

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  a knock on liv's hotel room door shook her from her thoughts. she was buried underneath the blankets, her mind racing with the events that had taken place the night before. she and sapnap continued to trend on twitter, even twenty two hours later. she couldn't bring herself to go to the convention today, so she cancelled her meet up.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  "livvy, it's me," she heard sapnap from the other side of the door. "can i come in?" she grumbled in response, not wanting to face him right now. she felt terrible for dragging him into this and ruining his already shitty twitchcon experience.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  the door unlocked, and he gently pushed the door open, keycard in one hand and a bag of food in the other. he shut the door behind him and walked to liv, still wrapped up in bedsheets. he sat down on the bed to her and glanced over at her to find her looking up at him. her hair was pulled into a bun that was falling apart, her eyes were glossy and covered by her blue-light glasses, her makeup from yesterday still remained on her face. the slightest trace of mascara down her cheeks could be seen. he held out his arms for her, and that was all she needed. she sat up, out of her cocoon, and wrapped her arms around him.

he gently rubbed circles on her shoulder blades as she buried her head into his shoulder. "you okay?" she shook her head in response. he sighed and placed his head on top of hers. her glasses were digging into his shoulder and her hair was tickling his nose, but he didn't care about his own discomfort. he needed to know she was okay and would take any measures to do so.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  "how'd you get in?" she mumbled, voice hoarse.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  "you left one of your room keys in dream's room," he told her. "i put it back on the counter, so that you could have it in case you lose your other one again."

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  she just hummed in response. the pair sat on the bed, embracing each other for what felt like forever. they were both incredibly distraught by the events of the previous night. a fan had taken photos of them in the gym, working out and messing around, which felt incredibly violating. not only was it a huge invasion of privacy, but also a problem in the security measures. the fan then not only leaked the photos on twitter, but sent them to keemstar as well. keemstar was known for blowing things out of proportion and having his hands on this story was probably the highlight of his year. he made the headline much worse than it actually was, leading people to believe that their suspicions were true: sapnap and liv were dating.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  of course, this only made matters worse. while liv had already been receiving hate for talking to sapnap, the fact that everyone now thought that they were dating made the negativity grow exponentially. not only was she receiving death threats and hate comments, but sapnap was also gaining negative traction for being associated with her. the last thing she wanted was to negatively affect him in any way, shape, or form.

he pulled away from her, carefully brushing one of the stray hairs out of her face. they sat in silence, neither sure of what to say to console the other. "i brought you food, do you want to eat?" he gestured to the bag of chinese take-out sitting on the nightstand. the last thing liv wanted to do was eat, but she hadn't eaten all day and she knew she needed to. she nodded. he handed her one of the to-go boxes and kept the other for himself.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  "what all'd you do today?" liv asked him. she wasn't all too interested, due to it all being revolved around twitch, but it was better than sitting in silence. she picked at her food as he gathered her thoughts.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  "we had that cooking stream panel today! it was interesting. there was this one mini game where we had to catch popcorn, and george broke my fucking bucket!" this got a laugh out of liv, because of course george broke his bucket. she couldn't think of anything more george. he grinned at the girl and kept talking. "we didn't win, but it's okay! i got this really stupid shirt with a carrot on it. i'll probably never wear it again in my life, but at least i won something," he described his day in between bites of his rice. she smiled at the sight of him. he was so passionate about everything he did, and she was so grateful to get to witness that first-hand.

even with the storm brewing on twitter, he managed to make her feel like they were the only two people in the world. he managed to make her forget all of her struggles and only feel the positivity. she didn't know how he did it, but she appreciated it so so much. only he had the ability to make her feel that way, and she wouldn't trade that for anything in the world.
