★ 18

Jieun closed her eyes, feeling the cold water on the both of the legs. She's skipping class, just silently chilling in the swimming pool area. She's sitting in the corner of the pool, dipping her legs into the cold water.

Somehow, it calms her. Even though she has a trauma about swimming, somehow this still calms her mind. She puts her shoes and her socks beside her, not wanting those to be drenched in water. 

"Ah shit." A voice said from behind her

She turned around, her eyes meeting a pair of cold eyes- Huang Renjun's eyes.


Renjun sighs, closing her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, just chilling." She said, smiling lightly at him

The older guy took a deep breath, walking towards her. He sits down next to her, crossing his legs. He's wearing the school uniform's trousers, so he couldn't dip his legs into the water.

Jieun turned her head towards him, staring at his side profile. He looks so perfect, so flawless. His cold looks, it may scare some people but to her, that's one of his charms. His sharp jawline, his voice, his eyes, everything about him just attracts her.

She could feel her heart racing just by staring at his face, and she didn't even know why. When he turned his head towards her, facing her, she blushed as red as a tomato. She looked away, trying to look everywhere but him.

This feeling, it's new to her. It's her first time feeling flustered because of a guy, she clueless of what she's feeling right now. 

"Isn't it calming?" Jieun said, trying to break the awkward athmosphere

Renjun nods. "Maybe. It hurts though." 


"Because everything about this reminds me of my biggest mistake I ever made," he said

Jieun turned her head towards him again. He's staring down into the deep water. Even though it's not that deep because you can still see the bottom, it still hurts him. For the both of them actually. 

Renjun chuckled bitterly. "I hate water."

"Why are you here though? If you hate it so much, why are you suffering yourself?"

"Because I deserve it, I deserve to suffer. It's my fault anyways."

Jieun stayed quiet. She didn't know what to say anymore.

"No one deserves to suffer. Everyone makes mistakes, you know." She said

Renjun turned his head towards her, staring deeply into her eyes. Something about the way he looked at her is different, it's not filled with anger but instead it's filled with emptiness and sadness. "You remind me so much of her."

Jieun frowned. "Her?"

"Yeah, my biggest regret and my biggest mistake, her."
