๐ข๐ข๐ข. ice pick*

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"McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy." Coach said.
"Okay Wyatt, Martin, your next." Harlow and Sam start to climb,

"So I was thinking, maybe you can come over tonight." Harlow said. Sam looks at her.

"Sure, I'm free, is there a reason to why you want me to come over?" Sam asked.

"Oh just to study." Harlow said." See you at the top." Harlow starts using her werewolf speed and makes it to the top and she drops down on the mat with Sam behind her.

"All right, next two. Stilinski. Erica. Let's go!" Coach said. Stiles steps alongside Erica Reyes. While Stiles quickly climbs the rock wall, Erica slowly drags her out-of-shape body up. A moment later Stiles lands back down on the mats while everyone else looks up to Erica, pinned on the wall, not moving. "Erica? You okay? Dizzy? Is it Vertigo?"

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out." Lydia said.

"Erica!" Coach called,

"I'm fine." Erica called back.

"Coach, maybe it's not safe." Sam said.

"Yeah, You know she's epileptic." Harlow said. Coach look at her wide-eyed before looking back up.

"Why doesn't anyone tell me these things? Erica, you're fine. Just Push off. There's a mat to catch you, I'll ease you down." Coach said. Closing her eyes, Erica finally pushes off. She swings out, hands grasping desperately for the safety line. Coach grapples with the cord, managing to ease her down before helping her out of the harness. Erica slowly turns to face the stares, some with pity in their eyes.
"That's it, Erica. Shake it off." Coach says.
Harlow was getting annoyed of the small laughs.

"It's not funny, why are you laughing, would you like it, if it was you in her place and everyone was laughing at you!" Harlow shouted for everyone to hear.
"And if I hear anyone laugh again, I'm going to take a pencil and give you all new piercings!" Harlow walks away angry.
The lights burst, Sam, Stiles, Scott and Allison looked startled.

"Guys it's Harlow." Stiles said.

"She's going to go haywire." Allison said.

"Okay, I'll go after her." Scott said,

"I'll come too." Sam said. The two teens start walking towards the direction the girl went.
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Harlow was looking for a book in the library, but looks up when she hears talking coming from the other side of the book shelf's.

"Did you see Harlow in PE, she's crazy, just like her sister." A girl said.

"Yeah they should be called the Crazy Martin sisters, fits perfectly." Another girl said. Harlow closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, she puts the book back and starts to walk away.

"Look there she is, girl has some anger issues." A girl said. Suddenly books fall off the shelf from behind Harlow, and she knew her magic was kicking in. She starts walking faster, the lamps she was walking by, blow a fuse. More books fall of the book shelf's." But Harlow is way more meaner." But the girls finally said something that made her finally crack.

"Harlow Martin, the great evil." The girl said. Harlow's magic sends a shockwave blasting all the lights out, and some books flying into the girls faces. Harlow's magic redirects back to her. Scott and Sam had just walked into the Library seeing all the lights were out. They see Harlow standing there.

"Harlow are you okay?" Sam asks as her grabs both her hands. She doesn't look at him.

"Harlow, tell us what happen?" Scott asked. Harlow looks at him.

"I hate this." Harlow said. She takes her hands away from Sam and leaves.

"What are we going to do Scott?" Sam asks.

"I don't know, but we're going to help her." Scott said.
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In the gym, Erica had come back and was attempting to try and climb the rock wall again. Erica starts climbing without the gear on, when Erica gets a little higher, she starts breathing hard and start hyperventilating. Harlow was in the bathroom crying, when she heard hard breathing. Scott was in the locker room with Stiles and Sam, when he started getting a bad feeling. Harlow gasps and runs out of the bathroom, and straight into the gym, while running she sees Scott behind her.

"It's Erica!" Harlow yells. They run into the room and see Erica about to fall off the rock wall, Scott and Harlow run and catch Erica before she can hit the ground. They lay her on the floor, with people running into the gym.

"Put her on her side." Allison said. Scott turns Erica." How'd you guys know?"

"I just felt it." Scott said.

" and I heard her breathing hard." Harlow said.
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Harlow was in the bathroom, since she had asked to go. She heard sobbing coming from one of the stalls,
She instantly knew it was her sister.

"Lydia." Harlow called." Open the door."
Lydia opens the door and Harlow instantly hugs her sister, and Lydia hugging back right away. The door shut behinds them. Harlow breaks the hug and wipes her sister tears. The sound of the bathroom door opens and Harlow turns around to see bare feet in front of the stalls.

"Hello!" Lydia called." This is the girls room." The bare foot person walks away. Harlow opens the door and runs out with Lydia behind her, the barefoot person was nowhere to be seen. The sisters walls out and see a figure walking up the stairs. Being the Martin sisters, they instantly follow the figure. They see him stop in front of the trophy's case. Then the figure walks off again. Lydia tries to see the figure, while Harlow walks up to the case to see the name Peter Hale on one of the trophy's. Harlow gets a flashback of when Peter stuck his claws into her, and almost killed her.

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Harlow walks into the cafeteria, to see Stiles having trouble with Boyd, something about Boyd wanting 50 dollars and Stiles giving him 20 dollars. Harlow digs into her bag and grabs a 20 and 10 dollar bill. She walks over and slams it on the table.

"50 bucks, happy, come on stiles." Harlow said. Boyd smiles. Harlow drags Stiles to the table Scott was at.

"Got 'em. Thanks to Harlow, I'll pick you up after work and we'll meet at the rink. Cool?" Stiles said as Scott wasn't paying attention to Stiles. Harlow follows his gaze to see the doors which slowly push open. The entire cafeteria seems to turn their heads almost simultaneously as long, toned legs step through the threshold. Erica walks passes through the crowd, catching every eye with a new found confidence. The flash of a bare midriff sends jaws dropping-guys and girls-as the stunning figure approaches a table. Erica reaches out to grab some guys apple, taking a bite before smirking. Walking up to the table Lydia slammed her hands on the table.

"What. The holy hell. Is that?" Lydia asked.

"It's Erica." Scott said. Erica smirked slightly before she walked out the cafeteria. Scott, Harlow and Stiles shot up and ran after them. The doors clatter open to the parking lot and the three of them rush out of the school just in time to see a very disturbing sight, Erica sliding into the passenger seat of a black Camaro. Behind the wheel, Derek locks eyes with Scott and Harlow. Derek smiled at them.

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Sam, Harlow, Stiles, Lydia, Scott and Allison, all walk into the ice rink. Lydia and Stiles are sitting together putting on their skates. Sam and Harlow were sitting next to each other.

"I thought I'd spend the night at your place, you know since my parents are out of town helping my sister, move." Sam said.

"Aw, I love your sister, why she go so early." Harlow said." Anyway, yeah I'd like that." Sam and Harlow lean in and kiss each other, before breaking apart, and going on the ice.

"They're cute together." Lydia said. Stiles looks to see Sam helping Harlow on the ice.

"Uh, yeah them," Stiles said.

"Cute." Lydia repeated.

"Adorable." Stiles said sarcastically.
Harlow and Sam were skating side by side holding hands.

"Yeah, how come you guys are great skaters." Scott said, making Allison, Sam and Harlow laugh, and Scott falls flat on his face.

"Harlow let's do our trick." Lydia called.

"Yeah." Harlow said. Lydia and Harlow skate together before doing a long spin and flipping through the air back onto the ice. Sam smiles and Stiles mouth drops.
Harlow skates to Sam, and grabs his hand.

"Come on." Harlow said. She and Sam skate away. After skating for awhile, Sam stops.

"I'm gonna get water." Sam said before letting go of Harlow and going to get water. Harlow looks down to see a purple plant, which was recognized as Wolfsbane. Harlow follows the trail, to see a whole plant of Wolfsbane graved into the ice. Harlow kneels down to look at the plant.she wipes the ice to see Peter under the ice, calm with his eyes closed. Suddenly he bolts up and starts screaming. Lydia starts screaming. Harlow eyes glow blue as she starts screaming very louder than Lydia and the lights start sparking above her.

"HARLOW!" Sam yells as he comes behind her and hug her trying to calm her down. Allison and Scott run back in to see Harlow passed out in Sam's arms and Lydia still screaming in Stiles arms.

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Harlow had walked down the hallway, when she was about to turn left, she see Erica had backed Scott up into one of the lockers with her hand on his thigh. Harlow eyes suddenly glow blue, as she heard Erica's laughs.

"Scott I didn't realize a girl who isn't your girlfriend would get jealous." Harlow heard Erica say. Harlow shakes her head and walks away from the sight of the two.
"Scott you should see your eyes, your in love with her." Scott looks at the way Harlow had left.
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Harlow was walking next to Scott and Stiles in the hallway.

"Me and Harlow will got to the ice rink to see if he's there." Scott said." And if he's not a home, you call me." Stiles stops walking.

"What?" Harlow asks.

"Maybe we should let him, it's Boyd you know." Stiles said." You said Derek's giving him a choice, right."

"Stiles we can't." Harlow said.

"You gotta admit, Erica looks pretty good." Stiles said." You the the word sensational comes to mind."

"How good do you think she's gonna look with a Wolfsbane bullet in her head?"Scott asks

"All right all I'm saying is maybe this one isn't totally your guys responsibility." Stiles said.

"They are." Harlow said. "And you know things gonna get out of control, that make us responsible."

"All right I'm with you guys." Stiles said." And I also gotta say this newfound heroism is making me very attracted to you guys."

"Shut up." Scott said.

"No." Harlow said.

"No seriously, do you wanna try making out for a sec, just see how it feels." Stiles said, as he walks away.

"Never in a million years Stiles." Harlow called out.

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"Boyd, we just wanna talk!" Scott said. Him and Harlow walked into the Ice skating rink where Boyd drove around the zamboni. "Hey, come on. Boyd, please. Did Derek tell you everything? And I don't just mean going out of control on the full moons- I mean everything." Boyd turned off the machine.

"He told me about the Hunters." Boyd said and,

"And that's not enough for you to say no?"Harlow said.

"Whatever you want, there's other ways to get it." Scott said.

"I just wanna not each lunch alone every day." Boyd said.

"If you're looking for friends, you can do a lot better than Derek." Scott said.

"That really hurts, Scott." Someone said making them look over to see Derek, Erica and Isaac walking over.

"I mean, if you're going to review me, at least take a consensus. Erica, how's life been for you since we met?" Derek said.

"In a word? Transformative." Erica said before letting out a growl while flashing her canines.

"Isaac?" Derek asked.

"Well, I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive... but, other than that, I'm great." Issac said.

"Okay, hold on. This isn't exactly a fair fight." Scott said.

"Um actually it is." Harlow said.

"Then go home, Scott." Derek said. Scott and Harlow didn't move, Derek nodded slightly making Erica and Isaac start to walk forward. All of the sudden Scott growled and punched the ice below him and Harlow, before looking up, completely transformed.

"I meant, fair for them." Scott said. He lets out a loud roar. Harlow's eyes glow blue and roars, running towards Erica.After a few minutes of fighting, Scott managed to throw Isaac across the ice and Harlow kicked Erica against the zamboni. Isaac growled under his breath before getting up and walking towards Scott as Erica got up. Isaac grabbed Scott my the neck, slamming him against the zamboni before tossing him across the ice some. Scott ran forward, tackling Isaac, slamming him down on the ice a couple times before Erica jumped on Scott's back. Scott backed up, slamming Erica against the zamboni making her fall off him while Isaac ran up. Issac threw a punch but Harlow catches his fist and punches Isaac in the stomach making him groan and bend forward slightly giving Scott the perfect opportunity to slam his hand down in Isaac's back. Erica tackles Harlow to the floor before grabbing her foot and throwing Harlow against the ice rink walls. Harlow gets up and growls. Her eyes blue. She runs and jumps at Erica with her claws out. Isaac sat up slightly but didnt have any time before Scott kicked him in the face making him fall back. as Scott threw Isaac to the ice.

"VENTUS!" Harlow sends a purple gust of wind towards Erica and sending her to the ice.

"Don't you get it? He's not going this for you. He's just adding to his own power, okay?" Scott said.

"It's all about him. He makes you feel like he's giving you some kind of gift, when all he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!" Harlow said before her and Scott slide Erica and Isaac across the ice to Derek feet.

"It's true. It is about power." Derek said before his eyes went bright red as he walked forward and flicked his claws Derek let out a small roar as he full transformed making Scott back up slightly. Suddenly, Derek slammed his head against Scott's before swiping his claws again Scott's abdomen. Derek punched Harlow in the face a few times before punching her in the stomach.
Derek went to grab her but Scott swung his elbow back, hitting Derek in the face making Derek step back a bit. Derek smirked and growled slightly before walking towards Scott again. Scott swung his arm out but Derek blocked him before punching him in the face a few times.
Derek grabbed him before slamming him down on the ice making Scott spit out some blood. Harlow charges at Derek but he grabs her by the neck and brings her up into the air, blocking her breathing.

"Don't forget Derek.....I'm stronger." Harlow chocked out. She tears his hand off her neck and sinks her fangs into his palm making him scream in pain, dropping Harlow on the ice. Harlow gets up. "I'm the Hybrid." Harlow's eyes glow blue before she sends a blast of purple electricity towards Derek making him fall back. Derek gets up and glanced at Boyd before walking over to the others.

"Don't... You don't wanna be like them..." Harlow said.

"You're right..." Boyd said before lifting up his shirt to reveal a large bite mark.
"I wanna be like you." Harlow and Scott stand there in shock.

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Harlow walks into her room to find Sam sitting in her chair. Sam looks up to see her expression.

"What happened?" Sam asks.

"Derek gave Boyd a Alpha bite, he's going to turn into a werewolf." Harlow said. Sam sees how upset she is, so he gets up and walks over to her giving her a hug. He kisses her forehead. Harlow let's go from the hug and smiles at Sam. Suddenly Harlow starts chocking and blood spills from her mouth.

"HARLOW!" Sam yells. He catches her, before she could fall on the floor. Harlow's starts seizing." MRS.MARTIN, LYDIA PLS HELP!" Lydia and Natalie's run in to see Harlow seizing in Sam's arms.

"Harlow, sweetie." Natalie said in a worried voice as she races to her daughter.

"Mom she's seizing." Lydia said." We have to get her to a hospital!"

"Yes of course, Sam grab her coat and head to the car, Lydia go start the car," Natalie said. She helps Sam carry Harlow to the car before the Lydia, Natalie and Sam get into the car before rushing to the hospital.

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Sam runs into the hospital with Harlow in his arms and Natalie and Lydia right behind him.

"Help we need a doctor!" Natalie yells. A doctor and Melissa runs toward them.

"OMG!" Melissa said. The put Harlow on a bed, and rush her into a operating room.
Sam tires to go after her but Melissa stops him." She's gonna be fine, Sam." Lydia silently cries for her sister. Natalie hugs Lydia and feeling the same sadness for her daughter.

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Harlow wakes up but everything is dark, she gets up and looks around to see herself in a very dark forest.

"You will be my creation." A voice said, making Harlow look around in worry." You will help resurrect me, along with your sister." Harlow turns around to see Peter.

"Peter?" Harlow asks." That's not possible your dead."

"This is all in your head, you will help bring me back to life." Peter said. He flicks his claws out and stick them in the back of Harlow's neck. Harlow struggles to get out of his reach, suddenly her eyes turn white, and she fall unconscious.

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In the hospital, Harlow is laying on a bed unconscious, before her eyes open a bright blue.
