โ˜… 58

Jieun opened her eyes, seeing nothing but darkness. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't. She's tied onto a chair, feeling scared as the cold air hits her skin.

"Guess you're awake now." A voice said from behind her

Jieun's eyes began to water, she's afraid.ย 

"Please, please let me go." She pleads

Beomjin chuckled, standing in front of her.

"Why should I? Because of you, my grandfather died."ย 

Beomjin walked closer towards the girl, holding a knife on his right hand. He took the small glass bottle from his pocket, putting his knife down as he replaced it with a syringe.

"You see, one drop of this could give you an unbearable pain, and you'll die slowly, just like the crucio spell," Beomjin said

He inched closer to her, and when he was about to inject the liquid to her veins, someone barged the door open, making the both of them jolt in surprise.ย 

Beomjin scoffed, seeing Renjun stand in front of the door.ย 

"Nice seeing you here, Huang Renjun."ย 

"Fuck off Beomjin." Renjun spat

Beomjin chuckled, showing the syringe on his hand. He was about to speak when suddenly Renjun ran towards him, punching him right on his face. He quickly took the syringe, throwing it away as far as he could.

Beomjin groaned in pain, but he managed to stood up, throwing his fist right on Renjun's face. Renjun stood up, he knew he needed to be careful or else his plan won't work out. Coming here to see her is a big risk, he needs to be extra careful.

Renjun grabbed Beomjin by his collar, throwing his body to the other side of the room. He then walk towards Jieun, staring at her with sad eyes.

"R-Renjun." Jieun said, her eyes watering.ย 

She's smiling, feeling happy to see him. Her smile is his favorite, especially if he's the reason of her smile.

Without thinking twice, Renjun cupped her cheeks with his right hand, leaning down to attach their lips together. He kissed her with so much passion, sadness, and the feeling is just so overwhelming.

For the first time in many years, he cried.ย 

He pulled away from her, their faces still a few inches apart as he tried to hold back the tears that's threatening to fall again.

"Why are you crying?"

Renjun shook his head, smiling lightly at her. "Na Jieun."

Jieun smiled at him. "Yeah?"

"I love you."

Renjun closed his eyes, tears streaming down his angelic face.

Then a loud gunshot could be heard. But before it could hit anyone, Renjun already turned back the time, back when he first met Jieun.

siri play turn back time by wayv
