
"irl and twitter."

SAPNAP WAITED AN entire day to unblock olivia on discord. he thought she should suffer for not being able to be around cats. he made this known by tweeting a couple of passive aggressive remarks about cat haters, fake friends, and how he couldn't believe who they let into mcc.

these tweets, while hilarious on liv's end, were also causing chains of hate because people couldn't understand that sapnap was joking. once he realized that his tweets were the source of negative attention for olivia, he offered to delete them and put out a statement. liv declined this kind motion, because she thought the hate was hilarious. the fact that people were being rude to her because she was allergic to cats was the funniest way drama could ever be started. plus, any attention was good attention in the twitch world. (unless you murdered someone or cheated on your wife.)

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  sapnap sent her an entire paragraph, more like an essay, apologizing to her. he felt awful that she was receiving so much hate as a result of his tweets. they had just spoken for the first time yesterday, and she was already being sucked into drama with his fanbase.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  olivia promised him that it was alright. while a couple of the comments stung, most of them were comical and made her laugh. she offered to set up a stream where they played minecraft or another game to show their fans that it was all a bit. sapnap took her up on this offer, but he wanted to wait for a little bit until all of the negativity blew over. he didn't want to pour gasoline onto the fire that was his angry fans.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  she completely understood and told him that she would be available basically whenever. all of her college classes were online and her job at the cafe below her apartment had flexible hours. he told liv that he would set up the funniest group to play jackbox with in order to repay her. she let him know that she was looking forward to it.

ignoring the hateful comments that stemmed from the weekend's events, there were also many positive outcomes. liv had gained many more followers on all of her social media platforms, even her instagram which she had zero posts on. she simply had the account to comment on other people's posts and to maybe post once or twice if she ever face revealed. that seemed like a very unlikely event though.

when liv started her path as a content creator, she decided that she would never show her face. she knew that she would never become popular enough to have meet ups with any of her fans or other creators, so this seemed like an easy vow to stick to. but with this new found attention, especially from sapnap's fans, this idea was starting to seem a bit unrealistic. she was already getting requests for a meet up with sapnap from their subtweet that had just been created yesterday.

despite her stress about the situation, liv had a feeling these requests wouldn't last long anyways. she and sapnap streamed together because of mcc, and there was nothing more to it. they would more than likely have a couple more conversations and then only interact in passing tweets or at conventions if she ever made it that far. their subtweet would be left out to dry without content, but this would be for the best. no more negative energy would be targeted towards either side of the duo, and they would be able to go about their regular lives before this championship.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  two weeks later, liv was proven wrong. after near daily discord exchanges, twitter had moved on to something else that bothered them, and sapnap clearly thought this was the perfect opportunity for them to stream together again. he put together a group to play jackbox that night and sent liv an invite to play. the lobby was full of people she had never spoken to before and was completely intimidated by. karl jacobs, quackity, george, tina, dream. the line up of the century and then there was just liv, added onto the end of the list. she couldn't have felt more out of place.

she considered declining the invitation, but before she could, tina had already tweeted out an announcement. liv cursed her slow decision-making skills and accepted her fate. she would have to play jackbox with this hilarious group of people. now that she had accepted it, she realized that this situation really didn't seem so bad, but she still felt like complaining and sulking about it.


tina :D @tinakitten
playing jackbox tonight! 9pm!!
@sapnap @karljacobs @dream
@quackity @livlaughluv
liv @livlaughluv
tina my beloved, cant wait!!! :D
tina :D @tinakitten
liv my beloved!! :D
karl jacobs @karljacobs
alex my beloved! @quackity
quackity @quackity
sapnap @sapnap
sapnap my beloved!!!!
liv @livlaughluv
that's a little sad bud :(
sapnap @sapnap
well you weren't gonna say
it so i took matters into my
own hands.
liv @livlaughluv
you're right. i wasn't gonna say it.
liv @livlaughluv
ok now how did i manage to get 12 pqrts
in the span of like a minute.
sapnap @sapnap
that sucks for you. maybe don't be
mean to me next time :D
liv @livlaughluv
no i'd take getting hate over not
being able to be mean to you :)
it's just too easy to make fun of you
liv @livlaughluv
o there they go again :o
