๐ข๐ฑ. perishable*

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๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ.

๐ˆ๐“ ๐–๐€๐’ ๐‹๐€๐“๐„ ๐€๐“ ๐๐ˆ๐†๐‡๐“, ๐€๐’ ๐‡๐€๐‘๐‹๐Ž๐– ๐’๐“๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ ๐ˆ๐ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‹๐Ž๐…๐“ ๐–๐ˆ๐“๐‡ ๐’๐‚๐Ž๐“๐“, ๐ƒ๐„๐‘๐„๐Š, ๐‹๐˜๐ƒ๐ˆ๐€ ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐๐€๐‘๐‘๐ˆ๐’๐‡. Harlow had heard from Scott that another deputy tried to burn alive Parrish. Harlow was there for Scott, because even though they were no longer together, Scott was still her best friend, that she's know since she was a little girl. Derek grabbed Parrish's hands as he looked down at them.

"He covered you in gasoline?" Derek asked.

"It's the hair and nails, isn't it? The parts of the body that are essentially dead." Lydia said.

"Well, they should be gone." Derek said, looking at Lydia.

"I was set on fire! All of me should be gone." Parrish said.

"Not if you're like us." Scott said. Parrish looked at him, with confusion written on his face.

"Like you?" Parrish asked.

"I don't think he's like us." Derek said.

"So what could he possibly be?" Harlow asked.

"Sorry, but I have no idea." Derek said.

"But you knew about Jackson and Kira." Scott said, making Derek look at him.

"This is a little out of my experience." Derek said. "There might be something in the bestiary- did you try Argent?"

"I don't know where he is." Scott said.

"Yeah, Stiles told me they haven't see him since the incident with Kate at the hospital." Harlow said.

"Okay, hold on- what's a bestiary. Actually, that's not even my first question. Just... Just tell me one thing. Are all of you like Lydia?" Parrish asked, making the four look at him. "Are you all psychic?"

"Psychic?" Derek asked.

"You think were psychic?" Harlow asked, smiling at the deputy as he looked at her confused.

"Yeah." Parrish said.

"Not exactly." Scott said.

"Okay, then what are you?" Parrish asked. Derek and Lydia glance over at Scott and Harlow. Scott nods towards Harlow as the two face Parrish. Scott closed his eyes before opening them to reveal a red glow coming from his eyes. Harlow's eyes glowed blue as black veins appeared under them, making Parrish look at the two as shock overcame his expressions.

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"What's a Kanima?" Parrish asked, as he sat down on the couch.

"We'll get back to that. Just know that everyone like us- everyone with some kind of supernatural ability, is on the Deadpool." Scott said.

"But I don't even know what I am." Parrish said.

"I'm pretty sure they don't care." Derek said, making Parrish look at him.

"They only care is if they kill you and then get their money from that." Harlow said.

"How many professional assassins are we talking about?" Parrish asked.

"We're starting to lose count." Lydia said.

"But is it still just professionals?" Scott asked.

"I don't think Haigh's ever tried anything like this. I think he was taking a chance." Parrish said.

"That means anyone with the Deadpool could take a chance." Derek said.

"But if Haigh had it, then who else does? How easy is it to get this thing now?" Parrish asked, making Scott glance at Harlow and Derek.

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"Meredith was only at my grandmother's Lake House once... But I think once was enough." Lydia said. Her and Harlow sat on the couch as Lydia talked about their grandmother, who apparently knew the late Meredith Walker.

"How did your grandmother know her?" Derek asked.

"She didn't. She found her. Because of another woman named Maddy." Lydia said. "The woman she loved." Lydia hands Harlow a picture, making Harlow get up as she showed the picture to Scott. "Me and Harlow never met her, but I saw her name everywhere. She used to be part of a yacht racing team. There were plaques and trophies in the lake house from all the regattas she'd won."

"How did she die?" Parrish asked.

"How's not the story... It's what happened right before. My grandmother, Lorraine, used to work in San Francisco for IBM." Lydia said. "She was there on a weekend, catching up on work. She started hearing this sound, like rain. But, when she looked out the windows..All she saw was blue sky."

"But she kept hearing the rain?" Scott asked.

"And it just kept getting louder. Rain and thunder, cracking like gunshots in her head... so loud, she finally just... screamed." Lydia said.

"Like a Banshee." Derek said, making Harlow look at him.

"Because she was a Banshee." Harlow said. "Grandma used to tell me stories about the things she would hear. I found this the other day, when I was looking around in her room." She gives the older werewolf a paper that had Harlow's name scribbled all over it." She knew I was going to die when I got older. After she screamed, she ended up calling Maddy, who was getting ready to take a boat onto the lake. Maddy said the sun was shining and that it was a beautiful day for a boat ride. Grandma didn't say anything. Not even a plea to get Maddy to change her mind."

"There was an accident?" Parrish asked.

"It took them four days to find Maddy's body... and then it took decades to figure out how Lorraine knew. She started with parapsychologists- like the Ph.D in their name made it more scientific. They built the study in the lake house according to every pseudoscientific theory they could find. None of it worked. So then, she started going to more extreme occult- things like mediums and psychics, all of them failures... Until Meredith. They found her in Eichen House... this fragile girl who didn't understand the things she heard. They brought her to the study... and they almost killed her. She was hospitalized for over a year. She... never really recovered." Lydia said. "My grandmother drove her insane. I drove her to suicide. And all she ever wanted to do was help. My grandmother created the code for the Deadpool. They think she's the Banshee who put the names out in the first place. She left me this message in the same code." Lydia places a piece of paper with code written all over it on the table, sliding it towards Parrish.

"But she didn't leave a cipher key, did she?" Scott asked.

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Harlow sat on the stairs of the loft. Lydia and Parrish had left, leaving Harlow, Derek and Scott. Harlow looks up watching as Scott looked at a gun that laid on Derek's bed.

"Careful with that." Derek said, as Scott picked up the gun, getting a closer look at it. Harlow gets up from the stairs before walking over to the two.

"I thought you didn't like guns?" Scott asked, passing the gun to Derek."Does this have something to do with your eyes?"

"My eyes, my strength, the healing... All of it." Derek said.

"Gone?" Scott asked.

"It's because of what Kate did to you in Mexico, isn't it?" Harlow asked.

"Whatever Kate did to me, it's still happening." Derek said.

"If the Deadpool really was made by a Banshee, then there's something else that you should know about... Your name broke the third list. It was a cipher key." Scott said.

"And the other two keys were Allison and Aiden." Derek said.

"Two names of the dead." Harlow said.

"And I.....I don't want to make you nervous, but it.....It kind of feels like there might be a pattern there, doesn't it? Allison, Aiden... you." Scott said.

"Names picked by a banshee." Derek said.

"It... It could mean that you're in danger." Scott said.

"Banshees don't predict danger, Scott- they predict death." Derek said.

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The next day at School, Harlow and Scott walked down the stairs, before noticing Liam sitting at the bottom messing with his lacrosse stick. The two slowly make their way as they sit on opposite sides of where Liam was sitting.

"Hey... You okay?" Scott asked. "Hey?"

"Liam, talk to us." Harlow said.

"Last night... my printer went off by itself. I couldn't turn it off. I hit the "cancel" button, but it just kept printing." Liam said.

"Printing what?" Scott asked. Liam immediately digs into his back pocket before pulling out a piece of paper, as he hands it to Harlow. Harlow looked in confusion, before unfolding the paper, feeling Scott glancing at it from over her shoulder. But before the two got the chance to read it, Coach lets out a yell.

"What the hell's this?!?!" Coach yelled, making the three teens look at each other before making their way to Coach's office. His printer kept on printing the pages of the dead pool as would not stop, as they piled up on the ground. Scott leans down before grabbing one of the papers before leading Harlow and Liam down the corner.

"You see the difference?" Liam asked.

"Derek's not on the list anymore." Scott said.

"Im worth 600 million now." Harlow said, glancing at her name of the dead pool.

"And I'm not worth three million. It's eighteen now- eighteen million dollars." Liam said, making Scott glance at Harlow and Liam.

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It was the night off the bonfire. Harlow was going to stay home, until Malia jumped through her window, forcing Harlow to go to the bonfire with her to get her mind of off of everything including Scott. At the bonfire Malia and Harlow could been seen dancing. Harlow doesn't remember when she started dancing, but after drinking three alcohol beverages, Harlow was a little fuzzy in the mind, even though she couldn't get drunk. Scott could be seen as he grabs the drink from Harlow's hand making her look at him, before slipping, making Scott catch her.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked.

"Getting drunk! What are you doing?" Malia said.

"Trying to make sure no one gets hurt." Scott said.

"That sounds fun, too." Malia said, taking a sip from the flask in her hand.

"Now if I can have this back." Harlow said, taking her drink back from Scott.

"I don't mean to ruin your night or anything, but we kind of can't get drunk." Scott said.

"Well I feel drunk." Harlow said.

"What?" Malia asked.

"I think it has something to do with our healing. But, trust me, I've tried. You're not gonna feel anything." Scott said.

"Maybe tell Liam that." Harlow said, taking a sip of her drink, as she points to the teen wolf behind her, making Scott glance to see him pouring beer into a soda bottle.

"I'm gonna go dance." Malia said, laughing as she walks away leaving Scott and Harlow alone. Scott glances at Harlow.

"I just want to talk." Scott said.

"We already talked and broke up. I just feeling like dancing right now." Harlow said.

"You say you accepted it, but I know your still mad at me and Stiles for not telling you about Peter and Malia." Scott said.

"Well that's the thing Scott, you can't protect everyone, even when you think you can, but in reality people get hurt." Harlow said.

"We had our reasons. We didn't tell you about Peter-" Scott said but Harlow cut him off.

"Yeah to protect me, so I wouldn't go to Peter and let him twist his evil mind into mine." Harlow said." I know how you and Stiles think. Also Malia told me. But when I talked to Peter he said it was a good thing you kept it a secret for so long. I know, it's shocking right?"

"No, but it makes me wonder what he wants." Scott said. "Harlow, we need to stay together. You, me, Stiles-"

"Let's not talk about Stiles, and right now I don't want to talk to you, so please leave me alone." Harlow said, before stumbling again, making Scott grab onto her. Suddenly Harlow started to laugh, making Scott look at her in confusion.

"You are drunk."Scott said.

"Am I really?" Harlow asked, while laughing.

"But you can't be..." Scott said, glancing over at Liam who was stumbling around too, and then noticing Malia as she couldn't walk straight.

"I don't remember feeling like this when I was drunk before." Harlow said, before gripping onto Scott's arms. "It's not as good as I remembered."

"I don't think it's supposed to." Scott said. Harlow started to get more dizzy, making Scott get a good grip on her so she wouldn't fall. Scott takes Harlow's drink out of her hand, before sniffing it. "What's in this? What did you have to drink?"

"it's just some vodka, Malia stole from her dad." Harlow said. Scott looks over Harlow's shoulder before noticing a man staring directly at the two. Scott leans forward towards Harlow, before whispering in her ear.

"Stay on your feet and keep moving." Scott said, before wrapping one of Harlow's arm over his shoulder, before making his way to where Liam and Malia were. Scott sits Harlow down before rushing to bring her a water bottle. "Harlow? Drink this." Harlow nods slowly before taking the water bottle drinking it slowly. Malia had sat next to Harlow too, as Scott also brings her a water bottle to drink from. Scott then rushes to Liam.

"How much has he had to drink?" Scott asked.

"Not enough to get him like this..." Mason said. Scott glances over at Harlow and Malia.

"Something's happening. We need to get them out of here." Scott said."I think we're gonna have to... um..." Scott's words slurred as he talked.

"How much did you drink?" Mason asked.

"Nothing. Not even a sip." Scott said. Scott glances around before looking at the DJ booth. "It's not the drinks. It's the music.I have to...I have to turn off the music. Don't let them out of your sight." Scott points to Harlow, Liam and Malia, as they all sat down laying against each other. Moments after Scott had left, a few security guards come and grab onto the three drunk teens.

"Let's go." A security guard said.

"hey, what are you doing? These are my friends." Mason said.

"Your friends are overly intoxicated." The security guard said." They need to be escorted out."

"Okay, I'll go with them." Mason said.

"That won't be necessary." The security guard said.

"I said they're my friends....." Mason said, before the guard pushes Mason making him fall to the ground. The guards instantly taking the three away, while someone came and helped Mason up.

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In the school, Harlow, Malia and Liam laid passed out on the ground by the lockers, as another guard came dragging Scott onto the floor next to them. Scott looks at the one guard in front of him holding something.

"What is that? What are you doing?" Scott asked, looking down at a red container the main security guard held.

"It's gasoline. Haigh says we gotta burn you." The guard said, before pouring the gasoline over the four weakened teens. "And don't worry, little Miss Tribrid will die with ya. This is red oak gasoline." Scott looks over at Harlow, his eyes widening. As Scott tried to get up from the ground, the guard came pushing him back against the lockers. The man kneels in front of Scott whipping out his lighter, flicking it on, as he smiled. Right as the man, was about to drop the lighter on the four, the music stopped. Scott breaths before opening his eyes as they glowed red, quickly grabbing onto the man's hand, twisting his wrist, making the man groan. All of the sudden, Braeden came out of the shadows before using her her gun, head-butting it against the man's head, making him fall to the ground. Derek then walks out of the shadows as well, as three security guards make their way towards them. Derek runs towards the three, sending punches as he attacked them. Derek and Braeden working together as they took the three down, before making their way towards the four teens, watching as they slowly got up from the ground.

"What happened to the gun?" Scott asked.

"You're covered in gasoline." Derek said, making Scott slowly nod his head.

"Oh, yeah..." Scott said, watching as Derek held his hand, helping Scott off the floor.
