Chapter Fifteen


Early morning at 5:00 AM. Christy is asleep in bed, underneath the bedcover, wearing pajamas.

{Christy's Pajamas}

Azrith. Vito. Zantos. Azrith. Vito. Zantos. The whisper of the incantation of the Scarlett Sorceress in Christy's mind. Azrith. Vito. Zantos. Azrith. Vito. Zantos.

Christy slightly stirs herself in bed. She gasps awake and sits up straight, panting to herself, clutching her head.

"Please, stop." Christy said to the whispers. "Please, leave me alone."

Klaus walks inside and sits down in front of her, gently cups her face with his hands. "Christy? Look at me."

Christy looks at her husband, Klaus, with glow red eyes. "I can feel it. I can feel it trying to emerge again."

"Christiana? I need you to calm down, okay? Just calm down." Klaus said to her.

Christy's eyes slowly turns back to normal blue as she calms down. "I thought I could control it."

"Some inner demons would rather not be controlled." Klaus said to her and removes his hands from her cheeks.

"Your sire-lines. Scarlett Sorceress has a connection to them." Christy said to Klaus.

"As long as you don't ever say the incantation, you're gonna be okay." Klaus said to her, and gently holds her hand in his hand. "Are you gonna be alright?"

"Yeah." Christy replied.

Klaus and Christy exchange small smiles at each other.


Later on that morning, Christy had fallen asleep. A hand gently strokes her cheek. She slowly wakes up and looks at her Dad, Ames.

"Dad?" Christy said.

"Hello, Christiana." Ames greeted his daughter with a small smile.

Christy slowly sits up straight and hugs her Dad. And Ames hugs her back.



Ames and Christy are sitting at a table with their medium sized to-go coffee cups of latte.

{Christy's Outfit}

"Klaus contacted you, didn't he?" Christy asked her Dad.

"He did." Ames replied. "He's worried about you, as am I. A part of you died with your mother. And so, I'm doing everything I can for you, Christy."

"I know, Dad. And I love you very much." Christy said to her with a small smile.

Ames and Christy exchange small smiles at each other and drinks their lattes.

Shortly afterwards...

Ames and Christy are taking a stroll around in the market.

"Hagarth's has been trying out some new food and baking recipes." Ames said.

"Sounds interesting." Christy said.

"So, how our my granddaughters?" Ames asked about Luna and Trinity.

"They're fine." Christy replied.

"Cyrus and Ismene misses you." Ames said to Christy.

"I'll come back to Mount Orasani." Christy said to her Dad.

"I know, I know." Ames said.

Ames and Christy links arms with each other and exchange small smiles at each other as they proceed with their stroll.



Christy is sitting at a table with her bottle of Ale, taking sips from it. Her phone buzzes in her coat pocket. She pulls out her phone and looks at it.

Tahase Palo

Christy answers her phone. "What do you want, Tahase?"

"I need your assistance with something. You do have good thievery skills, do you not?" Tahase asked her on the phone.

"What makes you think I'm gonna thievery for you?" Christy asked him.

"You have nothing else to do as of right now. There's a gem necklace in a high tech jewelry facility. I would like for you to retrieve it for me." Tahase Palo said to her on the phone.

"Why don't you asks your League Rogue henchmen to do it for you?" Christy asked him.

Tahase Palo chuckled on the phone. "My henchmen doesn't have good thievery skills as you do. So, are you gonna do it? Or not, Christy?"

"Fine, I'm bored anyway." Christy said, hanging up her phone, drinks the rest of her bottle of Ale, and gets up, walking away.



That evening, Christy stealthy sneaks inside through a window, and gently closes it behind her.

{Christy's Stealthy Outfit}

Christy slowly walks inside the main room with her bronze sword in her sword case on her back. She slowly walks in the hallway and looks at a door.

She tries to open it, but the door is locked. Christy makes her eyes glow blue and uses her magic to unlock the door.

Christy slowly opens the door and sees red laser lights on the floor. And a gem necklace in a display case.

Using her golden dust to teleport herself to the display case with the gem necklace inside, Christy ponders to herself as to what she's doing.

Deciding to not take the gem necklace, Christy golden dust teleports away back to the door. Walking out of the door and closes the door behind her, Christy looks at a few guardsmen.

"What the hell?" Christy said with a shrug.

And Christy fights the few guardsmen. She punches guardsmen 1 in his face, knocking him out unconscious. She punches guardsmen 2 and knees him in his groin.

Christy turns to guardsmen 3 and guardsmen 4 makes her eyes glow blue, making both guardsmen to head/butt each other in their foreheads, knocking them both out unconscious onto the floor.

Christy scurries away and teleports away in golden dust.



Christy walks inside the main room where some of Tahase Palo's henchmen are lounging around, smoking and drinking whiskey.

A few of the henchmen gets up to their feet and lunges at Christy. She punches henchman 1 in his throat, kicks henchman 2 in his stomach and bangs henchman 3's head on a pillar.

Christy looks at Tahase Palo and uses her divine speed to grab him by his shift and pins him against a pillar.

"You wanna thievery some shit, do it your fucking self?!" Christy exclaimed, frustratedly, to him.

Tahase Palo and Christy exchange tense looks at each other. She knees him in his groin and walks away.



That night, in the dining hall, Christy is at the bar counter, drinking whiskey from a hock bottle.

Hagarth slowly walks up to Christy. "Easy there with a drink, kiddo."

"I'm fine, Hagarth." Christy reassured him.

"Are you really?" Aetna asked.

Christy turns around in her bar stool chair and looks at Aetna, slightly drunk. "Oh, goodie, the flirtatious Aetna. Do you still flirt with handsome men with wine and cheese and slept with him laters?"

Hagarth looks at Christy, shocked, at what she said. "Christiana?"

Aetna becomes annoyed and speaks with such bitterness. "You know, you trained yourself to become a great warrior, but everyone knows that you will always be your parent's daughter. Your mother, Nadia, would be disappointedly hurt."

Christy looks at Aetna and punches her in her face, knocking Aetna out onto the floor, drawing attention from others.

Aetna gets up to her feet and tackles Christy onto the floor. The two women engages in a fight with Christy the upper hand.

Hagarth gently breaks up the fight. Both Aetna and Christy has a few bruises on their faces; a bruised cheekbone and a bruised bottom lip.

"Aetna? Christiana?" Ames said.

Aetna and Christy looks at Ames. And Ames looks at both Aetna and Christy.

"Everyone leaves. I would like to speak with my daughter, please?" Ames said.

Everyone walks away, walking out of the dining hall.

Ames looks at Hagarth. "Hagarth?"

Hagarth bows to Ames and slowly walks away, walking out of the dining hall.

Ames and Christy exchange looks at each other.

"Christiana?" Ames said to his daughter.

"Don't lecture me, Dad." Christy said to her father, taking a swig of her hock bottle of whiskey.

"I'm not gonna lecture you, but I knew that you weren't completely okay." Ames said, sitting down at a table. "You and your mother had a very close relationship. And now, I'm doing everything I can to do in her place."

Christy looks at her Dad, glumly. "Dad?" And slowly walks up to him and crouches down to him, gently holds his hands in her hands. "Dad? I love you very much. You and Mom raised me to be the woman I am now. You and me, Dad, we still have each other."

"I loved your mother, Christiana. And every night, I sleep alone and when I wake up in the morning, I wake up alone." Ames said to her. "You remind me of your mother."

"Like I said, Dad, we have each other. I know you're trying to be strong for me, and the the thing is, I'm trying to be strong for Klaus, Luna and Trinity, but Klaus knows better. And now, I'm worried that I may become my dark alter ego again." Christy said.

Ames looks at Christy, a bit worried. "Your Scarlett Sorceress is trying to emerge itself again?"

"Yeah, it is." Christy replied to him, and gets up and sits down beside him at the table. "Have you and Oracle Theoni talked to each other?"

"Sometimes we do." Ames replied to her. "You can talk to her if you want at anytime."

"Alright." Christy said, and peck a kiss on her Dad's cheek and gently leans her head on his shoulder. "Love you Dad."

"Love you too, Christy." Ames said, and gently leans his head on hers.



Later on that night, Christy slowly walks inside the courtyard. Klaus, Luna and Trinity are sitting on the sofa.

"Hey, Mom." Luna greeted her.

"Hey, guys." Christy greeted them. "You guy waited up for me?"

"Luna and Trinity did. I kept them some company." Klaus said.

"Thanks." Christy said, and sits down in the sofa chair.

Klaus looks at Christy's knuckles, which are a bit bruised. "Luna and Trinity? Your Mom and I need to talk."

"Okay." Luna said, and glances at Trinity. "Come along, Squirt."

Luna and Trinity gets up from the sofa and walks away.

Klaus slowly gets up to his feet and slowly walks up to Christy and sits down in front of her on the coffee table.

"Your knuckles are a bit bruised." Klaus said, and gently holds her hands in his hands. "What happened?"

"Tahase Palo wanted me to steal a gem necklace for him at a high tech facility. I almost did, but I stopped myself and left. And I fought four guardsmen. Afterwards, I just got so upset that I went to Tahase Palo's house and confronted him." Christy told Klaus.

"What happened when you confronted him? Tahase?" Klaus asked him.

"I fought 3 of his henchmen and confronted Tahase and then, I left. And then, I went to Mount Orasani, and Aetna and I got into a fight in the dining hall." Christy replied to her husband, Klaus.

Klaus looks at Christy's bruised purplish knuckles and gently soothes his thumb over them. "Christiana? You're my wife. And whatever darkness, whatever inner demon that you have, we'll face them together."

Klaus and Christy exchange small smiles at each other.

"Christiana? Can you hear me?" Oracle Theoni spoke telepathically.

"I can hear you, Oracle Theoni." Christy replied, telepathically.

"I have received unsettling information I think you should know of." Oracle Theoni said, telepathically.

"Alright." Christy said, telepathically. And looks at Klaus, worriedly.

"What's wrong?" Klaus asked her, concerned.

"Theoni has unsettling information. I need a pen and piece of paper." Christy said.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  Shortly afterwards...

Christy has written down a small note, saying "Oracle Theoni, what unsettling information do you have?"

Afterwards, she gently sets down a pen on the coffee table and folds the piece of notepad paper. Making her eyes glow blue, she magically sends the note to Oracle Theoni.

"Who's Theoni?" Klaus asked.

"Oracle Theoini. She's like an advisor counselor for the Elder Gods and Elder Goddess. And there's a few Oracles at Mount Orasani as well." Christy said to him.

"The island, Mount Orasani, fascinates me more and more." Klaus said to me with a small smile.

Klaus and Christy exchange small smiles at each other.

Suddenly, an 8 feet tall Fawkes Phoenix slowly flies inside the courtyard.

"What the bloody hell?" Klaus said, bewildered.

Christy chuckles. "Klaus? It's okay." And gets up to her feet and slowly walks up to the Fawkes Phoenix and gently pets its head. "It's Fawkes."

"Fawkes?" Klaus said, getting up to his feet and slowly walks up beside his wife, Christy.

"Yeah, Fawkes is my little buddy. I raised him myself." Christy said to her husband, Klaus. "You can pet him, Klaus, he won't bite."

Klaus gently pets Fawkes's head with his hand. And Fawkes coos softly.

Klaus and Christy exchange small smiles at each other, proceeding to gently pet Fawkes.

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