also sense that your cautious about me." Damien said to her.

"Damien?" Luna said.

"You know what, whatever." Damien said, and walks away.

"Damien? Damien?" Luna said, and sighs to herself and sits back down on the three seat sofa.


That night, in the outdoor courtyard, Christy, Gia and some others are lounging around at the tables and chaises lounge chairs, food and drinks, chitchatting with each other.

Christy is sitting on a chaise lounge, playing with her ukulele. Her phone buzzes in her jeans pocket. She pulls out her phone and looks at it.

Christy puts her phone back in her jeans pocket and resumes playing her ukulele.

Cyrus, in his Eagle battle armor, gently lands in the courtyard with a gently flap of his wings.

Cyrus shape-shifts back into himself and his wife, Ismene, greets him.

"Do you always have to do a perimeter check around the island of Mount Orasani?" Ismene asked her husband.

"Of course I do. You never know what enemies lurks around." Cyrus replied to his wife.

"Aww, you guys are so cute." Christy said to her Uncle and Aunt.

Cyrus, Ismene and Christy exchange small smiles at each other.

Suddenly, in the midst of the courtyard, the bonfire erupts, and Marcalos, in his Winged Creature form, shows himself.

"Ames, show yourself?!" Marcalos exclaimed, looking around at everyone.

Marcalos creates a fireball in his hand and slings it at the tables and on the floor, causing everyone to become frantically.

"Ames?! Hand me the Epirus Bow." Marcalos said, looking around for Ames. "Ames? Be a good man. Hand it to me. Or I will destroy everyone in this courtyard."

Ames walks up to Marcalos. "Marcalos?"

"Dad?" Christy said, getting up to her feet with her ukulele.

"Stay where you are, Christiana." Ames said to his daughter, still looking up at the Elder God of the Underworld. "What do you want, Marcalos?"

"I want a challenge, Ames. I know you have the Epirus Bow in your possession." Marcalos said to Ames.

"And if I do not challenge you?" Ames asked, looking up at Marcalos.

Marcalos turns his attention to Christy. "Then, I will destroy your precious little angel, Christiana."

"Very well. I'll challenge you, Marcalos." Ames said.

"The Epirus Bow will mine if I win." Marcalos said, and vanishes into flames.

Ames and Christy exchange worried looks at each other.


Later on that night, in Luna's and Trinity's bedchamber, Christy had helped her daughters pack up their duffle bags.

"Dad's coming back in a few minutes, Mom." Luna said to her Dad.

"Okay." Christy said, sitting on the ottoman. "How's Damien?"

"He's a douchebag." Luna said.

"You made out with him." Trinity said.

"Oh, really?" Christy said, surprised.

"Trinity and I do have our sisterly talks, but yeah, Mom. Damien and I made out, and then, he got ticked off, so, I'm gonna leave him alone." Luna said.

"Damien's mischievous, like his parents, but deep down within him, he's a good person." Christy said to Luna.

"I know, Mom. Damien got ticked off because he sensed that I was cautious about him. So, I'm gonna leave him alone." Luna said.

"Zenith, Thalia and Damien are gonna go back to their mountain monastery home in New Orleans tomorrow morning." Christy said.

"Okay." Trinity said, and hears the double doors opens. "Dad's here."


In the main room, Klaus, Luna and Trinity has reconvened with each other.

Klaus and Christy exchange glum looks at each other, which Luna and Trinity notices.

"Come along, Squirt. Let's go say "goodbye" to grandpa and the others." Luna said, and walks away.

"Alright." Trinity said.

Luna and Trinity walks away together.

Klaus and Christy exchange another glum looks at each other.

"I got your text message about Aurora." Christy said to Klaus, folding her arms.

"Aurora's pregnancy was false." Klaus said, folding his arms. "Mathias's pendant glowed. And so, I asked Mathias to do it again on Aurora, but this time, the pendant didn't glow. And when Aurora's scheme failed, she vamped sped away."

"Thanks for clearing it up with me." Christy said to him.

"But it doesn't change anything between us." Klaus said to her.

"I wish it did, but it doesn't." Christy said.

"Christy?" Klaus said.

"Klaus?" Christy said.

"I know I cannot undo the damage that I've done throughout my immortal life. Nor I can't wash off my hands of the innocent blood that shed." Klaus said, slowly walks up to her. "But what I can do is try to make amends with my wife."

"Klaus? Just go. Please?" Christy said to him.

"Christiana?" Klaus said.

"Just leave, Niklaus. And I told Trinity to contact me when you guys return to New Orleans." Christy said, and slowly walks away from Klaus.

Leaving Klaus alone in the main room.

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