Ch. III ✑Two Can Play At This Game✑

YOU OPEN THE DOORS to the hotel's entrance, only to see the longue that was empty the night you arrived, now full of demons, small to large, all different personalities and colors and species.

One tall, white and pink spider demon lays sprawled out on the couch, his two upper arms thrown over the sides of the couch, while his two bottom arms play on his Hellphone with an unamused, bored, look on his white and pink face.

A small/frantic pink one-eyed girl with reddish pink hair and a small skirt runs back and forth, chasing after the bugs the hotel is ridden with, holding a needle as tall as her, using its tip as a spear.

The same cat demon is behind the bar counters, drinking some cheap booze in a tinted green bottle, while a bright, cheery, blonde hair, pale skinned demoness sits at the bar, rambling in a high-pitched voice about ways to improve the hotel.

Even without royal attire or a crown, you notice instantly that this is Charlie Morningstar.
She is especially known for her...chipper attitude and outlook on life in Hell. She is probably the ONLY one who has a positive mood in Hell. So, that makes it easier for you to point her out.

While this room is indeed full of demons you've never met, and probably never will meet, your eyes can't seem to find the one you're really looking for.


Such hilarity, Alastor is always there when you don't want or need him, and during the moments you do, he disappears.
Almost as if its a game for him, like he wants to be searched for.

You shut the doors behind you, approaching the bar.
"Greetings Princess," you lower your hood, bowing a little before the princess. "I am Y/N, Zestial's daughter. Last night I arrived in hopes for a business position of your hotel. I was wondering if you could tell me where-"

"Ohhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyy stars!!" Charlie suddenly squeals, which makes you flinch back a little in sudden shock from her quite excited and happy reaction when she first saw you.

Charlie jumps up and down, making weird, little noises as her eyes are glued shut in excitement.
She suddenly grabs your hand, shaking it in a fast manner, tugging you forward slightly during the process.

"I have heard SOOOO much about you!" she giggles, "I've always wanted to see you!"

"Oh?" you chuckle nervously, pulling your hand away from hers. "I'm flattered."
Are you? Or are you just lying? It's not common for people to be excited to meet you, this in truth, is the first time someone has ever said that.
You should take it as a compliment, but you don't. You are slightly...weirded out by it.

Charlie giggles, bringing her dainty hands to her doll like cheeks, her eyes twinkling.
All of have no idea why the Princess is so excited to see someone like you.

You clear your throat. "Can thou point me to the direction where the Radio Demon is?" you ask politely, hoping that this little first meeting between you and Charlie will be over and you can go find what you're really after and not waste any more time.

Charlie's brow furrows suddenly, her excitement now being sucked away and replaced with confusion.

Is it not common for people to be looking for Alastor? Or is it not common for someone like YOU--who is too smart for his deals and tricks--to be looking for him?

"Alastor is in the hotel's ballroom. Down there, first door on your right," she points at the open hallway to your left. "But...why do you want to know? Do you know him by chance?"

You chuckle. "I partially know him. I came to the hotel last night in search of a position when it comes to your hotel staff, which Alastor agreed too."

You don't mention the fact that you are soon to be another co-owner, in fear that Charlie will deny your request. Overtime, Charlie will realize what your position in this hotel truly is.

"Ohhhh! How exciting!" Charlie squeals, "yes! Alastor is down that way! Go and get yourself settled and we'll start working together right away!" she spins, before running towards the one eyed gray skinned female demoness who stands over by the couches in the longue.

Most likely to tell the demoness about the newest member.
Which is you.

You enter the hallway fit for two, walking past many numbered doors, before one door that says the word Ballroom carved into its wood and painted gold to make it sparkle.

Your hand reaches and twists the knob, pushing the door open before you gawk over just how beautiful the ballroom actually is.
Smooth, clear polished flooring beneath your feet. Lavish red curtains hanging on the tinted windows that reflect Hell's red sunlight. Instruments of many kinds sit in the corner on top a small stage.

The room is dimly lit, mostly from the faint sunlight shining through the tinted windows, adding splashes of crimson red on the flooring. Though the ballroom is quite beautiful, it lacks festivity, and it is dusty. Almost forgotten...

Being Zestial's daughter, you've always been one to enjoy the idea of balls and ballrooms. So you take note that when you're further along in this career of yours, you'll clean this place up and hold a proper grand opening for demons and demonesses to enjoy.

Alastor stands with his back to you in the middle of the ballroom, his static radio-like humming echoing in the silence, while his hands perform small motions as if he's composing an orchestra, while a few of his little shadows swirl around him, dancing to a beat only they can hear.

He appears peaceful, yet while you stare at him, you feel as if you're staring at a ticking bomb. You approach him. "I've arrived," you say, which causes his humming to stop before he looks over his shoulder to see who was the one that rudely interrupted him.

His smile grows when his eyes fall upon your face. "Ah, there you are! I was wondering if you would actually show." Deep down, he didn't expect you to be serious, and thought perhaps you were only speaking. But your action is enough proof to him that you are very serious about this career choice.

Only making him feel a little bit more excited.

You nod once. "I am a woman of my word," you remark, and he chuckles amused, saying nothing else, merely clasping his hands behind his back as he stares at you.

Feeling as if precious minutes are being wasted, you get straight to the point. "What are my duties today?" You ask, trying to hide the impatience in your tone and words.

Alastor senses the sudden impatient tone, and he decides to have a little fun with you.

"Now now, I still haven't decided even if you ARE worthy to hire."

His words send a wave of both anger and fear flooding your veins, slithering its way to your chest, into your heart to make it pound harder. Just last night, he agreed that you were hired. Why is he changing his mind all of a sudden?

You hold his gaze. "And what will convince you?" you ask, a little salty.

"Hmm," he raises a hand to his chin before slowly circling you, eyes running up and down your figure, almost as if he's contemplating something in that dangerous mind he possesses.

Your head turns, so that your eyes follow his every movement. You don't trust him, not for a damn second. Yet you're willing to pretend that you do, just to get what you want.

Alastor says nothing for several moments, before he finally stops circling, and stands in front of you. Even though you are practically his height, he still has a few inches more then you, causing you to look up just to see his fiery red eyes that seem to glow in the dark, that haunts a person dreams, driving them to insanity until their souls are claimed by Alastor in the end.

"I'm quite curious as to why EXACTLY someone like you wants to join," he says, his smile turning into a sweeter version that just seems a little sickening to you.

His words take you back. Didn't the two of you already discuss this--discuss everything--last night? What a sly, nosey bastard...

"I told you everything you need to know last night," you respond calmy, trying not to get perturbed by his little game of back and forth.

Alastor chuckles. "That you did, and yet I can't help but feel that you are lying just a little bit. And for me to be able to trust you--to deem you worthy of my time--I want the full truth. So, be a good little girl, and tell me."

Little girl?

You feel anger bubbling in your chest, all of which Alastor sees, and smirks at. He knew by calling you that, he'd piss you off. And he does love it when he causes a reaction within someone. It's entertainment when things get boring. Plus, seeing someone get mad, makes his smile grow even more dominant, knowing he was the one who owned there emotions.

You glare at him, speaking with a firm yet clear voice. "I like to ask you the same thing, Alastor," you say, "you have been gone for seven years from Hell to all of sudden show back up, and the first thing you do is join this hotel? Why is that? Someone with your goes against your character. Some believed thou to have fallen to Holy Arms."

You're playing with fire right now, blindly reaching your hands to a flame to get burned, only to leap back and say Ow!, before reaching back to touch the fire again, wondering if it will still feel the same. You know you're playing that game when speaking to someone like Alastor with your tone and questions.

But treat others the way you want to be treated, is a quote Alastor should learn. And since Alastor wants to be nosey, you shall be nosey right back. Let's see how HE likes it.

He chuckles, amused by your little question, unaffected. "That is private info. But please do guess! I'd love to hear the theories!"

Such a pointless waste of time, you say in your head. What will it take just to get this bastard to be convinced and let you go and do your work in peace?

You stare at him as he turns, his back facing you as he begins to walk a few steps forward.

He looks over his shoulder at you. "Would you like to hear a song of mine? Since we are to be business partners, it's only right to get to know each other! And I do love a good show!" he says, which catches you off guard. A song? You open your mouth to respond with no, but before the word leaves your lips, Alastor snaps his finger, and a chair summons behind you, and a force makes you sit down, unable to get up, as if your rear end is glued to this chair.

You hear the notes to this song Alastor spoke of. You open your mouth to tell him that this isn't necessary, but Alastor begins to sing.

🎢"I've got a game I wanna show you, if I tell you my name, you'll have to play, too,"🎢 he boops your nose with the tip of his finger, 🎢"I've been here for years, biding my time. Waiting and primed until I could find you!"🎢

He spins, a contract and quill appearing before you. 🎢"Just sign on the line, and we can be friends. I'll be here for you until your world ends. Enjoy all your toys, I will supply. You only live once and you'll be mine the day you die, I'll have my payment. Your eternal soul's enslavement, did you divine our dark arrangement?"🎢

You scoff, helping yourself to a much-deserved eye roll, before Alastor appears behind you, gripping your shoulders as he leans over to your ear suddenly.

You smirk. 🎢"You were lovely entertainment, the dark desires you've been serving, you can bet that you're deserving. No regret for who you're hurting,"🎢
You sing, unknowingly making Alastor excited. You didn't intend for that, you wanted to point out just how awful Alastor truly is with his deals and manipulation, though he took it the wrong way.

He took it like a compliment.

Alastor leaps forward into a spin, smirking at you before pointing with his finger. Your words that you delivered in a singing voice did make his black heart pitter patter. After all, you were talking of him. He is almost a little charmed by it, though it was almost.

🎢"Why it's almost like you're flirting?"🎢

Your jaw drops a little. Flirting? Absolutely not! You were about to protest before Alastor's eyes shape into glowing radio dials, his frame growing a little taller and skinnier, his antlers growing as well as he begins to enter his early stages of his demonic form.

🎢"Come into my world take a look at me! I am the nightmare on the dark side of the moon! I'm your first, last resort so call me when you need a helping hand."🎢

Suddenly, as if a magic trick, he pulls out a hand of five cards from reaching behind your ear, holding the cards to cover half his face, his eyes staring into yours through the top of the deck of cards he holds.

🎢"Play your cards wrong and I'll see you soon," he shapes back into his normal state. 🎢"Sorry, I don't mean to alarm you. If you ask me to stay, I would be charmed to. You all have such cozy little lives, how do you survive like that? I wish I knew."🎢

Alastor grabs your hands, lifting you onto your feet so that you're forced to stare into his grinning face. 🎢"But you've got a lovely little secret. You're tired of feeling awful small, so give Mr. Alastor a call to make the deal."🎢

You break your hands away from his, instinctively backing up a few steps away, anger flooding your chest.

🎢"You feel you need them, your appetites, I'll help you feed them. I'll be your sweet Radio Demon."🎢

You glare at him. Time to end this ridiculous song and get on with what really matters. 🎢"Don't forget, the one who waited, watch as you indulged your thirst, and did I mention that you're cursed?"🎢

Your words set him aback, his eyes shaping into a hardened glare. Such a spoiler you are! Don't you have NO sense of fun?!
You basically told Alastor he was cursed and oh...what offense that is.

Alastor stops singing, and only glares at you in silence. He feels as if you don't deserve to see more of his show or hear more of his singing. What you do deserve, he feels like, is a little lesson to keep you in your place. Because you are in his territory now, and your daddy isn't here to protect you.

"Such big words, coming from a child," he approaches you, leaning closer to make his voice sound even more intimidating. "Do you even know who you are speaking to right now, little girl?"

The second time he's called you that, and now, the cage within you unlocks, releasing your inner beast. And suddenly, a green lock and chain grabs Alastor at his throat. a single flick of your hand.

You could have handle Alastor saying it just once to you--cause the facts of him being a rude, blunt, teasing ass that he is--but hearing him say it the second time, adding more to his already sadistic tone, it pushes you to your edge.

You yank him to the ground, tightening the lock around his neck a little more so that he doesn't get the idea of getting back up. Slowly, you approach him, feeling your insides burn from rage.

Alastor shoots you a deadly stare, shaping fully into his demonic form, ready to lunge and slaughter you for what you just did, but he can't get up, because each time he moved, you only tightened the leash.

You are asking for a death sentence doing this to someone like Alastor.
Though Alastor, are Zestial's child. And you...are higher ranked then Alastor, and capable of slaughtering him just as much as he is capable of doing the same to you.

You don't want to kill him, but you do want to put him in his place and show him that you are NOT a little girl, or child. That you...very well could be his worst nightmare if he continues with such disrespect towards you.

You approach him. "If you ever call me that again, I will tear your soul apart and drain every ounce of your blood ONTO THE STREETS OF HELL FOR DEMONS TO DRINK!" you shout, your voice higher pitched as your body shapes into a pencil thin frame, four more set of arms coming out of your waist, your fingers growing long, and becoming clawed. Your eyes shape into a pair of eight eyes, as your mouth reveals a set of fangs that drip venom.

Your demonic form, a horrifying, and quite disgusting look that appears spider like. You are a sinister, nightmarish, twisted demoness, even your outfit looks ripped and torn at it's ends when you're in this state, something that Alastor will say...he has never seen before.

Though it doesn't frighten him--he is more than just pissed off right now, to the point where he wants to slaughter you--it does make him slightly...admire you.

Seeing you in this form, your voice dripping with insanity, growling in a dark, high pitched hiss that of a spider.
He can't help but smirk a little.

You...are just like him. When you are provoked, of course.

Alastor slowly shifts back into his normal form, hesitantly getting on his knees, then his feet, before he inhales a breath and meet your now eight glowing eyes.

You lean closer to him, still in your demonic form to make sure you get your point across once and only once.

"Call me a more time. And just watch what will happen. From now on, you will treat me as an equal demoness, not someone whose lower then you. And I in return, will do the same for you. Do you understand?" you hiss, not afraid of what Alastor will do or say.

Alastor's smirk is still on his face, his eyes drifting to the floor, only to notice that a few dozen small to medium sized spiders that crawled out of cracks in the wall and ceiling have now swarmed under your feet, surrounding you, as were there queen.

His eyes widen. What a strange power. He can't help but wonder what else you are capable of doing. If you are able to summon more then just spiders and shadows. And he can't help but wonder if by have killed a few demons.

He looks at you again, nodding once, the smile on his face turning into a toothy grin.

"Understood," he says.

As if it was a magic word, you suddenly shape back into your regular form, your eyes returning to being just two, your hands become clawless and dainty, and your teeth shaping into their normal pearly white state. Even your outfit is back to its normal, none-torn state, looking as if its brand new.

"Lovely," you say in your regular soft voice, smiling, feeling a little pride knowing you just had the upper hand of Alastor, something no one can ever accomplish.

Alastor stares at you for a moment, his mind doing backflips.
How could you--someone who actually appears sweet looking, innocent almost, and might he add, also beautiful--turn into that disgusting, nightmarish beast of a demonic form?

How your looks deceived him so.
Just because you have a pretty face, and know how to deliver your words with enough sugar and charm, doesn't mean that's all the traits you have.
You just proved to Alastor that you have a dark side he couldn't even imagine you possessed.

A side Alastor wants to see more of. Your demonic, dangerous, unpredictable form. It's a little attractive--to him anyways.

Oh dear...Alastor has indeed been caught in your little web now.
And he is the type of man to know when he's been beat. So, instead of taking the worst route possible, he will take this like a man.

He'll inhale a breath, and accept that he truly...cannot pull his tricks on you. You are too cunning for that.

Though defeat is something he hates, he does admit that it's nice to have finally met someone who gave him a challenge.
Someone who is kind of like a way.

You smirk suddenly, raising a hand to trail a finger down the center--his chest--of his coat, another daring move, but you don't care. You know there isn't anything Alastor can do to stop you. He could fight, but he's too smart for that in situations like this.

"I'm quite glad we've come to terms of understanding," you tease, pulling your finger away, "but I will say this," you clear your throat, snapping your fingers, and suddenly a song plays in the background.

You aren't actually going to sing, are you? Alastor asks himself, his question getting its answer two seconds later.

Hey, if Alastor had gotten a song, then you damn well better get one yourself.

🎢"Anything you can do, I can do badder. Darling don't act so surprised."🎢 You circle him, before leaning up to pinch his cheek.

🎢"Build up your ego and watch it just shatter, anything you can do, I'll be badder."🎢

You spin, seeming to have levitated off the floor, shadows that you have summoned circling around you, holding you up in the air, the bottom parts of your outfit blowing upwards, as if you stand above a blow of wind.
Alastor rolls his eyes. You do think highly of yourself, don't you?

Well, let Alastor be the first to take you down off your high horse, much like you did with him.

He smirks. 🎢"You think you're good, good as it gets. Save you from your twisted mentality, you're no God come back to reality!"🎢

You float back down, approaching him. "That may be true, but don't forget!" You say in a teasing tone, booping his nose just like he did to you during his song.

🎢"Anything you can do, I can do badder. Darling don't act so surprised. Build up your ego and watch it just shatter, anything you can do, I'll be badder."🎢

Your singing stops, the room falling silent once again, as you and Alastor stand face to face.
You smile up at him. "So, I'm going to repeat myself again. What are my duties today?"

He stares at you. "You are required to fill out some sudden paperwork that's piled up, due to the recent arrivals of hopeless sinners," he allows himself a quick snicker. God how he loves watching sinners join and fail. "Charlie is too busy to handle the matter, and I have other things I must attend to."

Alastor twirls his staff, bowing before turning. "I will see you later to check up on how everything is going."

You nod, even though he couldn't see your nod of approval or your wave to say goodbye.
He leaves the ballroom, the door shutting behind him gently yet firmly.

He's probably going to crawl into his broadcasting tower, knowing he was out bested.
Not just out bested, but done so by a girl.

You snicker, turning on your heels, whistling a jolly tune as you make your way out of the ballroom and into the hotel's office.
Your cheery, happy attitude, instantly dropping when you see what is inside the office.

You had expected maybe a small pile of paperwork.
But not over TEN piles of paperwork as tall as your WAIST!

You stare at all the papers piled and scattered, looking dumbfounded.
Fuck, you may have gotten Alastor when it came to the power and dominant side of things.

But shit he got you back as well, by assigning you THIS massive headache-waiting-to-happen job that you are expected to finish by tonight.

You sigh, face palming yourself.
Damn it, he got you there.

Your victorious attitude, now crushed.
Accepting your defeat, you walk to the desk, and sit yourself down, beginning your work, allowing a few muttered curses and insults to leave your lips.

All the while, Alastor is up in his broadcasting tower laughing, amused by how he got you back.
Alastor always one way or another. He always gets a satisfied ending, or...the last laugh. And in this situation, he got both those things.


Zestial waits for your arrival in the comfort of his study, sitting in his grand chair made from the purest black velvet and wooden trimming. In one hand is a cup of peppermint tea, and in the other, he grips the armrest of his chair.

You were supposed to be home ten minutes ago, and yet you still haven't arrived? You're not one to be late, so Zestial can't help but feel a little concerned. The fatherly instinct, of course. Though deep down he knows you are able to handle your own, and do just fine with whatever problem that is thrown at you, he still can't help but feel a little worried.

Hence why, he is so adamant about this arrangement for marriage. He will confess, having his only child married into the royal line would indeed bring great things to the Morde name, but mostly, he's agreeing to this for your guaranteed safety.

The Angels are growing more and more braver, there Extermination Days lessening rapidly. The fear of losing you--his only family--makes him more determined to do whatever it takes to protect you. Even if it your hand in marriage to someone.

The sound of a door opening and closing pulls Zestial from his thoughts, and as he rises from his chair, he sees you standing in the doorway, your arms struggling to hold a stack of paperwork you weren't able to finish before your shift was over. And Alastor--being your boss practically--demanded that you take the rest home and finish it.

Zestial stares at you, one brow raised curiously at the sight of you. Your somewhat happy, energized self that left the house this morning is not what stands before him right now.

You look exhausted, like you could collapse to the floor in an instant and fall asleep. Goodness, was your first day that hard?

Nevertheless, even though Zestial may not admit it verbally, he does feel proud of you. Proud that you made it through your first day.

He smiles. "Evening to thee, my daughter. Tell me, how did thy fare in today's shift?"

You groan, the soles of your feet dragging as you slam the paperwork down onto the desk in the corner. "I did learn one thing," you look at your father exhausted, "Alastor...will be my biggest challenge."

At that, Zestial stares at you in silence. Did you mean that in a bad way? Perhaps Alastor is showing to be threatening or dangerous towards you? Or does it boil down to something rather childish?

He watches as you slump down into the chair, grabbing your feather quill to finish what is leftover of your work. Even though you are clearly overworked, exhausted, and need rest, you still are determined to finish this.

Zestial smiles softly. Such determination, and stubbornness...he raised you well, didn't he?

Putting a hand on your back, he speaks. "I shall help you, but first, allow me to boil the kettle for coffee. It will be a long night after all."
