

I wanna love like you made me feel
When we were eighteen


"Could you please stop laughing?" He asked them.

"What? Do we remind you of Peyton's lips?" Questioned Reggie making Alex laugh even more.

"He laughed when he kissed her," said between laughs Alex, trying not to cry. "God you are so pathetic."

"I don't know why I did it, okay!?" He walked towards his next class, with the guys following him. "I wanted to kiss her. I want to kiss her," he corrected himself. "But every time I'm actually kissing her, I can only think "Oh shit, I'm kissing Peyton, isn't that hilarious?" and I start laughing."

"Maybe you were nervous," suggested Alex. "You've been friends with her for so long that maybe now that it's different, you are just scared."

"I'm not scared. What I am is pissed off," he complained, entering the classroom and tossing his bag aside the desk, sitting down. "It has never happened to me before. For some reason, I feel like laughing every time I'm near her. Today, when I was driving her to school, I wanted to put my hand on her leg, and just the thought of it made me burst out laughing. I had to lie to her, saying that I saw a squirrel stumbling with a rock."

"You just have to loosen up a bit. Forget best friend Peyton," said Reggie, placing his hands on Luke's shoulders. "Think girlfriend Peyton. Think of kissing Peyton, making out with Peyton. Think... Peyton in that black dress she hasβ€”"

"Reggie, I like where you are going but I don't want you thinking of Peyton in that dress," interrupted Luke, hitting him on the hand. Reggie sat down on his chair, raising his hands defeated. "But you are right, I need to stop seeing Peyton as my best friend, rather the girl I'm seeing. That should be easy."

"Yeah, especially now that you have to help her with her driving exam." Luke turned around terrified, looking at his blond friend. "You do remember her test is on two days, right? You promised you would help her."

"I wanted to at least be able to kiss her before dying," he mumbled. "I completely forgot about that exam. If I die, please make my life into a movie. Bohemian Rhapsody style."

"We'll do," said Reggie, and their class started.

The whole day Luke was worried of seeing Peyton to practice driving. He was nervous he would laugh again.

"I'm ready for my class, professor," said Peyton as she got into the truck, where Luke was waiting for her. "Shouldn't I be sitting there?"

"Right, of course, you are the driver, Brian O'Conner," he said to her as she sat down on his lap before passing to the side, making him raise his eyebrows as he slide to the shotgun. "Ok so please... try not to kill us, ok?"

"Don't get ideas on my mind," she whispered, starting the truck.

"Is this about yesterday? Because I actually wanted to talk to you about that. See, when I laughedβ€”"

But he was abruptly interrupted by Peyton hitting the pedal. He quickly held on to any solid object he could find, closing his eyes.

"Slow down, slow down, slow down, slow down!" He begged as he felt the truck turning to the left and then to the right. "Tay, slow down!"

She abruptly hit the break, making Luke almost crash with the windshield. He opened his eyes slowly, looking at her.

"When I called you Brian O'Conner I didn't mean literally."

"I didn't hit any cone. I think I'm ready for my test."

"I think I just saw my whole life pass right in front of my eyes." He interrupted himself, looking at her. "Did you just say that you didn't hit any cone?" He looked behind him, noticing every cone was in place. "How did you do that?"

"Well, I'm not Helen Keller, for starters. Why? Did you think I couldn't do it?"

"Not at that speed!" He defended. "I didn't even know that my truck could reach that speed!" He turned around to look at the smoke coming from the front of the car. "And... it can't."

"Sorry about that."

"It's okay, Peyton. I have to fix this truck anyways," he said, both getting off the vehicle. "And that means talking to my dad. He's the one who knows about cars." He opened the hood, turning around to see her. "Can we talk?"

"About?" She asked as he tried to fix the engine, stepping on his tippy toes.

"About my laugh act last night," he replied. "I just want to say that I'm sorry, and that I want to make it up to you."

She looked at him for a few seconds before crossing her arms. "I'm listening."

"I was thinking that after work, we could go to Fenoli's for dinner. On me," he offered, making her raise her eyebrows.

"Fenoli's? That's at the other side of town."

"Yeah, well, we will have to make some stops on the way because I don't think my truck is going to handle it. Or we can ask Alex for his cβ€”"

But he was interrupted by Peyton grabbing his hand, pulling him closer to her and joining their lips.

He melted at the touch. He quickly placed her hand on her neck as he kissed her, turning her slowly around and laying her back softly on the car.

"Or we could just stay home and watch a movie," he whispered closer to her lips before kissing her again.

He felt like he was jumping on clouds. It was definitely the best kiss he has ever had.

But was interrupted, this time nor because of a laugh, but because of Peyton's phone.

"Hey, I didn't laugh this time," he said when she broke apart.

"Sorry, I have to pick up."

"What could be so important that you have to pick up right now?"

"World hunger, catastrophic nuclear bomb, missing copy of Emily Dickinson at the library Ella goes to?"

"Sounds like bigger evils you can't control." He played with her hair while she picked up the phone, making him groan.

"Hi, this is Peyton, Sunset Curve's manager."

"Uh... professional voice," he whispered, smirking, while she just rolled her eyes.

"Uhm... mhm... yeah, sure, I'll talk to the band... yeah... ok. Pleasure talking to you. Have a nice week, goodbye." She hung up, looking at the guitarist. "That was Atlantic, they want you guys to record all of the songs that you are going to perform on Saturday to show them to the big leagues. That won't be a problem, right?"

"I mean we can start recording but, we still have six more songs to go. I've been thinking about this melody but it isn't that great. We can try, I think."

"Trying is enough for me." Luke smiled. "But not for Atlantic. Leave the copies of the songs on my desk whenever they are ready."

"Ok, boss," he mocked, but she didn't laugh. "Yeah, sure'll do. I'll have the copies on your desk," he said seriously, mostly with a scared tone.

"Great," she gave him a quick peck on the lips before walking towards the door of the truck. "Could you give me a ride to the coffee shop after you repair the truck? Thank you!"

Luke raised his eyebrows before exhaling.


He let himself fall on the chair next to Reggie, Alex and Julie.

"Maybe is because I've never had a girlfriend... but they are bossy." Reggie chuckled.

"You get use to it after a while," he told him, smiling. "When we started, Ella will ask me to do everything. Now, she still kinda does, but she's nicer and kisses me more often."

Luke scoffed. "I'm not used to being bossed around."

"Yes you are, I do it all the time," Julie said.

"No, you don't."

"Wait, pass me that pen." Luke grabbed the pen and passed it to her. "See?"

"I was just being nice!"

"Did I say please?" Luke rolled his eyes. "The point is Peyton is not only your... girlfriend, lady friend, whatever is that you call each other, she's also your manager. And when your manager asks you to have something ready, you have it ready."

"Besides, why do you act all tough? Every time Peyton asks you for something you do it." He wanted to complain but knew it was true. "Remember this morning? Separate best friend Peyton and girlfriend Peyton."

Luke nodded. He had to separate them.

"Ok, what are the things I used to do with best friend Peyton that I can't do with girlfriend Peyton?"

The guys looked at each other before looking at him.

"Don't call her buddy or bro."

"Try Tay or a pet name instead!"

"When you are cuddling, don't kick her."

"He is a terrible sleeper though... try to control it Luke."

"Don't talk about girls. No other girls exist."

"When you tell her anecdotes about us just recall what me and Alex did. Just say that Julie was also there."

"Or that I wasn't here at all."

"Don't talk about Carrieβ€”"


"Yeah don't do that."

"β€”she's still very sensitive about the Carrie situation. For her, you guys had something even though you didn't."

"Don't ask about her ex boyfriends."

"Don't steal anything from her bedroom like you used to do. Especially her makeup."

"Yeah, makeup is off limits."

"We know you used to play with it, but now you can't. Ever."

"Don't be super jealous."

"That's debatable. Some girls like when guys are jealous but don't be this "Nobody can have you" type of guy."

"Remember, there's cute jealous and then there's Othello."

"Don't talk to other girls after gigs. We know you do it involuntarily because you are nice but just say hi, autograph, move on."

"Shower everyday, be nice to her mom."

"She's not Momma Swan anymore, she's your mother in law. She has the final word about you."

"You mess up and there's bars on her window."

"Let her tell her mother you guys are dating. Don't tell her yourself."

"Only enter her room when she asks you."

"Yeah, don't sneak in and, for God's sake, please do not wake her up when she's sleeping."

"I know you are an early bird but girls like to sleep."

"It's what keeps up pretty."

"Did I mention not calling her bro? Because that's really important."

"Oh, and last thing, she's the only girl in your world from now on."

Luke chuckled a little, looking at their friends.

"Well, that's easy. She's always been the only girl in my world."

"Aw," said the three at the same time.

"She's still you bossβ€”"

"You have to remember what we said."

"β€”she still manages our careers."

"Shower more, remember that rule."

They were interrupted by Peyton, who was bringing their food.

"Ok, here are your meals, Seinfeld and friends," she said, giving them their food later sitting next to Luke, tiredly. "My feet are killing me. I have never seen a coffee shop more full before. It's horrible."

"Don't they need you right now?" Asked Alex pointing at the more people arriving. She just sighed.

"My shift ends in two minutes, I can't do much." She said, stealing a piece of Luke's lemon cake, making him look at her.

He later looked at his friends, who were stopping him with their eyes. Luke just exhaled, letting it slide.

"I'm going to go change. You wanna catch the movies later?" Luke nodded as she stood up, walking away.

"You never said anything about the food!" Exclaimed Luke, madly.

"I thought that was obvious! You always share food."

"When she has food too! That I can also steal!"

"Oh... you never steal girls food," whispered Reggie. "Never."

"How is that fair!? She gets to eat my food but I can't eat hers!? What is she? The Daniel Diet monitor!?"

"You really haven't had a girlfriend ever, have you?"

"That was the first thing I said, Alex, literally the first.."

Peyton appeared with her normal clothes, smiling at him.

"You ready?" He nodded, standing up, eating the last piece of his cake quickly. "See you guys tomorrow."

"Bye lovebirds!" Exclaimed Julie as both left the coffee shop.

Peyton and Luke got out of the coffee shop, walking to his truck. This was all new for Luke, and not so new to Peyton.


"That guy would not stop talking! It was frustrating!" Said Peyton as she closed the door behind them, walking into her living room.

"I can't believe someone had so more to comment during Singing in the Rain."

"I can bet he was actually singing. Hi mom," she said to her mom as they both arrived to the kitchen. "Luke's staying for dinner."

"That's great honey."

"I'm gonna go upstairs," she let Luke know and he raised his eyebrows.

"Only enter her room when she asks you." He remembered.

"Yeah, go, I'll wait." She smiled a little before running upstairs.

He turned around to look at Peyton's mom with a smile.

"She's not Momma Swan anymore, she's your mother in law. She has the final word about you." The voice of Alex came and then Julie's. "You mess up and there's bars on her window."

"Hi... Mrs. Swan."

Peyton's mom stopped cooking, staring at the boy with confusion.

"Did you just call meβ€” are you dating my daughter?" He opened his eyes.


"Let her tell her mother you guys are dating. Don't tell her yourself."

"I... she... em... uh..."

"Luke... you tell me now orβ€”"

"There's an or? Is it a bad or?"

"Terrible or..."

"The instructions are confusing in my head. I'm not supposed to tell you but I'm supposed to do anything you tell me. Look, Momma Swan... I mean, Mrs. Swan, I'm new at this stuff, ok? I've never had a girlfriend before, I haven't even asked her. And the guys, my supposed friends, told me all of this stuff like the things I used to do with Peyton that now I can't do with girlfriend Peyton and I'm so confused. I can't say the alphabet unless I'm singing the song and I never learned how to love!"

Peyton's mom blinked several times before shaking her head. She grabbed Luke's hands, looking at him with a motherly look.

"You are the perfect guy for my daughter, Luke, I know that. Now you have to believe it. Forget everything the other's told you. You fell for your best friend, not any other version of Peyton there is. There isn't a rule book for relationships, each one is different. You have to find yours."

"Thanks, Momma Swan. Can I still call you Momma Swan?"

"Of course you can, Luke. You are way pass the trying to impress me thing. You've been impressing me since you were five years old." He chuckled.

"So... Can I complain when she eats my food?"

"You can never complain when a girl eats your food. Never get between girls and food, that's the first rule."

"You said there wasn't any rules!" He exclaimed.

"Well there's only one rule and that's not getting between women and food. Now, you can either help me prepare diner or I'll put bars on her window."

"Ha! That's funny..." He saw how she didn't laugh. "Oh, you are serious. Okay, okay. I'll cut carrots!"

"You are too immature to use a knife. Here, wash the lettuce."

"What if I cut myself?"

"With water?"

"It has happened before."

Both looked at each other for a few seconds before he proceeded to wash the lettuce.

After dinner, he pretended to go home as he always does. As soon as he was outside, he climbed up the tree between the houses, landing at the roof underneath her window with a smile.

"Hey, Rapunzel," he said to her as he stepped into the room. "Did you miss your prince?"

"Maybe," she chuckled. "Hey, talking about princes. I was thinking about our Halloween costume."

"Johnny and Baby," he interrupted her.

"β€”and how maybe we could go as Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince?" He sighed as she looked at him with puppy eyes. "Please please please please."

"Fine, just because Alex said that I would look stupid with my hair with gel." She laughed as he placed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "So... I kinda talked to your mom..."

"What? What did she say? Did she freak out? Is she going to lock my window with metal?"

"Everyone thought of bars and you thought of full Iron Man stuff," he mumbled under his breath before continuing. "Anyways. She said that I've been impressing her since I was five and I shouldn't have to worry. Although, I... want to make it kinda official."

"Oh..." she whispered with a smile. "Okay..."

He was nervous. He knew that when he was nervous he tended to talk too much, and use many pop culture references that nobody would understand. He knew that, yet still, he wanted to ask her.

"I want you to be the Mary to my George. You know, all those cheesy stuff they did. Singing under the full moon and some other romantic things." She chuckled. "Would you be my girlfriend?"

She nodded. "I would love to be your girlfriend!" He chuckled.

"That's awesome. Hey, we'll have dinner at my folks tomorrow." Her smile suddenly faded away.


"I've never brought a girl home, so it's kinda important to me. Especially because of my mom. You okay with that?"

"Absolutely, totally." He slowly leaned in, kissing her softly before standing up, walking towards the window.

"See you tomorrow morning, Mary."

"Bye George." And with that, he disappeared towards his room. "Oh God..."


chapter eighteen

"If I die, please make my life into a movie. Bohemian Rhapsody style."
Bohemian Rhapsody is a 2018 biographical drama film about Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of the British rock band Queen. It stars Rami Malek as Mercury, who won an Academy Award for his performance as the British singer.

"Right, of course, you are the driver, Brian O'Conner,"
Brian O'Conner is a fictional character and one of the main protagonists of The Fast and the Furious franchise. He is portrayed by Paul Walker.

"Well, I'm not Helen Keller, for starters."
Helen Adams Keller was an American author, political activist, and lecturer. She was the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.

"missing copy of Emily Dickinson at the library Ella goes to?"
Emily Dickinson was an American poet. Little known during her life, she has since been regarded as one of the most important figures in American poetry.

"Remember, there's cute jealous and then there's Othello."
Othello is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1603. Some of the major themes in this play include racial prejudice, manipulation, and jealousy. Specifically, Othello is regarded as a beast by other characters because he is black. Lago is jealous of Cassio because Othello promotes him to a higher military position.

"Ok, here are your meals, Seinfeld and friends,"
Seinfeld is an American sitcom television series created by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld. The show stars Seinfeld as a fictionalized version of himself who is the main titular protagonist and mostly focuses on his personal life with a handful of friends and acquaintances, including best friend George Costanza, friend and former girlfriend Elaine Benes, and neighbor across the hall Cosmo Kramer.

"What is she? The Daniel Diet monitor!?"
Daniel dieters only eat fruits, vegetables, and unleavened bread for 21 days straight, with the overall goal of regaining focus on Christ-centered teachings, according to the Daniel Diet website.
Like other restrictive diets, the diet relies on the idea that the body needs to detoxify itself. But a special eating plan isn't necessary to make this happen. Chris Pratt has said that he followed this diet.

"I can't believe someone had so more to comment during Singing in the Rain."
Singing in the Rain is a 1952 American musical romantic comedy film directed and choreographed by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen, starring Kelly, Donald O'Connor, and Debbie Reynolds. It offers a lighthearted depiction of Hollywood in the late 1920s, with the three stars portraying performers caught up in the transition from silent films to "talkies".

"Is she going to lock my window with metal?" "Everyone thought of bars and you thought of full Iron Man stuff."
Iron Man is a 2008 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. In the film, following his escape from captivity by a terrorist group, world famous industrialist and master engineer Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) builds a mechanized suit of armor and becomes the superhero Iron Man.
