Welcome to "Crimson Gaze,"!

In this story, Y/N (the reader, that's you😊), is a mixed breed of spider demon, and fallen angel.
In this story, you being Zestial's daughter, your character will possess some of his features, but not all of them.

Your character will have dark green eyes and long black hair, (father's side), but your skin complexion will be a slight light gray with white little dots on parts of your body/skin that resemble freckles, (mother's side)

You are the same height as Alastor (7 feet tall), and you will talk in an old English/modern tongue. Mostly modern.
When you shape into your powerful demonic state, your body becomes long and spider like, having six pencil thin arms and your eyes shaping into eight eyes as fangs stick out of your mouth, while your voice becomes dark and demonic, or sometimes high pitched and hissing.

Your powers include: Teleportation through shadows, summoning spiders to your aid, being able to jump and climb really well, able to weave spider webs, becoming venomous (but only in your demonic form), and being able to summon whatever you desire with a snap of your fingers, and also having the ability to heal yourself/others (because of your passed down angelic abilities)

Picture below is the outfit Y/N will be wearing most throughout the story. (Or if you want, you can pretend its something else)

And these are Y/N's boots.

And these are Y/N's tights!


Also! This book will be slow to update, that way, it gives me time to not rush through this story, and actually make sure it is edited and sounds good enough to read.
So that's a reminder, unless something happens where I can't update (life, time, family etc...)

So with that being said, enjoy!
